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Principal of Marketing

1. Social media co ordinator
2. Marketing executive
3. Marketing Coordinator
4. Marketing Assistant
5. Marketing Analyst
6. Content Marketor
7. Digital strategist
8. Director Of marketing
9. Product marketing manager
Social media co-ordinator
1.Social media coordinators help boost the social media presence of
an organization.
2.They create and execute digital marketing strategies to inform,
advertise, and attract public interest.
. 3.They handle the organization’s social media accounts, where they
monitor comments and interact with the social media community.
Marketing executive

Marketing executives drive profit and promote products and services

through coordinated marketing campaigns
. Which includes: planning. Advertising.
Marketing coordinator

A marketing coordinator works with management teams to improve marketing efforts by creating and
managing advertising campaigns
. A marketing coordinator develops, coordinates, and executes marketing campaigns.
Marketing assistant

Marketing assistants support the work of marketing managers

and executives on projects directed at maximising company profits by
developing sales strategies and marketing campaigns.
Content marketor

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to

attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing
relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media
This approach establishes expertise, promotes brand
awareness, and keeps your business top of mind when it’s time
to buy what you sell.

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