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Presented by –Rushi raiyani(21123018)
A pressure thermometer is a type of temperature
measurement device that relies on changes in pressure
exerted by volume of liquid.
It ranges from 30℃ to 550℃
These instruments are used in industrial processes or
research environments.
◦ Pressure thermometers work based on the ideal gas law.(PV=nRT).
◦ It consist of a temperature-sensitive element, a liquid-filled bulb. As temperature changes, the gas inside
the bulb expands or contracts.
◦ The bulb is attached to a bourdon tube to which these pressure changes are transmitted which deflects the
pointer on the temperature scale.
◦ The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) is used to calculate the temperature, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is
the number of gas molecules, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature.
◦ By knowing the gas type and the volume, the temperature can be accurately determined
Advantages over other types of thermometer

1. Wide Temperature Range(30℃ to 550℃)

2. Robust and Durable
.3. Quick Response
4. High Precision
5.Cheap compare to other devices
6.Easy maintenance

◦ The bulb size may be too large to fit the available size.
◦ Proper calibration of bulb, capillary tube and bouden tube is required.
◦ Maximum temperature is more limited than that of electrical measuring system.
◦ Industrial Processes

◦ HVAC Systems
◦ Medical Equipment

◦ Power Plants

◦ Environmental Monitoring

◦ Laboratory and Scientific Research

◦ Power Plants
Thank you

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