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Fast decoupled load flow method

Assumptions :- (c) Under normal steady state operation

the angular differences among the bus
voltages are quite
(a)Under normal steady state small , i.e. δi − δj ≈ 0 (within 5 − 10
operation, the voltage magnitudes degrees).
are all nearly equal to 1.0.

(d)The injected reactive power at any bus

(b) As the transmission lines are is always much less than the reactive
mostly reactive, the conductances power consumed
are quite small as compared to
by the elements connected to this bus
the susceptance (Gij << Bij).
when these elements are shorted to the
ground (Qi << BiiVi^2 ).
Example of FDLF method.
Example of FDLF method.
Example of FDLF method.
Example of FDLF method.
Example of FDLF method.
Gauss Seidel method of load flow analysis
• The gauss-seidel method is an iterative algorithm for solving a set of
non linear load flow equations. The process of computing all the bus
voltages is called one itera-tion . The iterative process is then
repeated till the bus voltage converges with in prescribed accuracy.
• Advantages: Faster, more reliable and results are accurate, require
less number of iterations.
• Disadvantages: Program is more complex.

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