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Module2: Lesson3
As cultures begin to mix and change as a result of globalization, conflicts
inevitably arise over identity, values, and worldviews. This situation
● This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the American Beat
Generation needs for a literacy that enables us to quickly and easily
identify and resolve such conflicts, preferably before they even begin. This
● These infographics are adapted to the style of the before mentioned presentation, so you can insert them easily
has come to be understood as multicultural literacy.
and have the completely integrated at once. You just need to do the following:
○ Select the element that you want to copy
Right-click andLiteracy as a set of skills and knowledge is difficult to define
choose “Copy”
○ Gobecause
to the slide of
howyouit want the element
changes to appear on the contexts in which it is
○ Right-click and choose “Paste”
discussed. For example, multicultural literacy as defined in American
literature is different from how it is deployed in a more European context.
In America, multicultural literacy has very strong leanings toward knowing
● or identifying
This theanpoly-ethnic
template contains origins of knowledge
assortment of complementary withfor
infographic resources the
the express goal
American Beat of
presentation.diversity, and social justice. This is in direct response to
the "Euro-centric" and "white-dominant" traditions of education that in the
● These infographics are adapted to the style of the before mentioned presentation, so you can insert them easily
and have of
theAmerican cultural
completely integrated minorities
at once. (particularly
You just need the blacks) is a form of
to do the following:
○ Select the element that you want to racial
copy injustice.
○ Right-click and choose “Copy”
○ Go to the slide where you want the element to appear
Meanwhile., in Europe, multicultural literacy
○ Right-click and choose “Paste”
comes more in the form of
intercultural communication competence (ICC), which is defined by Dusi,
Messeti, and Steinbach (2014) as a composite of skills, abilities, attitudes,
personality patterns, etc. necessary for clear and productive communication
with cultures other than our own.
Clearly, the broader and more magnanimous European definition of multicultural
literacy is more fitting for the Philippine context, even if the exact definition of what
● This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the American Beat
ICC consists of is still being hotly debated.
Generation presentation.

We define multicultural literacy here as the knowledge and skills necessary to
These infographics are adapted to the style of the before mentioned presentation, so you can insert them easily
and have that anyintegrated
the completely communication
at once. Youwith
to dodifferent from our own is clear,
the following:
○ productive, and respectful
Select the element such
that you want that their differences are celebrated and neither
to copy
○ Right-click and chooseculture
“Copy” is demeaned or treated as inferior.
○ Go to the slide where you want the element to appear
○ Right-click and choose “Paste”
It is important to realize that under this definition, a "different culture "is not just
limited to "someone from another country," but could also include someone whose
gender, economic background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or even sense of
fashion is different from our own.
● This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the American Beat
Generation presentation.

The skills and knowledge required for one to be multi culturally literate are
These infographics are adapted to the style of the before mentioned presentation, so you can insert them easily
and havenot mere language
the completely skills,
integrated at Since
once. You it is toassumed
just need that some medium of
do the following:
○ Select already
the element that you exists between two cultures. Rather, true
want to copy
○ Right-click and choose “Copy”
multicultural literacy consists of perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs about
○ Go to the slide where you want the element to appear
○ other culture
Right-click that“Paste”
and choose affect the manner in which we communicate and the
motives behind our communication. Here are some examples:
1. Be selfless. An attitude of selflessness-one that is less concerned with how I feel
and more concerned with how I am making other feel-is crucial to multicultural
● This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the American Beat
literacy, as so much of the offense and conflict associated with the meeting of
Generation presentation.
different cultures is the result of a "me first" attitude: I should be accommodated,
● you
These should be
infographics are the onetototheadjust
adapted style oftothe
me, I should
before feelpresentation,
mentioned comfortable with
so you you
can before
insert them easily
make efforts to make you feel comfortable,
and have the completely integrated at once. You just need to do the following: etc.
○ Select the element that you want to copy
○ Know
2. thatand choose
good and“Copy”
useful things can (and do) come from those different from
○ Go
us Hand-in-hand withwant
to the slide where you the element attitude
a dismissive to appeartoward another culture is the idea
○ Right-click and choose “Paste”
that nothing good can come from them. Furthermore, there is a tendency to
ignore or outright dismiss evidenceto the contrary. Simply acknowledging that
good ideas and products have come from cultures we might not like goes a long
way in preparing our minds to perceive them as being equally valuable.
3. Be willing to compromise Any significant interaction with someone from a
different culture is governęd by the principle of "He/She wants something, and I
● This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the American Beat
want something." In other words, cultures do not interact out of pure magnanimity.
Generation presentation.
If both of you are willing to give the other what they want, well and good. But what
● happens
These when are
infographics on adapted
or bothtoare unwilling
the style to give
of the before what the
mentioned other wants?
presentation, so you There must
can insert them easily
be a compromise: a reciprocal adjustment of demands and expectations
and have the completely integrated at once. You just need to do the following: to
accommodate what that
○ Select the element theyou
wantparty is willing to give.
to copy
○ Right-click and choose “Copy”
○ Go to 4.
slide where
thatyou wantare
there thelimits
element to some
- At appear point
however, one or both cultures
○ Right-click and choose “Paste”
will be unwilling/unable to adjust their wants for the sake of the other any further.
Beyond this point, the productivity of the interaction drops and one must either
change the purpose of the interaction or walk away, accepting that what you want
cannot be had from that particular source.

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