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Basic Electrical


Dr. Neeraj Kumar Mishra

Associate Professor
Department of Electronics & Electrical
Engineering, NIMS University, Jaipur (Raj.)

Unit 1 : DC Circuits:-

 Introduction

 Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C)

 Voltage and Current sources, Kirchhoff Current and Voltage laws

 Analysis of simple circuits with dc excitation

 Theorems :- Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems

 Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits

 Numerical Based on above Topics

 Numerical Based on above Topics.

 Welcome to Basic Electrical Engineering Class. In this presentation, you will learn the basics of electrical

engineering and how it powers our modern world.

 Why Knowledge of basic electrical engineering is important?

 Application of electrical engineering

 Basic concepts
Why Knowledge of basic electrical engineering is important
Studying basic electrical engineering is important for several reasons, as it forms the foundation for
understanding and working with electrical systems and devices. Here are some key reasons why studying basic
electrical engineering is crucial:-

 Fundamental understanding  Innovation and design

 Practical applications  Interdisciplinary connections

 Safety  Environmental Impact

 Career opportunities  Personal Projects

 Troubleshooting skills
Application of Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering finds applications in numerous fields and industries due to its fundamental role in generating,
transmitting, and utilizing electrical energy. Here are some key applications of electrical engineering:
 Power Generation and Distribution  Defence and Security
 Renewable Energy  Medical Devices and Healthcare
 Transportation
 Consumer Electronics
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 AI & ML  Aerospace and Avionics
 Robotics  Control Systems and Automation
 Building and Infrastructure Systems
 Electronics and Telecommunications.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of applications for electrical engineering. As technology continues to
advance, electrical engineers will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future across various industries and
Basic concepts
 Electric current:- The flow of charge (free electron) in a definite direction is called electric current.

The electric Current can be given by = Amp.

The instantaneous current can be given by Amp.
Where q = charge flowing through any cross-section of conductor. n = Number of electron; e = 1.6X 0 columb =
Charge of electron.
Basic concepts
 Electric Potential:- The electric potential at a point is the potential energy per unit charge.

The electric Potential = Jule / Columb (Volt)

 The difference in potentials of two charged bodies is called potential difference.

 Relation between Current and drift velocity:-

 Current density amp/;

 Point form of Ohms law :- σE amp/

Where J = Current density; n electron density (number of free electron per unit volume); e = charge of electron; = drift

velocity; σ = conductivity = ; = Resistivity.


 Resistance (R, L, and C)

 Inductance

 Capacitance

 Classification of Basic Circuit Elements (R, L, and C)

 Problems based on above Topic

 Resistance:-Opposition offered in electrical Circuit is known as electrical resistance. It is a property of a
substance ( material ) due to which it opposes the flow of current in electrical circuit.

 Resistor:- Resister is a device, specially constructed in order to obstruct the flow of current through it. It is

represented by capital “R”. Unit of resistance is ohm(Ω).

Resistors (R) are passive components that oppose the flow of current in
a circuit. They are measured in ohms and can be connected in series or
parallel. This slide will cover the basics of resistors and their use in

Representation of resistance: - The resistance represented by Zig-Zag

path which shows the opposition in the flow of electron (Charge/

Calculation for Resistance

If length of wire, area of cross section and resistivity given in question

then the Resistance can be calculated by 𝑅= ρ 𝑙/𝐴

𝑙(meter) is a length of wire, ρ (ohm-meter) is a resistivity (Specific

Resistance) of material, A area of cross-section of wire

 If value of voltage and current given in question . Where V (Volt) is a volage across element and I (Amp) is a
current flowing through element.

 If value of conductance (G) given in question .

 If value of conductivity (σ) given in question .

 Conductance (also known as electrical conductance) is defined as the potential for a substance to conduct
electricity. Conductance is the measure of how easily electrical current (i.e. flow of charge) can pass through a
material. Conductance is the inverse (or reciprocal) of electrical resistance, represented as 1/R.

 Conductivity is a property that measures how well an element can flow electrons from one point to another without
moving the element itself.

 Conductivity attributes to the ability of a material to transfer energy and is one of the characteristic property which is
used to describe the electromagnetic properties of materials. The degree to which a given material conducts
electricity is known as conductivity.
 Carbon resistor:- The most commonly used resistors in electronics and electrical Circuit is carbon resistor.

 Colour coding of carbon resistor:

 Effect of temperature on resister:- The most commonly used resistors in electronics and electrical Circuit is
carbon resistor.
 Ohms Law:- The relation between voltage across and current through a conductor was first discovered by German
scientist George Simon Ohm . This relationship is called ohms law and may be stated that “ The current flowing
through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends provided the physical
conditions (temperature, strain etc) do note change”.

I V; I ;

R = Constant

• Electric power :- The power of electric appliance is the rate at which electric energy is converted in to other form of

P = VI = = Watt

• Electric power:- To maintain electric current in electric circuit the loss of electric potential is called electric energy
consumed in the circuit

E= Pt = Vit = = Watt- second


 Why Resistance is available in wire / material ?

 A coil Consists of 2000 turns of copper wire having cross-sectional area of 0.8 millimetre square. The mean length
per turn is 80 cm and resistivity of copper is 0.02 μ Ω-m (Micro ohm-meter). Find the resistance of coil.

 A wire of length of 1 meter has a resistance of 2 Ω. Obtain the resistance if the specific resistance is doubled,
diameter is doubled and the length is made three times of first.

 A resistor has a voltage of 1.5 mV. Find out the current if the power absorbed is 27.75 n watt and 1.2 v watt.

 A 25 ohm resistance has a voltage V= 150 volts. Find the corresponding current and power.

 A 4.0 ohm resistor has a current I =2 . Find Voltage and energy over one cycle . = 500 rad/ Sec.
Electric Circuit
A Closed path followed by electric current is called
electric circuit.
A circuit is a closed loop through which electricity
flows. The main components of a circuit are the
power source, wires, and loads.
Load s can be resist ors, cap ac it ors, and inductors. The
behavior of these components can be described by
Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws.
Combination of resistance of resistance
 Series Combination of resistance :-

1. If n resisters are present in series

2. If two resisters are present in series

Combination of resistance of resistance
 Parallel Combination of resistance :-

1. If n resisters are present in parallel

2. If two resisters are present in parallel

Combination of resistance of resistance
 Series-Parallel Combination of resistance :-

Inductance is a property of material by virtue of

which it oppose any change of magnitude or
direction of electric current passing through it.
The unit of inductance id hennery and it is
represented by letter “L”.
Inductors (L) are passive components that store
e n e rg y in a m a g n e t ic fi eld .

 Calculation of inductance L =

Where L= inductance of coil; l = Length of coil ;

A = area of cross section of coil; N = Number of turn of coil

= Permittivity =


 If value of voltage and current is given in time domain i(t)

V(t)= L ; I (t) =
L V(t)
 If value of voltage and current is given in frequency domain

V(s)= LS I(s) ; I (s) = V(s) This formula is valid for zero initial conditions.

 For only sinusoidal excitation

V = jωLI ; I =

Where Impedance Z= = j ωL and Admittance = =

Combination of Inductance
 Series Combination of Inductance :-

 = L

1. If n inductors are present in series and mutual inductance are taken in consideration

2. If two resisters are present in series

Combination of Inductance
 Series Combination of Inductance :-

1. If n inductors are present in series and mutual inductance are taken in consideration

2. If two resisters are present in series

Combination of resistance of resistance
 Parallel Combination of resistance :-

C a p a c i to rs ( C ) a re p a s s i ve c o m p o n e nt s t h at
store energy in an electric field. They are
m e a s u re d i n fa ra d s a n d c a n b e c o n n e c te d i n
series or parallel. This slide will cover the basics
capacitors and their use in circuits.

 Calculation of inductance L =

Where L= inductance of coil; l = Length of coil ;

A = area of cross section of coil; N = Number of turn of coil

= Permittivity =


 If value of voltage and current is given in time domain i(t)

V(t)= L ; I (t) =
L V(t)
 If value of voltage and current is given in frequency domain

V(s)= LS I(s) ; I (s) = V(s) This formula is valid for zero initial conditions.

 For only sinusoidal excitation

V = jωLI ; I =

Where Impedance Z= = j ωL and Admittance = =

Combination of Inductance
 Series Combination of Inductance :-

 = L

1. If n inductors are present in series and mutual inductance are taken in consideration

2. If two resisters are present in series

Combination of Inductance
 Series Combination of Inductance :-

1. If n inductors are present in series and mutual inductance are taken in consideration

2. If two resisters are present in series

Combination of resistance of resistance
 Parallel Combination of resistance :-
Combination of resistance of resistance
 Parallel Combination of resistance :-
Combination of Inductance
 Series Combination of resistance :-
RLC Circuits

R LC ci rcui t s a re ci rcui ts that co nta i n a

combinati on of resistors, inductors, and
capacitors. This slide will cover the
behavior of
R LC c i rc u i t s a n d h ow to a n a l yze t h e m .
U n d e rsta n d i n g t h e f u n d a m e nta l s o f re s i sto rs ( R ) , i n d u c to rs
(L), and capacitors (C) is essenti al for any electrical engineer.
This presentati on has provided an over view of these
components and their use in circuits.
Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C)
Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C)

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