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Words To Find:

Skimming and scanning are especially valuable
when there is only one item of information that
you need to find from a particular passage.

Skimming and scanning are very

rapid reading methods in which you
glance at a passage to find specific
information. These reading methods
make it easier for you to grasp
large amounts of material,
especially when you're previewing.
They are also useful when you don't
need to know every word.
1. Skimming is used to quickly gather the
most important information or ‘gist’. It’s
not essential to understand each word
when you are skimming.

Run your eyes over the text, noting important

Use skimming to quickly get up to speed on a
current business
Examples of Skimming:

The Newspaper – to quickly get the

general news of the day
Magazines – to quickly discover
which articles you would like to read
in more detail
Business and Travel Brochures – to
quickly get informed
How to Skim?
Working quickly…

1. Read the title if there is one.

2. Read the introduction or the first paragraph if
there is one.
3. Read the first sentence of every other
4. Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
5. Notice any italicized or boldface words or
6. Read the summary or last paragraph if there is
Skim and scan this paragraph in 30 seconds
When you skim and scan, you need to cover
everything, even titles, subtitles, side features,
and visuals. That bit of information you need
may not be tidily packaged in a paragraph, so
you need to check the entire page--not just the
main body of the text, there are also many
visual clues that help you to find information.
Heads and subheads break up the text and
identify the content of each part. Where key
terms are introduced and defined, they appear
in boldface type. Graphs and charts have titles
and/or captions that tell you what they are
about. These clues will help you to find
information. . . but only if you use them.
In other words, when you are skimming
and scanning…

1. Cover everything
2. Check entire page
3. Notice visual clues
4. Notice graphs, charts,
titles, captions
2. Scanning is a reading technique to be
used when you want to find specific
information quickly. In scanning you have
a question in your mind and you read a
passage only to find the answer, ignoring
unrelated information.
Examples of Scanning:
A google search list on the internet.
A bus / airplane schedule
A conference guide
 A graph
How to scan
1. State the specific information you are
looking for.
2. Try to anticipate how the answer will
appear and what clues you might use to
help you locate the answer. For example, if
you were looking for a certain date, you
would quickly read the paragraph looking
only for numbers.
3. Use headings and any other aids that will
help you identify which sections might
contain the information you are looking for.
4. Selectively read and skip through sections
of the passage.
Scanning Practice
Here is some information you are
looking for on the BC Hydro website.
Read the questions and then on the next
slide , find the answers, as quickly as
1. Who is handling inquiries?
2. What is the after hours media line?
3. What is a good example of BC Hydro
Clean Energy Project?
It’s important to quickly find the
information you need. You don’t
need to understand every word, or
read every word. Your eyes
should quickly scan the document
for the information you seek.
Skimming and scanning is used when reading
all types of documents.
We skim to get the idea of what a document is
about and typically skim all documents before
we actually begin to read.
As we skim, we…
think about the topic
think about what we already know about
the topic
start to guess or anticipate the details we are
going to read about.
We scan for specific information.
We work quickly when we skim and scan.
Other Reading Styles
3. Intensive Reading
is used in shorter texts to get important
details. It involves close reading for
specific information. Understanding
each word is necessary.
Examples: reading an article, book
critique, research work
Other Reading Styles
4. Extensive reading
It is used to gather general knowledge. It
generally uses reading longer texts for
entertainment purposes. This helps a
reader in enhancing fluency and speed in
◦ Examples: reading a short story
◦ reading an online series
A. Skim and scan the infographic below.
Then complete the paragraph that follows.
Write your answers in one whole sheet of
Air pollution is a major environmental risk
to (1.)_________. If not reduced, it can lead to
serious health problems such as stroke, heart
disease, lung cancer and other (2.)_________
problems. According to (3.) ___________,
around 7 million (4.)__________ are due to
exposure from both outdoor and (5.)_________
air pollution. It was estimated that countries
from the Southeast Asia and (6.)_________
Regions are most likely to be affected with
over (7.)__________ million deaths.
B. Using the infographic in Task A, answer the
following questions in your notebook.
1. What is air pollution?
2. What can be reduced if air pollution is
managed and controlled?
3. In the world, how many people die every
year due to air pollution?
4. Which region has the most number of
deaths? How about the lowest?
5. What solution can be proposed to address
the problem?
Be ready for a quiz next

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