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Part 01

Cause of migration
Some people move in search of work or economic opportunity, to join
family, or to study. Others move to escape conflict, persecution or
large-scale human rights violations. Still others move in response to
the adverse effects of climate change, natural disasters or other
environmental factors.
Part 02

Access to wide range of

culture experience
Immigrants to a new country can be exposed to different
customs, languages, music, art, architecture and so on. These
cultural experiences can help you better understand the
culture and traditions of the country, broaden your horizons.

Access to better
educational resource
Immigrants have access to better educational resources,
which can help improve their social status and
competitiveness. In the workplace, having a better
educational background will give people more advantages
and make it easier to get a better position and salary.
Part 02

Immigrants have access to better

educational resources, which can
help improve their social status
and competitiveness. In the
workplace, having a better
educational background will give
people more advantages and make
it easier to get a better position
and salary.
Part 03

01 02 03

Cultural conflict Economic pressure Identity crisis

Different countries have different values, Migrants need to adapt to a new work Immigrants may feel confused and not know

customs and social norms, which makes it environment and job market, and may need to which country or culture they belong to. They

difficult for immigrants to adapt to their new reskill or accept low-paying jobs. are often faced with conflicts and choices

environment. They may face language barriers, between two cultures.

changing eating habits, differences in religious

beliefs, and more.

Part 04

01 02 03

Family ties Hard to get a job visa High living cost

Part 05

Australia is a country of immigrants. Since the 1950s,

Australia has applied the point-number system to recruit
high-quality immigrants from all over the world, attracting a
large number of high-quality talents and high-value talents.
In recent years, the Australian government has effectively
locked in a stricter immigration policy. They further control
the quality of the immigrant population by limiting the
number of immigrants and strengthening background checks
for legal immigrants.

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