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Leadership And

Presented by: Group 8
Leadership And
Communication In
Project Management

In Project Management, a leader is part of an integrated

team with the shared responsibility of the team and
stakeholders to deliver a project on time and within budget.
Project leaders rely on data, and use tools like dashboards,
Gantt charts, and time-tracking software to achieve project
Leadership And Communication In Project Management

Leadership is often misunderstood in general and in

particular in project management, yet it’s one of the
most important positions on the project team. If you’re
looking to run a more effective project, then you need to
define leadership in project management.

Project leadership, most simply, is the act of leading a

team towards the successful completion of a project.
What Makes a Good Project Leader?
1. They are grounded and centered
2. They are aware and mindful
3. They create solutions
4. They are analytical
5. They can evaluate risk
6. They can generate a sense of urgency
7. They are insightful
8. They build cohesion
9. They motivate people
10. They achieve results
6 Ideas to Strengthen as a Project Leader
1. Mind the Gap
2. Reframe Your Challenge: It’s Not the Project, It’s the Team
3. Let the Team Define Your Role
4. Teach Your Team How to Talk.
5. Teach Your Teams How to Decide
6. Everyone Communicates, Leaders Connect
What is communication in project management?
Communication in project management refers to the sharing of ideas
and opinions between professionals who are working on similar or
related tasks.

Why is communication in project management important?

Because project teams often comprise of professionals with a diverse
range of backgrounds and skills, communication is crucial in order to
keep each professional informed and on-task.
Types of Communication

Professionals separate most forms of communication

into three categories: verbal, nonverbal, and written
communication. Though each of these types is
essential, many professionals rely on verbal and
written communication the most. Here is a list of
specific types of communication that professionals use
in project management:
Types of Communication

• Meetings are an effective method of communication when you
have an update on a project that may need a nuanced explanation
or if you anticipate many questions about it.

• Use as a method for both formal and informal communication.
When managing a project, try to check your email often to ensure
you read any project-related emails your team members send you.
Types of Communication
Phone calls
• Phone calls are a great method of communication when you
need a quick answer or the message you are communicating is

Discussion boards
• Discussion boards allow professionals to ask general questions
and connect with their team members. Can be used as an
informational and team bonding tool, as it may help improve
your team's collaboration skills and increase the quality of their
Types of Communication
• Professionals send out surveys to gain a general consensus
regarding a particular issue. Surveys are a great tool for
anonymous communication as well. This means you can ask for
your team members' opinions without them feeling nervous
about your response.
• Presentations are a helpful form of verbal communication that
professionals use when they are educating their coworkers on a
topic or sharing news.
Types of Communication
• Memos are short, informational messages that
update professionals on issues related to the

Project plans
• Project plans are documents that map out the
process of a project.
How to Effectively Communicate in Project
1. Plan for the project
2. Establish a communication method
3. Share project goals
4. Listen to your team
5. Keep everyone updated
6. Monitor employee performance
Effective leadership and communication are
indispensable for success in the maintenance
and business world. Leaders who excel in
communication can inspire, motivate, and
guide their teams toward achieving
organizational goals.
Effective Communication
The lifeblood of successful Project Management is effective
communication. It is the key that enables effective decision-
making among project teams and stakeholders, promotes clarity,
and ensures collaboration. Without clear communication,
projects may lose their intended direction, misunderstandings
may occur, and objectives may diverge. Therefore, for project
managers looking to lead their projects to success, knowing and
putting into practice effective communication tactics is crucial.
Three Basic Communication Methods
1. Interactive Communication
Sharing sensitive and significant information is best
accomplished through interactive communication methods
such as Personal Encounters, Phone Calls, And Video
2. Push Communication
Push communication refers to the dissemination of information
without anticipating a prompt reply. This approach often makes
use of emails, newsletters, and project summaries to
communicate information that isn’t urgent or time-sensitive. It
is frequently used to deliver updates, highlight the advantages
of projects, or alert about developments.
3. Pull Communication
People can use websites, knowledge bases, and management
tools to get information at their convenience thanks to pull
communication. It works well when customers or other
stakeholders demand independent access to project data. You
may ensure thorough and effective communication among
your project team, managers, and stakeholders by using
interactive communication for immediacy, push
communication for large amounts of information, and pull
communication for accessibility.
Project managers not only need to have skills to lead a project
through its life cycle but also require the ability to motivate the
team which may impact the result of the project. A theme that is
central to most project management literature is the importance
of communication. Effective communication can be useful in
order to eliminate unproductive efforts by motivating those
involved and creating synergy in team activities.
6 Communication Strategies In
Project Management
1. Meet often
Project Plans are put in place, tasks are assigned, and the
project flows perfectly to completion.

2. Use available tools

There’s project management software, but there are also
other online collaboration tools to help communication
efforts. These tools can facilitate conversation, especially for
remote and mobile teams, as they provide a central hub for
6 Communication Strategies
In Project Management
3. Show appreciation
Even when there’s a lot on your plate, it’s nice to tell your
team when they’re doing a good job. As a project manager,
take the time to recognize key contributions, ideas, and
other ways various team members have strengthened the
4. Keep it interactive
Chances are your Project Management Team is composed
of different employees at various levels or even across
different departments. Allow team members to speak freely
with one another, and encourage everyone to speak up.
6 Communication Strategies In Project
5. Spend time training
It’s easy to overlook training, especially in something that
seems obvious like communication. However, getting
your team familiar with the idea of different
communication styles can help everyone work together

6. Stay focused on objectives

Project management objectives should be laid out from
Leadership styles
and techniques
What is a leadership style?

A leadership style refers to a leader’s methods and behaviors

when directing, motivating, and managing others. A person’s
leadership style also determines how they strategize and
implement plans while accounting for the expectations of
stakeholders and the well-being of the team.
Why It’s Important to Know Your
Leadership Style
Knowing your leadership style helps you provide adequate
guidance and feedback to employees, and better understand your
thoughts, how you make decisions and strategies you can
consider implementing when making business decisions. It can
also help you understand how your direct reports see you and
why they may give you specific feedback.
11 Types of Leadership Styles

1. Democratic Leadership 7. Coaching Leadership

2. Autocratic Leadership 8. Bureaucratic Leadership
3. Laissez-Faire Leadership 9. Visionary Leadership
4. Strategic Leadership 10.Pacesetting Leadership
5. Transformational 11.Situational Leadership
6. Transactional Leadership
Types of Leadership Styles

1. Democratic Leadership - Also called Participative

or Facilitative Leadership. Democratic leadership is
exactly what it sounds like — the leader makes
decisions based on each team member‘s input.
Although a leader makes the final call, each employee
has an equal say in a project’s direction.
Types of Leadership Styles

2. Autocratic Leadership – Also called Authoritarian,

Coercive, or Commanding Leadership. Autocratic
leadership is the inverse of democratic leadership. In
this leadership style, the leader makes decisions without
taking input from anyone who reports to them.
Types of Leadership Styles

3. Laissez-faire leadership - Also called Delegative

or Hands-off Leadership. The laissez-faire leadership
is the least intrusive form of leadership. The French
term “laissez-faire” literally translates to “let them
do.” Leaders who embrace it give nearly all authority
to their employees and don’t often interject unless the
situation calls for it.
Types of Leadership Styles

4. Strategic Leadership - Strategic leaders sit between a

company’s primary operations and its growth opportunities. This
form of leadership requires vision, competitive awareness, and
adaptability. These leaders accept the burden of executive
interests but also ensure that working conditions are stable for
everyone else. Strategic leaders aim to guide their organization
toward its long-term goals. By utilizing this leadership style, you
can create a forward-thinking, agile, and adaptable organization
that can thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.
Types of Leadership Styles

5. Transformational Leadership - Transformational leaders

gain the trust and confidence of their teams, encourage team
members, and lead employees toward meeting company
goals. Transformational leadership also always improves
upon the company’s conventions and motivates employees to
grow and further develop their skills. Ultimately, the goal of a
transformational leader is to create a lasting positive impact,
uplift their team to achieve their full potential and drive
success for the organization.
Types of Leadership Styles

6. Transactional Leadership - Transactional leadership is

based on reward and punishment to motivate and direct the
behavior. These managers set specific rules and standards,
and they closely monitor their employees’ performance.
They tell employees they can expect rewards if a goal is
met. However, they may require more 1:1s or check-ins if
people aren’t meeting goals.
Types of Leadership Styles

7. Coaching Leadership - Also called Conscious

Leadership. A coaching leader focuses on identifying and
nurturing the individual strengths of each member of the
team and developing strategies that will enable teams to
work better together. This style is similar to strategic and
democratic leadership, but it emphasizes individual
employees’ success. Culture and add to a business’s long-
term vision as valuable mentors, often even after leaving a
Types of Leadership Styles

8. Bureaucratic Leadership - Bureaucratic

leaders follow the rules. Unlike autocratic leadership,
they might listen and consider the input of
employees, but they might reject input that doesn’t
align with company policy or past practices.
Types of Leadership Styles

9. Visionary Leadership- Also called Affiliative Leadership.

Visionary leadership focuses on future and long-term goals.
They aim to inspire and guide their team towards the
achievement of a shared vision. This type of leader encourages
collaboration, emotional intelligence, and teamwork. They also
foster a culture of innovation and change, encouraging
individuals to embrace new ideas and approaches.
Types of Leadership Styles

10. Pacesetting Leadership- A pacesetting leader

sets ambitious standards and expects employees to
meet those goals in the exact manner they’ve laid
out. These leaders expect productivity and high-
quality outputs from employees, and they may step
in to ensure things are done correctly and on time.
Types of Leadership Styles

11. Situational Leadership- Situational leaders change their

management style to meet the needs of the situation or team.
It suggests that effective leaders must adapt their leadership
style to match the readiness and development levels of their
team members. This leadership style involves analyzing
specific situations, assessing the competence and
commitment of individuals, and adjusting the leadership
approach accordingly. It is proactive and recognizes that
change is the only constant.
Best Leadership Techniques to Use

1. Understand Your Objectives 7. Communicate Effectively

Clearly 8. Be Authentic
2. Get to Know Your Team 9. Stand Behind the Company
3. Always Be Learning Vision
4. Listen 10.Lead By Example
5. Learn To Delegate
6. Encourage Collaboration
Best Leadership Techniques to Use
1. Understand Your Objectives Clearly
Ensure a thorough understanding of your objectives, as well as
those of your organization, to effectively guide a team. Clearly
define your overarching goals to develop comprehensive plans
and effectively communicate them to your team members.
2. Get to Know Your Team
The most effective leaders possess a deep understanding of
their team and its individual members. It is crucial to invest
time in building personal connections with each team member,
as this will enhance communication and foster an environment
where everyone can thrive and deliver exceptional results..
3. Always Be Learning
Continuously striving for personal growth and
development is crucial for any effective leader. By
consistently seeking ways to enhance your skillset, you
not only broaden your horizons but also create more
avenues for success. This proactive approach enables
you to stay ahead of the curve and effectively guide your
team towards achieving their goals.
4. Listen
Effective leaders possess the skill of active listening and
comprehending the underlying message. Valuing the
opinions of your team and implementing their suggestions
can significantly influence the results. Seeking guidance
from your team can lead to favorable outcomes. As they
are the ones at the forefront, they may possess valuable
insights and propose solutions that benefit all parties
5. Learn to Delegate
A competent leader delegates tasks efficiently by
enlisting assistance and outsourcing assignments
in a timely manner. After outsourcing, the leader
allows the team to proceed with their tasks
without micromanaging or taking over the
project. Instead, the leader provides constructive
feedback, assistance, and support to ensure
optimal outcomes from the team.
6. Encourage Collaboration
Good leaders promote team collaboration by
encouraging open communication, fostering
strong interaction, and providing support. It is
important to avoid solely seeking personal credit
for success and instead encourage team members
to take ownership of various projects. This
approach cultivates an environment where
effective collaboration thrives.
7. Communicate Effectively
It is crucial to communicate effectively by being direct
and candid with your team. Avoid talking down or
complaining about others. Maintain politeness and
professionalism in your speech, online communication,
and body language. Whenever possible, provide reasons
for your requests or demonstrate the decision-making
process. Demonstrating basic kindness and respect will
greatly contribute to earning others' respect.
8. Be Authentic
Good leaders are able to be genuine with others. Being
authentic with your team will help them to connect with
you better and will enable you to interact with them
better. By being open with your team, you’ll be able to
create an atmosphere of support, encouraging them to
participate, share, ask questions, and contribute their
best. Look to help them when they need help, provide
them support to get their tasks done, and give them
timely responses.
9. Stand Behind the Company Vision
Leaders who support the company vision can inspire and
motivate their team. By reinforcing the company vision,
team members can understand their role and the
significance of their work. It is important to regularly
remind the team of the company's history, past
accomplishments, and future goals to maintain their
10. Lead By Example
It is essential to not only provide guidelines for others to follow but also
hold oneself accountable. When leaders fail to adhere to their own
standards, their team members may feel justified in doing the same. To
maintain respect, leaders must lead by example and hold themselves to a
higher standard than their team. Effective leaders strike a balance
between corporate and individual needs, ensuring that each team
member is motivated to achieve company objectives. They inspire others
to perform at their best and diligently work towards aligning everyone
with the same goals. While leadership skills may take time to develop,
consistent effort will lead to improvement. Ultimately, leaders must
prioritize the team's success over their own and keep them at the
forefront of their actions. By doing so, everything will gradually fall into
Managing conflicts and
What is Conflict?

Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals

arising out of a difference in thought processes,
attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements,
and even sometimes perceptions.
Types of Conflicts in Project Management

1. Conflicts Due to Unclear Task Expectations

In the absence of a clear roadmap, task management takes
a haphazard path. Some team members work in a certain
direction, while others proceed in a totally opposite
direction. This leads to conflicts within the team, with the
team manager and affects the overall task progress.
Types of Conflicts in Project Management

2. Personality Conflicts
A project team can have members with diverse personalities.
You have slow learners and innovators. Some might be
introverts while others are extroverts. There could be people
from different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds and many
more. Everyone has different beliefs, attitudes, and modes of
interaction. These differences can at some point in time lead to
misunderstandings, and misconceptions, and escalate into
Types of Conflicts in Project

3. Conflicts Over Budget

Every project comes with definite requirements like manpower,
tools, software, etc. These require a clear-cut budgetary
allocation throughout the project execution phase. But many
organizations resort to cost-cutting thereby hampering the
project flow.
Types of Conflicts in Project Management

4. Conflict Arising Out of Project Scope Creep

A situation in project management where requirements crop up
at the last minute. You might have already planned the project
and the project may be flowing smoothly. But when more
features get added, the budget shoots up and responsibilities
increase, it creates disorder in the team.
What is Negotiation?

Negotiation is an any form of direct or indirect

communication whereby parties who have opposing interests
discuss the form of any joint action which they might take to
manage and ultimately resolve the dispute between them.
2 Main Classification of Negotiation
1. Competitive Negotiation
 A competitive negotiation is a type of negotiation that is like a winner-
takes-all battle royal.
 This is a dangerous type of negotiation as bridges can be burned and
feelings hurt.
2. Collaborative Negotiation
 A collaborative negotiation is the opposite of a competitive negotiation.
 Also known as win-win negotiation. Most managers look to use
collaborative negotiation, as it will build long-term alliances and decrease
the chance of conflict later.
1. Withdraw/Avoid
Retreating from an actual or potential conflict situation; postponing
the issue to be better prepared or to be resolved by others
2. Smooth/accommodate
Emphasizing areas of agreement rather than areas of difference;
conceding one’s position to the needs of others to maintain a
harmonious relationship.
3. Compromise/Reconcile
Searching for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to all
parties to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict. This approach
occasionally results in a lose-lose situation.
4. Force/Direct
Pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; offering only win-
lose situations; usually enforced through a power position to resolve
an emergency. This approach often results in a win-lose situation.
5. Collaborate/ Problem solve
Incorporating multiple viewpoints and insights from differing
perspectives; requires a cooperative attitude and an open dialogue
that typically leads to consensus and commitment. This approach
can result in a win-win situation.
Leadership and communication in Project Management
The Importance of Communication in Project Management. (2022, December 6). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
Leadership in Project Management. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from

Effective communication strategies

Effective Communication Strategies in Project Management. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
The Top Communication Strategies for Project Management Success. (2020, April 2). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
Leadership styles and techniques
Effective Leadership Techniques. (2022, December 22). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from

Managing conflicts and negotiation

Understanding Conflict - Meaning and Phases of Conflict. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
Negotiation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
Conflict Resolution in Project Management: Complete Guide. (2023, July 30). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from
Conflicts and Negotiation Handling in Project Management. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2023, from

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