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Applied Geology Research Group

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology
Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
Transportasi massa vs transportasi panas

 Transportasi panas: mirip transportasi massa

 Transportasi massa: tidak menembus butir;
 Transportasi panas: menembus butir
 bulk properties: rata-rata butir + fluida
Jenis-jenis transportasi panas
 Konduksi
 Konveksi
 Radiasi
• Konduksi
• Konveksi
• Radiasi

  dT
qh    T qhx  x

qh = conductive heat flow (J s-1m-2)

 = konduktivitas thermal (W m-1 oK-1)
H e   K e grad T
Volume kubus elementer
 dH   dH   dH   dH 
 dt       
total  dt  cond  dt  conv  dt  internal

1 = 2 + 3 +4
(1) Total

 dH  d  bVCbT 
 dt  
total dt
(2) Konduksi
heat in heat out
 dH 
 dt   -
  cond unit time unit time

 dH   d (qhx Ax ) 
 dt   qhx Ax  qhx Ax  x 
cond  dx 
 dH   d (qhx Ax )
 dt   x
cond dx

 dH   d (qhx )
 dt   V
cond dx
 dT 
 d  x
 dH   dx 
 dt   V
cond dx

 dT 
d  x
 dH   dx 
 dt   V
cond dx
(3) Konveksi
heat in heat out
 dH 
 dt   -
conv unit time unit time

heat in mass in heat energy

= x
unit time unit time unit time

heat in
= ( q x Ax  )(CT )
unit time

qx = Darcy velocity (m s-1)

C = Heat capacity (J kg-1 oK-1)
 dH   d (q x Ax CT ) 
 dt   q x Ax CT  q x Ax CT  x 
conv  dx 

 dH   d (q x Ax CT )
 dt   x
conv dx

 dH   d (q x CT )
 dt   V
conv dx
(4) Internal

 dH 
 dt   AV
int ernal

A = Head generation rate (J m-3 s-1)

Governing equation: konduksi + konveksi

 dT 
d  x
d  bVCbT   dx   d (q x CT )
 V V  AV
dt dx dx

 dT 
d  x
d  bCbT   dx 
 d (q x CT )
  A
dt dx dx
dT d T dT
 b Cb  x 2  q x C A
dt dx dx
dT d T dT
 b Cb  x 2  q x C A
dt dx dx

b = densitas bulk
Cb = specific heat capacity bulk
T = temperatur
t = waktu
x = konduktivitas thermal bulk
qx = kecepatan Darcy
 = densitas fluida
C = specific heat capacity fluid
A = internal heat generation rate
Konduktivitas thermal
Material Konduktivitas thermal
(cal/m sec oc)
Kuarsa 2
Batupasir 0.9
Batugamping 0.5
Dolomit 0.4 – 1
Lempung 0.2 – 0.3
Air 0.11
Udara 0.006
Konduktivitas thermal

 1 (1  n) 
 x  s  n   
 ( f  s ) 3s 
 Forced Convection
Flow field is caused by external forces.

 Free Convection
Flow field is caused by density variations,
caused by temperature and/or concentration
Domenico dan Schwartz (1990)
Rayleigh Number
For porous medium situated between 2
impermeable, isothermal boundaries

T g  Cky 
2 2
Ra 
Free Convection

 Terjadi akibat perbedaan densitas fluida

 Dengan asumsi salinitas konstan dan fluida
incompressible, konveksi terjadi ketika
Rayleigh number melewati nilai kritis
 Rayleigh number adalah rasio tidak
berdimensi yang menentukan onset dari free
 Fluid with variable density does not fulfill the
requirements for potential to exist.
 Vector fields are given by vector functions
which can be obtained as gradients of scalar
Such a scalar function is called a potential
function or potential of the corresponding
vector field, and such a vector field is called a
conservative vector field.
 The necessary and suficient condition for a vector field to be
conservative :
curl ( ) = 0

 In groundwater the vector field is :

Curl of gradient of scalar function = 0

Constant density : = 0
Variable density :  non-conservative
T = Ts

T = Tb
Tb > Ts
Thermohaline Convection
T = Ts Cs

T = Tb Cb

Tb > Ts Cb > Cs
 Hitung konduktivitas thermal dari batupasir
yang jenuh air dimana butirnya didominasi
oleh kuarsa dengan porositas 10%.
(point: 20)

 Lakukan juga perhitungan jika:

a. Porositasnya adalah 20% (point: 20)
b. Batupasirnya kering. (point: 20)
 Berapakah nilai minimum perbedaan
temperatur yang dibutuhkan pada suatu akifer
untuk dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya aliran
konveksi? Jika diketahui αT = 2 x 10-4 0C-1,
densitas fluida 0,95 gr/cm3, percepatan
gravitasi 9800 cm/s2, permeabilitas 1 darcy,
ketebalan akifer 1000 kaki, C = 1 cal/cm 3 0C,
viskositas fluida = 6 x 10-3 gr/cm.s dan λ = 4 x
10-3 cal/cm.sec0C.

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