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Project Name:Illumination of notice board by clapping of hands with LED lamp.

An electronic device that can control light appliances by users clap action is a clap switch. It was invented by R Carlile,
Stevens, and E Dale Reamer on 20th February 1996person. The condenser mic is one of the main components in the circ
that tracks the input clap sound based on the pitch of clap and transduces this und sound e into some electric pulses.
A clap switch is an electronic circuit, which controls electrical appliances like a bulb, tube lights, etc with user clapping ac
It is mainly useful for a person who cannot move his legs. The clap switch circuit can be designed in two ways using 555
and without using a 555IC.lap switch circuit. This article gives an overview of the clap switch.
Components Used:
1.Resistors – 1Ω (R1), 10Ω (R2), 1 mΩ (R3), 10 (R4): A resistor is an electronic component which opposes the flow of current
or prevents excess leakage of current in the circuit when required.
2.Relay -r1: 6 v. A relay is a switching device, which is used to switch the circuit on when required and turn off whenever
required. 3.Capacitors –1 micro ferried: A capacitor is a passive component that stores a small amount of charge.
4.Microphone – M1: A microphone is similar to an amplifier.
5.Diode 1N4004 -d1: A diode is an electronic component that acts similarly to a regulator or a switch.
6.Light Emitting Diode – d2: An LED is used to radiate light when it is power supplied
7.CD 4017 IC – IC2.
8.transistors – 2 BC547 .
9.Transformer- Primary, Secondary.
The entire function of the clap switch is based on CD 4017 IC.

It is a COMS divider or a counter IC. On receiving an external clock signal it turns ON (say all together 10 lights) all the lights in a sequential manner. It
consists of input pins 3 in number and output pins 10 in number and a GND – ground pin as shown below
 A clap switch is used to switch ON/OFF different electrical appliances like the following.
 Fan
 Light
 TV
 Motor
 AC
 This system is very useful for mobility-impaired persons and elders.
LAMP & other appliances. So there are many chances to adjust this circuit.

 The main benefit of clap switch is, we can control any electric load like light, a fan from any place in the room by
clapping our hands.
 Energy-Efficient System
 Less Cost
 Circuit is Reliable
 High Accuracy

The main drawback is that it is usually awkward to have to clap one’s hands to control the load
It normally looks simple in most cases to utilize a normal light switch.
Unnecessary disturbances may occur while operating in buildings.

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