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Rural Resilience Initiative Project (R4).

(የገጠር አደጋ ተቐቐሚነት ማጠናከሪያ ፕሮጀክት)

Training outline
 Basics of climate change
 What is climate and weather
 Climate change Vs global warming
 What is climate change
 What is climate variability
 Indicators of global warming
 Causes of climate change
 Responses to climate change
 Amhara Region climate information
 Average monthly Temperature and Rainfall near Bahir Dar for 3 historical
time periods (past):
 The Future: Mean projected Temperature and RF for
Bahir Dar (11.49,37.36) from 2040 to 2059.
 Projected Climate Change Impacts
 Sectorial impacts of climate change in Ethiopia
 Group work on three dimension impacts of climate change


 Overview of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)

 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)??
 Three pillars of CSA
 Main objective of CSA
 What is new about CSA?
 Institutions for CSA in Ethiopia
 4 levels of CSA
 Conventional Agricultural intensification Vs CSA

Basics of climate change
 What is climate:

Climate: in the narrow sense is usually defined as the ‘average weather’.

More rigorously, it is a statistical description of the mean and variability
of surface variables such as: temperature, precipitation and wind, over a
long-time period, usually for at least 30 years.
Weather: refers to the behavior of the atmosphere on a day-to-day basis in a
relatively local area.
 the specific condition of the atmosphere at any particular place at any
moment in time.
 It is described in terms of such variables as temperature, cloudiness,
sunshine, fog, frost, precipitation, humidity, atmospheric pressure
and wind. In most places, weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-
to-day, and season-to-season.

What is Climate Change?

 Climate change: is a clear, sustained change (over several decades or longer) in

the components of climate, such as temperature, precipitation, atmospheric
pressure, or winds. Such changes must constitute a clear trend and be clearly
distinguished from the small random variation in these parameters that takes
place all the time.

 Climate change can only be determined after careful analysis of several decades
of observations.

 Climate variability refers to variations in the climate statistics from the long
term statistics over a given period of time.
 is the natural fluctuation within the climate, including swings above and below
the mean state and other parameters.
 It reflects the different weather conditions over a day, month, season or year


 Climate variability refers to variations in the mean state and

other statistics (such as standard deviations, the occurrence of
extremes, etc.) of the climate at all spatial and temporal scales
beyond that of individual weather events. Variability may be
due to natural internal processes within the climate system
(internal variability), or to variations in natural or
anthropogenic external forcing (external variability)

 For example, if we consider rainfall in a given period in a particular region of
the world, the variability can be low, meaning that there is not much difference
in quantity or timing of rains from one year to another. In another region, there
may be high variability, meaning that rainfall quantity swings from far below
average to far above average from year to year, and the timing is


Climate Change vs. Global Warming

The terms ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ are often used
interchangeably, but there is a difference.
Global warming is the gradual increase of the Earth’s average surface

temperature, due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Climate change is a broader term. It refers to long-term changes in climate,

including average temperature, rainfall, etc.

The principal contributor to the present phase of global warming is considered
to be the enhancement of the natural greenhouse effect
*The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat.
This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse
effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live .
Causes of Climate Change
(Sources of CO2)

Responses to Climate Change

Adaptation: is the process of adjusting to current or expected climate

change and its effects..
 altering our behavior, systems, and—in some cases—ways
of life to protect our families, our economies, and the
environment in which we live from the impacts of climate
Mitigation: is avoiding and reducing emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere to prevent the planet from warming to more extreme
Mitigation Adaptation

Amhara Region

Climate Information

Average monthly Temperature and Rainfall near
Bahir Dar for 3 historical time periods:


The Future: Mean projected Temperature for
Bahir Dar (11.49,37.36) from 2040 to 2059.

Source: Climate Change Knowledge Portal World Bank: Ethiopia

The Future: Mean projected Rainfall for
Bahir Dar (11.49,37.36) from 2040 to 2059

Source:Climate Change Knowledge Portal World Bank: Ethiopia
Projected Climate Change Impacts
Impacts from draught Impacts from floods
• Food insecurity • Outbreaks or increased prevalence
• Outbreak in respiratory diseases of diseases such as: malaria,
• Land degradation due to drying dengue fever, water born diseases,
and soil moisture loss (e.g. cholera, and dysentery)
• Loss of life and property • Land degradation due to heavy
• Loss of livestock rainfall
• Loss of livelihoods • Damage to infrastructure
• Loss of life and property

Source: Ethiopia's second National Communication to the UNFCC (2015)

Sectoral impacts of climate change in Ethiopia
Sector Potential impacts
• Shortening of maturity period
Agriculture • Expanding crop diseases
• Crop failure

• Change in livestock feed availability and quality

• Effects of climate change on animal health, growth and
• Impacts on forage crops quality and quantity
Livestock • Change in distribution of diseases
• Changes in decomposition rate
• Change in income and prices
• Contracting pastoral zones in many parts of the country
Forests • Expansion of tropical dry forests
• Loss of indigenous species/expansion of toxic weeds
• Desertification

Sectoral impacts of climate change in Ethiopia
Water • Decrease in river run-off
Resources • Decrease in energy production
• Flood and drought impacts

Health • Expansion of malaria to highland areas

•Threat from expanding endemic diseases and newly emerging
varieties of human, plant, and livestock diseases

Wild life • Shift in species distribution

• Shift in biomes over decades/centuries
• Shifts in genetic makeup of population
• Loss of key wetland stopover and breeding sites for threatened
bird species
• Out-migration of endemic and threatened species

Environment • Reduced productive capacity from degradation of forest,

range, and water resources

Group work Day 1-2

 What are the social, economical and environmental impacts of climate

change in your locality? How sever it is?

Overview of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) : is an approach (agriculture) for transforming
agriculture and meeting the world's food security needs under the new realities of
climate change. CSA aims to secure a triple win of :
Sustainably increased farm productivity & income,
greater resilience to climate change and variability (adaptation) and
Reduced agriculture’s contribution to climate change (- GHG emission & +
carbon storage on fam land).
 Enhances the achievement of national food security &
development goals

 In short, CSA aims to promote the adoption of technically, financially and

environmentally sound production practices, while incorporating resilience to
climate effects and contributing to reduced GHG emissions.


Climate Smart Agriculture (FAO): CSA is “agriculture that sustainably increases

productivity, resilience (adaptation), reduces/removes GHGs [greenhouse gases]
(mitigation), and enhances achievement of national food security and development

Resilience: The ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb,
accommodate, or recover from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and
efficient manner, including through ensuring the preservation, restoration, or
improvement of its essential basic structures and functions.


“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their
dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”
-World Food Summit, 1996

CSA is not a single specific agricultural technology or practice that can be

universally applied. It is an approach that requires site-specific assessments to
identify suitable agricultural production technologies and practices.


Case study of CSA in Ethiopia: the system of Teff intensification (STI) by ATA
 Using young Teff seedlings (20-days old) and transplanting at 20x20 cm
 Organic and inorganic nutrients used
Result from the trial in Mekele & Debrezeit
 farmers obtained average yields of 2.7 t/ha in the 20111/12 season
(higher than the 1.5 t/ha national average for broadcasted teff)
 Now, millions of farmers in Ethiopia are using the system
 Every CSA practice should be evaluated against (its impact) CSA pillars:
Productivity, adaptation and mitigation

e.g. 1) productivity
o Maintains or increases yield. Reduces production costs.
2) Adaptation
o Timing, amount, and placement of inorganic fertilizers can reduce
negative effects of excessive fertilization. Reduces soil salinity and
nutrient leaching

3) Mitigation
oReduces emissions intensity. Precise fertilizer management can reduce nitrogen
fertilizer-related nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions.

Conceptual dimensions of Climate-smart Agriculture (CSA)
Identifying Climate smartness

o Climate-smartness is not a “yes” or “no” matter, but rather a continuum where some
interventions are more climate smart than others.
 For example, an intervention with a strong impact on reducing
emissions might not necessarily generate much income for a
farmer. Moreover, climate-smartness can be achieved by doing
different things and mostly by doing things differently.
o “Climate Smartness” depends largely on the way how agricultural activities are
being implemented rather than what is being produced. It requires ecological and
social resilience factors (i.e. natural, human and social capital) to be developed,
Adger (2000), instead of simply focusing on income generation.
oThe degree of climate smartness of an intervention depends also on the quality
and method by which it is implemented.

 For example, the effect of mulching on farm depends on the amount of crop
residue or other organic material that is used to cover the soil; or the effect of
reduced tillage will depend on the actual number and depth of ploughings.
o The climate smartness of CSA practices is normally measured by their
contribution to the three pillars of CSA using well defined indicators.

o The climate smartness of the different practices under different agricultural

production systems (Potato, wheat--) which are key to food security can be
evaluated using expert judgment i.e. using smartness scores . Assume we
have three different technologies for different agricultural production
systems (may be 8 or more) by averaging the scores given for each practice
under each agricultural production system. The scores are given for each
practice by referring the three CSA pillars.

Food security, adaptation and mitigation synergies
climate-smart Expected Possible impact Possible impact
agricultural practices impact on food on adaptation on mitigation
Crops • Improved land • Better plant • Increased •Farming
management practices such nutrient content, system viability practices that
as reduced or zero tillage. increased water and resilience of restore soil
• Improved agronomic retention crops and health and
practices. capacity and livestock. fertility can
• Soil and water better soil • Reduced increase biomass
conservation measures. structure vulnerability of and carbon
• Integrated nutrient generate tangible farm system sequestration.
management such as on-site • Conservation
efficient fertilizer production tillage minimizes
application based on crop benefits in the soil disturbance
and site, specific nutrient form of higher and related soil
balance analysis, split crop yields. carbon losses.
application, adaptable

climate-smart Expected Possible impact Possible impact
agricultural practices impact on food on adaptation on mitigation
Crops •Proper management of • Better plant • Increased • Integrated
organic soils avoiding deep nutrient content, system viability nutrient
drainage and deep increased water and resilience of management
ploughing, row crops and retention capacity crops and reduces leaching
tubers and maintaining a and better soil livestock. and volatile
shallower water table. structure generate • Reduced losses. Proper
tangible on-site vulnerability of management of
production farm system organic soils
benefits in the reduces N2O and
form of higher CH4 emissions.
crop yields. Reducing post-
harvest food
losses contributes
to lower
emissions per unit
of food consumed

climate-smart Expected Possible impact Possible impact
agricultural practices impact on food on adaptation on mitigation
Livesto • Improved feeding practices • Increased animal • Increased system • GHG emissions
ck such as introducing highly productivity and resilience and in livestock sector
digestible forages. production. • reduced can be reduced
• Improved genetics and Increased nutrient vulnerability. substantially
reproduction, and animal cycling and plant through
health control as well as productivity. improvement of
general improvements in • Improved fodder feed quality,
animal husbandry. production animal health and
• Improved manure husbandry, more
management. efficient energy
• More efficient crop and use and manure
grazing land management such management. •
as rotational grazing. Reducing post-
harvest food losses
reduces emissions
per unit of food

climate-smart Expected Possible impact Possible impact
agricultural practices impact on food on adaptation on mitigation
Agrofor • Use of trees and shrubs in • Increased farm • Reduced erosion, • Stores carbon in
estry agricultural farming systems: incomes and increased soil above and below the
improved fallows, growing diversified stabilization and ground biomass and
multipurpose trees and shrubs, production with H2O infiltration progressively
boundary planting, farm food security rates, land increases organic
woodlots, plantation/crop benefits. degradation halts, matter and carbon
combinations, shelterbelts, reduced stocks in the soil. •
windbreaks, conservation vulnerability to Agroforestry
hedges, fodder banks, live shocks, increased systems tend to
fences, trees on pasture and tree resilience sequester much
apiculture. greater quantities of
carbon than
agricultural systems
without trees. •
measures increase C
storage and also
reduce soil C losses
stemming from

What’s new about
Harmonization and Objective of CSA is a new
Synchronization of avoiding approach to guide
practices and contradictory and the needed changes
policies conflicting policies of agricultural
by internally systems to address
managing trade-offs food security and
and synergies climate change

Not a new agricultural system or a set of practices

How to address the multiple demands placed on agriculture?

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)

Between food Synergies
Security, adaptation Adaptation
and climate change

Main Objective:
Pathway towards
Productivity &
enhanced food
income increase
security and
development goals

Institutions for CSA in Ethiopia

Various levels of CSA

Farm level



Regional, National global


A. Farm level

Comparing current agricultural practices and climate-smart

Current agricultural practices Climate-smart agriculture

Land Expand agricultural area through Intensify use of existing areas rather
deforestation and converting grasslands than expanding to new areas.
to cropland
Expand the area cultivated by restoring
degraded land rather than deforesting
new areas.
Natural Make the most use out of natural Restore, conserve and use natural
resources resources - the land, water, forests, and resources sustainably.
soils used in production - without
paying much attention to their
sustainability over the long term.
Varieties Rely on a few crops and/or few high Use a mix of traditional and modern,
and yielding varieties and breeds. locally adapted varieties and breeds to
breeds maintain output, increase yields and
ensure their stability in the face of
climate change.
Current agricultural practices Climate-smart agriculture
Inputs Increase use of fertilizer, pesticides Improve efficiency of agrochemical use.
and herbicides. Control pests and weeds using
integrated management approaches.

Apply compost, manure and green


Rotate crops with legumes to fix

nitrogen and reduce use of artificial

Energy use Use farm machinery that usually relies Use energy-efficient methods, such as
on fossil fuels – such as tractors and solar power and biofuels
diesel pumps.
Production Specialize production and marketing Diversify production and marketing to
and to achieve greater efficiency add stability and reduce risk.

Crop Management: Conservation Agriculture and Soil-Water Conservation

CA-“Approach to managing agro-ecosystems for improved and sustained productivity,
increased profits and food security while preserving and enhancing the resource base
and the environment”
3 main principles of Conservation Agri:
a) Minimal soil disturbance
b) Permanent soil cover &
c) Crop rotations/associations

Conservation Tillage practices example in Ethiopia (south Achefer, Amhara region )


Crop Management----------
• Diversify crop types and varieties, including crop substitution,

• Develop new crop varieties, including hybrids, to increase the tolerance,

resistance and suitability (research)

• Promote seed banks so as to help farmers diversify crops and crop varieties

• Increase livelihood diversification, including off-farm income sources


CSA can also involve changing a production system entirely:

Livestock system
Maize System
Integrated Crop &
Livestock system

B. Landscape Approach

Objective: Need to achieve food security and climate change mitigation and adaptation
goals without compromising environment
• integrated multidisciplinary process where trade-offs and
synergies are carefully assessed and appropriate
landscape-scale management interventions are identified
and implemented.
• Recognizes that the root causes of problems may not be
site-specific and that a development agenda requires multi-
stakeholder interventions to negotiate and implement
• Combines natural resources management with
environmental and livelihood considerations
• Places human well-being and needs at the center of the
land use decision-making process, respects rights and
cultural values

Continued --------

Example: Ecosystem services of peat lands of the Ruoergai Plateau


• Herders fenced parts of the winter pastures near their winter houses
Farm level to create hay meadows to supply supplementary fodder to animals
and decrease grazing pressures on the peat lands in spring.

Community and
local level

• The approval of Wetland Conservation Regulations to promote the

Regional level conservation of biodiversity and enhance the livelihood of local

The national level

FAO, CSA Sourcebook, Module 2, p 68,

Market Approach

CSA can also be a market approach:

Such as introducing sustainable value chains to help

farmers in a competitive sector.

Policy level

Example: Disaster Risk Management

Develop early warning systems

Invest in infrastructure to protect against asset loss
Protect equipped areas from flood damage and maintain drainage outlets

Key Messages

 Climate-smart agriculture is not a new agricultural system,

nor a set of practices.

 It is a new approach, a way to guide the needed changes of agricultural systems,

given the necessity to jointly address food security and climate change.

 CSA brings together practices, policies and institutions that are not necessarily new

but are used in the context of climatic changes.

 Addresses multiple challenges faced by agriculture and food systems

simultaneously and holistically, which helps avoid counterproductive policies,

legislation or financing

Thanks for your attention !


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