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Group Member
1.Rayhanul Islam(ASH2219004M)
2.Sanaullah (ASH2219002M)
3.Ummehani Akter(BBH 2219005F)
4.Forid Mia (ASH2219012M)
5.Antor Kumar Roy (ASH2219028M)

1. Having hurst’s developmental tasks
2. Kohlberg’s moral development
3. Gessel’s maturation theory
Havighurst’s developmental task is a concept in psychology that refers to the
tasks or challenges that people face at different stages of their life. According to
Havighurst, these tasks are influenced by biological, psychological, and social
factors, and they help people achieve personal growth and social competence.
Havighurst proposed six stages of development, each with its own set of
tasks. These are:

Developmental Tasks of Infancy and Early Childhood (0-6 year):

1. Learning to walk.
2. Learning to take solid foods
3. Learning to talk
4. Learning to control the elimination of body wastes
5. Getting ready to read
Middle Childhood(6-12 year):
1. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
2. Learning to get along with age-mates
3. Learning an appropriate masculine or feminine social role
4. Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing, and calculating
5. Developing concepts necessary for everyday living.

Developmental Tasks of Adolescence(13-17 year):

1. Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
3. Accepting one's physique and using the body effectively
4. Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults

Developmental Tasks of Early Adulthood(18-35 year):

1. Selecting a mate
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
3. Learning to live with a marriage partner and Starting a family
4. Getting started in an occupation and Taking on civic responsibility
Developmental Tasks of Middle Age(36-60 year)
1. Achieving adult civic and social responsibility
2. Establishing and maintaining an economic standard of living
3. Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults
4. Developing adult leisure-time activities

Developmental Tasks of Later Maturity(60+ year)

1. Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health
2. Adjusting to retirement and reduced income
3. Adjusting to death of a spouse
4. Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age group
Moral Development
Moral development is the process by which people develop the distinction between
right and wrong (morality) and engage in reasoning between the two
(moral reasoning).

Kohlbarg Moral Development Theory:

Kohlbarg says in his theory moral development is a continual process that occurs
throughout the lifespan. Kohlberg's theory outlines six stages of moral development
within three different levels.
Level and Stages of Moral Development:

Level 1. Preconventional Morality:

Preconventional morality is the earliest period of moral development. It lasts until
around the age of 9. There are two stages within this level.

Stage 1. Obedience and Punishment

Stage 2. Individualism and Exchange

Level 2 Conventional Morality

The next period of moral development is marked by the acceptance of social
rules regarding what is good and moral.
During this time, adolescents and adults internalize the moral standards they
have learned from their role models and from society.
Stage 3.Developing Good Interpersonal Relationships
Stage 4.Maintaining Social Order
Level 3. Postconventional Morality

At this level of moral development, people develop an understanding of

abstract principles of morality. The two stages at this level are:

Stage 5.Social Contract and Individual Rights

Stage 6.Universal Principles
Gessel’s Maturation Theory:

Definition of maturity: The mathod thought which instinctiv

factors, mostly gense control development. he describe it as

child’s growth and development are influenced by two types

1, Genitic
2, Enviroment

children develop primarily depends on the growth of there

nervers system. as the nerve system growth their mind, develop
and their behaviour change.
• Gessel’s Maturation steps depence on 4 domain of children
1. Socio emotional

 genetic along with others

 play
 socio relationships
 self estee
 understanding and express emotions

2. language

 communication with others

 learning and interpreting sounds
 talking
 written and language skills
3. physical

 fine motor skills

 gross motor skills
 hand eye coordination
 balance
 Weight
 Hight
 learning and processing of
 imagination
 critical thinking
 problem solving
 memorizing
2 factor that influence children’s development

1. internal factors
 genetic
 personality
 physical
 cognative growth

2.External factors

 experience
 enviroment
 familly
 community culture
 relation with others




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