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We all belong to different Everyone is a member of different groups.

groups or communities. Some people belong to sports clubs, others belong to

music clubs or are a member of a charity.

What is a Community?

People who have something in common

are called a community. They might play
the same sport or live in the same place
for example.

What Groups Can We School
Be a Member Of? Community
Anyone that goes to or works in a school is part of the
school community. It is a very special place.

Can you think of all the different members

of the school community?
Music Teacher Parents Teacher
Secretary Care Taker Students
Special needs assistant
Principal Lollipop lady

School Class

Within the school, we have different classes. You are

all a very special member of your class.

There are other classes in your school that

you are not a member of.

You are all a member of a family. Every family is

very special, different and unique.

Some families are big and others are small.

Some have grandparents too.
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We all live in different places. Some people live in

housing estates where there are lots of people living
beside them. Others live in the countryside where
they have fewer neighbours.

You are all part of the In what way can our

community of people
living near you.
neighbours help each
other out?
Sports Club

Sports clubs are great fun to

be a member of. Lots of
people help out in sports
clubs, which means that they
have lots of members.

Which sports clubs are

you a member of?
Tennis Club Hockey Club Basketball Club
Swimming Club Rugby Club GAA Club
Dancing Club Gymnastics Club


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