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6.5 分段

 结合上节课讲的审题定位技巧进项巩固练习

短选项选择题练习 C11T3S1

长选项选择题练习 C11T1S3

Q1. B. 注意题干中是 Family Welcome event 开始时间,不是 art gallery 开始时

间,明确这点定位答案 10.30 不难, A 为 gallery 开始时间, C 为活动结束时间

Q2. C. 易错题, B 项为 last time 电影的内容不符合 now 排除, A 项非常具有迷

惑性,因为录音中 they are now working on one about sculpture, 但注意 they
指代的是小孩不是电影,题干中注意 the film now is about ,在录音中听到
short film 之后, it demonstrates how ceramics are made.demonstrates 暗
示时间为现在符合 now 故答案选 C

Q3. B. 此题注意题干中的程度修饰 most ,然后找出主干定位不难, A 和 C 不符

合题干 most ,注意 majority 和 most 的替换
Q4. A. 此题注意题干中的时间修饰 4pm 和句子主干定位答案 A 不难, B 和 C 不

Q5. C. 题干简单,通过 boat race 可以辅助定位,根据 the race starts at Offord

Marina 选到答案,注意提前把选项发音过一下,选项内容都听到了, A 和 B 分别

Q6. A. 易错题 , A 和 C 为相似选项,可初步判断答案更有可能从中选择,比较选项

差异,再根据录音中 one of them came first in the West of England regional
championship in May this year 和后面听到的 first time 定位到 A , next year
后面内容否定 B 选项
1. 短选项单选题错误选项设置多为不符合题干修饰限定成分如时

2. 重点词汇
art gallery demonstrate
sculpture material
ceramics championship

Q21. C. 标题了解本篇话题,题干找出主干 students were all majoring in, 听到

about which students the study was based on. they weren't majoring in
physics, 可排除掉 A 项, they were majoring in 后面跟的就是 C 选项的内容,学
科类的原词重现,提到跟 B 选项相关的是 researchers ,不是 students ,逻辑主语
Q22. B. 易错题 . 题干找出主干, aim is to investigate, 专有名词 Miyake 可帮助
定位,选项审题时划出差异内容,录音中逻辑词 but 之后引出答案信息 , But what
the researchers wanted to find out was what they could do about the
relatively low level of the women's results. 对应 B 选项的内容,没有讲到 what
kind of women 以及对比男女学习物理人数排除 A 和 C

Q23. B . 题干主干 female students were wrong to believe, 选项在审题时划出差

异内容,录音中听到 female student 可定位,之后一直听到的是跟 men / male
students 的想法,并且后面听到 they were wrong, no one is making any
assumptions aout female students at all. 故选 B ,未提及 teacher 相关故 A 项排
除, C 选项中听到 results 是男生想法中的内容,跟题干不符
Q24. C. 题干主干关键词 students to write about, 选项审题时对比差异,录音
中 they have to write an essay focusing on things that are signficant to
them, 以及后面的 people who matter to them, signficant , matter 和 C 选项
important 替换故选 C

Q25. A. 此题问的 aim of writing exercise ,选项较短,错误选项比较具有干扰性,

putting these thoughts into words can relax them 对应 A 选项 reduce
stress , think in a positive way 不等同于 logical thinking 排除 C , B 项不符
合题干 aim 排除

Q26. B. 易错题,此题注意 surprised 和 not expected 的替换,对应句式 what

the researchers hadn't expected was that the activity raised women's
physics grades from C to B range,a huge change 对应 B 选项的 positive
impact ,后面听到 A 但是注意整体内容与 A 不符,避免听到单个词原词重现就立
刻选, C 项内容后面有讲到但不符合题干 surprised 排除
Q27. C. 易错题,此题可用排除法解题,录音中没有涉及写作任务 length 和学生
人数的内容,对应点的 had they been told why they are doing the writing 概
括起来就是被给予的信息会影响故选 C

Q28. A. 此题不难, B 项内容听到,但后来 A 选项内容听到后 that's it,good 确

定答案为 A , C 项内容未提及故排除

Q29. B. 易错题,题干中 Smolinsky 可辅助定位, teamwork 为话题核心内容,

A 项具有迷惑性, that's what I expected/ thought , 一般其实与现实不
符, but 后面引出女性和男性获得 same results 对应 B 项 no effects 故选 B , C
与 B 矛盾排除

Q30. A. 易错题 . 题干中时间修饰 next 可辅助定位,录音中信息是 C or A 形式,

看一下科学课的课表还是跟一个教授预约见面, that'd be better. that 指代就近
的内容,故选 A. B 项听到后又被否定了排除
1. 长选项单选题错误选项或干扰项设置一般是选项内部有错误逻辑或修饰 --
2. that 指代前面说过的内容时指的是就近的内容

重点词汇积累 同义替换
investigate surprise --- not expect
verbal ability reduce stress --- relax
1. 题干:划关键词(时间,程度限定,否定词,不易替换的词如数字专有名词
2. 选项:一般会出现同义替换,考察是否理解;根据原文做排除,找出符合题干
的 选项;长选项的对比选项差异,划出差异性的内容
2. 关注连接词如 and , also , first , then , last/ fianlly, one (point,
mistake,advantage 等 ) , another(point, mistake,advantage 等 )

Q11-12. AB. 题干注意主干和时间修饰 so far 圈起来,听到 we're about to start

on the exterior of the building 排除 D ,听到 postpone installing an elevator
排除 C 项,听到 we've replace them with larger seats. 对应 B 项可以选,并不是
添加 seats 排除 E ,听到 we 've also turned storerooms over to other
purposes 确定 A 可以选

Q13-14. BD. 题干中注意时间修饰 currently, 选项较短,听到 backstage tours

后 these are proving very popular 故 B 入选,听到 possibility of opening a
cafe 排除 E ,之后听到 bookshop 和紧接着 that attracts plenty of customers
确定 D 入选, rooms,they will be available for hire 和 considering hiring out
costumes 可排除 A 和 C
Q15-16. CE. 题干中 workshop 可辅助定位,注意时间修饰 currently ,选项较短,
听到 acting 之后 we are waiting until we've got right people in place as
trainers 排除 B , lighting workshop has already started 故 E 入选, we're
going to start one on sound next month 排除 A ,听到 make-up 后 that's
something we're consodering for the future 排除 D ,之后 make puppets, it
was so popular we're now running them every month. 故 C 入选

1. 题干找出主干和时间修饰,听到选项逐个做排除,符合题干修饰部分如
currently 的入选

重点词汇短语积累 同义替换词

install backstage outside --- exterior

puppet interior now ---- currently
exterior budget
postpone specialise
workshop technical
实战演练 C10T4S3

Q21-22. AE. 题干中注意 skill, Laura, improve ,选项为短选项,当听到 get

better at managing time and prioritising things Laura 回答 definitely 对应 E
入选 . 之后听到 I also got better at explaining things 对应 Acommunication
入选, brochure layout 有 professional photographers 排除 B , IT skill 是已
有的技能 improve 排除 C
Q23-24. BC. 题干中注意 immediate benefits, company get,immediate 时间
修饰留意,录音中听到 company benefited 定位,之后讲到跟费用相关的 it
would have been 250 percent more 确定节省成本了 B 入选,听到了 software
但是 borrow some scanning software from the uninversity 与 A 意义不符排除,
听到 it enhances the image of the company straight away 对应 C 符合
immediate 故入选, DE 都是 in the long run 的部分不符合 immediate 排除
1. 短选项的多选题错误选项设置是不符合题干修饰限定部分如 immediate ,以及
听到单个词原词重现如 software 然而语义不一致

重点词汇积累 同义替换
placement improve --- get better
brochure improve --- enhance
leaflet immediate --- straight away
pamphlet communication --- explaining
booklet things
巩固练习 C11T4S3

Q21-22. BD. 题干找出主干,选项划出差异性内容 , 听到 pianist , flute player

并非 string instrument player 排除 E ; 听到 they've done quite extensive
tours in different continents 确定 D 入选; quite a few had won prizes 并非
all 排除 A ;年龄 25-29 ,平均数 mean27.8 并非都是 under 27 排除 C ;听到
recording 后 they all had 确定 B 入选

Q23-24. AB 易错题 . 题干 telephone interview 可辅助定位,听到 if I was

going to interview leading musicians 与 B 项 top performers 完美替换故 B 入
选;听到 telephone recording adaptor ,之后 it worked out all right 排除 E ;
讲到 interview times, 并未讲到 limited 排除 D ; 录音中 informal , keen to
talk 排除 C ;录音中 not meant less rich data , rather the opposite 故 A 入选
Q25-26. BE. 难题易错题 . 注意题干中的 originally 时间修饰,听到了 D 选项相关
信息,但是现在的不是 originally 排除 D; when I started 对应题干 originally ,
后面紧跟着的并列信息就是答案,以替换形式呈现: the impact of what was
worn on those listenings 对应 audience reactions 故 B 入选, and 引出并列信
息 someone like a violinist might adopt a different style of clothing from
someone playing the flute or trumpet( 喇叭,小号 ) 讲的是乐器选择和服装的
关系故 E 入选 .
1. 长选项注意错误选项特征
1) 选项内部有错误逻辑修饰的选项,切忌听到单个词原词重现就选的情况如
Q23 , 24 中 interview times 并没有讲到 limited
2) 选项内容与录音内容矛盾如 Q23,24stressful atmosphere
3) 选项内容压根未提到
2. 重点词汇积累

string instrument

1. 强化巩固单选题审题定位技巧
2. 多选题审题定位策略以及错误选项设置特点
3. 词汇及同义替换积累

1. 答题卡看好是 listening 部分,当听到 now turn to section1 方可打开试卷

2. 提前规划读题时间
3. 所有填空题第一步注意圈出限定字数
4. 注意关注并列形式,有利于定位答案
5. 答案符合语法规则,利用语法背景知识精准答案
6. 答案符合语义逻辑,结合生活常识检查答案

利用真题或者 OG 进行模考

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