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Directions: Use compound sentences to show the problem-

solution relationship by underlining once the problem and twice
the solution.

1. We need to recycle, for we will soon be overwhelmed by garbage.

2. Our grandparents have weaker bones, so they have to drink milk.
3. My back is aching, so I need some rest.
4. He always makes up late, so he needs an alarm clock.
5. Some classes will be done online, so we will need internet access.
•B. Directions: Identify the following clauses if it is
independent or dependent clause.
•1. My mother smiled
•2. Before the store was closed
•3. After he went to the doctor
•4. They went home
1.The mother feeds her baby
because he is hungry.
2.Because he is hungry, the mother
feeds her baby.
Some of the subordinating conjunctions:
After, before, because, although, when,
since, whenever, if, unless, while, so that,
even though
• Use the complex sentence by underlining the
independent clause and encircle the dependent clause.
Then identify the problem and solution.
• 1. I shall not go home unless mother comes back.
• 2. I like you because you are so friendly.
• 3. Susie will return the books after her class.
• 4. She succeeded although she encountered many
• Directions: Use the complex sentence by connecting independent clause and
dependent clause. Then underline the problem and box the solution.
•What is the importance of
knowing the used of complex
sentence to shows problem
and solution? Why?
Write at least five examples of a
complex sentence that shows

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