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Table of content

• Electric charge
• Types of charges
• Is electric charge
• Measuring a electric
• Coulomb’s law
• Methods of charging
Electric Charge Definition
Electric charge can be defined as a
fundamental property of subatomic
particles that gives rise to the phenomenon
of experiencing force in the presence of
electric and magnetic fields. These fields
exert influence on charged particles,
resulting in observable effects.

Types of Electric Charge

Electric charge comes in two main
types: positive and negative charges.
Positive charges are associated with
protons, which are subatomic particles
residing in the nucleus of an atom. They
are represented by the symbol “+”. On the
other hand, negative charges are linked to
electrons, which orbit the atomic nucleus
and are denoted by the symbol “-“.
Is Electric Charge a Vector Quantity?
No, electric charge is not a vector quantity; it is a scalar
quantity. While vectors have both magnitude and direction
and obey vector addition laws like the triangle law and
parallelogram law, electric charge does not exhibit these
properties. When currents meet at a junction, the resulting
current is determined by the algebraic sum of the individual
currents rather than their vector sum. Thus, electric charge is
considered a scalar quantity, despite having magnitude and

Measuring Electric Charge

Coloumb is the unit of electric charge.
“One coulomb is the quantity of charge transferred in
one second.”
Mathematically, the definition of a coloumb is represented as:
Q = I.t
In the equation, Q is the electric charge, I is the electric
current and t is the time.

Properties of Electric Charge

Electric charge possesses several important properties
that help us understand its behaviour. Let’s explore
these properties:
Additivity of Electric Charge
When charges combine, their magnitudes add up
algebraically. For example, if we have a positive charge
of +3 units and a negative charge of -2 units, the
resulting charge would be +1 unit.
Coulomb’s Law
We know that like charges repel each other, while
unlike charges attract. However, have you ever
wondered about the strength of these forces acting
between charges? Coulomb’s Law offers us a
method to calculate this force precisely.
According to Coulomb’s Law, the magnitude of
the electrostatic force between two point
charges is directly proportional to the product
of their magnitudes and inversely proportional
to the square of the distance separating them.
The Coulomb’s Law is given by the expression:

where Fe is the electric force, q1 and q2 are

electric charges, k is the Coulomb’s constant
8.988×109 N⋅m2/C2 and r is the distance of
separation.By applying Coulomb’s Law, we can
quantitatively determine the strength of the
electric force between charges and gain valuable
insights into their interactions. This fundamental
principle holds great significance in the field of
electromagnetism and enables us to analyse
various electrical phenomena.
Through the application of Coulomb’s Law,
scientists and researchers have been able to
uncover the intricate workings of electric forces
and comprehend their profound impact on the
world around us.
Methods of Charging
The process of supplying electric charge to an object
or causing it to lose electric charge is referred to as
charging. There are three distinct methods by which an
initially uncharged object can acquire charge:
•Charging by friction ( triboelectric charging)
•Charging by conduction
•Charging by induction
Charging by Friction
When two objects are rubbed against each other, a
transfer of charge occurs. In this process, one of the
objects loses electrons while the other gains electrons.
The object losing electrons becomes positively
charged, while the object gaining electrons becomes
negatively charged. This phenomenon, where both
objects become charged due to friction, is commonly
known as electrification by friction

Charging by Conduction
Charging by conduction involves bringing an
uncharged object in close proximity to a charged
object. If the charged object has an unequal
number of protons and electrons, the uncharged
object will discharge electrons to achieve
stability. This transfer of charge through contact
is known as charging by conduction.
Charging by Induction
Charging by induction refers to the process of charging an
uncharged object by merely bringing it close to a charged
object, without any direct physical contact. Through
induction, the charged object induces a redistribution of
charges in the uncharged object, resulting in the acquisition
of charge.
By understanding these different methods of charging, we
can explore the fascinating ways in which objects become
charged through friction, contact, or proximity. The study of
charging provides valuable insights into the behaviour and
interaction of electric charges in various scenarios.

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