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Poverty is a state or condition in which one lacks the financial resources
and essentials for a certain standard of living. The condition where the
basic needs of a family like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not
fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment,
malnutrition, etc. Poverty-stricken people and families might go without
proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention.

Inflation is a condition where a family's basic needs, such as food, shelter,
clothing, and education, are not met, resulting in a reduction in purchasing power
of money. It can also lead to the exploitation of children who are deprived of their
childhood due to work, causing physical, mental, or social harm. Inflation is the
rate of price increase over time, typically a broad measure. In an inflationary
environment, unevenly rising prices reduce the purchasing power of some
consumers, resulting in the erosion of real income. Inflation can also distort
purchasing power for recipients and fixed interest rate payers.

World hunger is a global issue causing millions of people to lack access to
nutritious food, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. It is also
affecting developed countries with persistent poverty and inequality. Hunger is
increasing in countries with lagging economic growth, particularly middle-
income countries and those heavily reliant on international commodity trade.
Poverty and inequality are the leading causes of world hunger, as people living in
poverty often cannot afford adequate nutrition or diets.

The increase in the number of working children or child workers is an
indication that poverty is getting worse in our country. In every corner
of our country, we cannot deny that there are many people who
experience hardship in life. At a young age of the children, they are
already stretching bones to earn money to meet the needs of their
family. There are also many laws that prohibit child labor.


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