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ACTIVITY: Classify me!
The students will be group into four. In the flash cards, there will be four
copies of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division sign to be
distributed for each group.

Each group will be given flashcards containing verbal phrases. They will
classify the phrases in the flash cards and paste it on the manila paper.

The group that will have more correct answer after the given time will be
declared as winner. Each group will be given 3 minutes to finish the
1. Can you determine the verbal phrases that associates to
addition sign? subtraction sign? multiplication sign? and
division sign?

2. How did you know where to classify the verbal phrases?

3. Why do you think it is important to know how to

translate verbal phrases to mathematical expression and
vice versa?
Verbal Phrases
Atsthe end of the 60-minute session, the students will be able to:
a. identify the words/phrases that are used to indicate
mathematical phrases;
b. translates verbal phrases into mathematical phrases
and vice versa; and
c. appreciate the importance of using symbols.
• refers to mathematical
statement that is
Verbal or expressed in words.

English • Example: The phrase

Phrases “added to” is a verbal
phrase referring the
plus sign (+)
• refer to statements
expressed in symbols such
as letters, numbers and

Mathematica operations.

l Phrases • Example: “10+n”is a

mathematical phrase
from the verbal phrase
“ten plus n” or “n added
to ten”
The symbol of operations and relations with their corresponding
meanings are as follows:
Study how the following English/verbal phrases are
translated into mathematical phrases.
1. thrice x decreased by two
Thrice means 3 times or simply 3x. We subtract 2
from 3x. Therefore,
3x – 2.

2. the sum of the squares of a and b

The squares of a and b are a2 and b2,
respectively. The word sum indicates addition.
a2 + b2.
Study how the following English/verbal phrases are
translated into mathematical phrases.

3. the square of the sum of a and b

The sum of a and b is written as a + b.

(a + b)2.
Verbal Phrases Mathematical Phrases

three more than the number

or x+3
the sum of the number and three
twice the number less two
or 2x – 2
two x minus 2
the product of three and number squared
or (3x)2
square of thrice the number
seven more than five times a number
or 5x + 7
five times a number increased by seven
ten divided by c
the quotient of 10 and c
Direction: You will be group into four groups. Each group
has their own tasks given by the teacher. Each group
must select their presenter to present the answers of each
group. They will be given 5 minutes to answer the tasks.
Direction: Fill in the blank. Provide what is asked in each item and write
your answer on a sheet of paper.

1. d minus six equal four.

2. The quotient of d and two is six.
3. Seven more than two times h is one.
4. Twice k plus the number g is equal to three.
5. k diminished by 20 plus 5yields two.
6. The ratio of the numbers x and y is equal to one.
7. The product of e and f is equal to ten.
8. The total of four and p is less than two.
9. Three times the number f is greater than one.
10. Two times the number s plus three is five.
A. Translate the following English/verbal phrases into Mathematical phrases:
English/Verbal Phrase Mathematical
1. a certain number j added with four
2. the product of a number c and sixteen
3. the product of three and z more than one
4. eight is increased by the product of e and f
5. a certain number v is divided by seventeen
B. Translate the following mathematical expression in at least two ways.
1. 2(x-3)
2. 3x + 2 = 5
Study in advance about polynomials and
research words/phrases that will help
define polynomials.
Thank you!

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