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Recognizes Triggers And

Warning Signs Of
Common Mental
Mental illness, also called
mental health disorders, refers
to a wide range of mental
health conditions —disorders
that affect your mood, thinking
and behavior.
A mental illness can make you miserable and
can cause problems in your daily life, such as
at school or work or in relationships. In most
cases, symptoms can be managed with a
combination of medications and talk therapy
(psychotherapy). Mental illnesses are
diseases or conditions that affect how you
think, feel, act, or relate to other people or
to your surroundings.
& Symptoms
Sleep poor appetite changes —
Dramatic sleep and appetite changes
or decline in personal care

Moodchanges—Rapidor dramatic
shifts in emotions or depressed
Drop in functioning — An unusual drop in functioning, at
school, work or social activities, such as quitting sports, failing
in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks.

Problems thinking — Problems with concentration, memory

or logical thought and speech that are hard to explain.

Increased sensitivity — Heightened sensitivity to sights,

sounds, smells or touch; avoidance of over-stimulating
Apathy—Loss of initiative or desire
to participate in any activity.

Feeling disconnected — A vague

feeling of being disconnected from
oneself or one’s surroundings; a
sense of unreality.
llogical thinking — Unusual or exaggerated beliefs
about personal powers to understand meanings or
influence events; illogical or “magical” thinking typical
of childhood in an adult.

Nervousness — Fear or suspiciousness of others or a

strong nervous feeling

Unusualbehavior– Odd, uncharacteristic, peculiar

Childhood Trauma
Stressful Events
Unhealthy Habits
Drugs And Alcohol
Brain Chemistry
Why is mental
 Cope with the stresses of life
 Be physically healthy
 Have good relationships
 Make meaningful contributions to
your community
 Work productively
 Realize your full potential
DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if it is incorrect.
_______1. Mental illness often runs in the family. _______2.
Living in a stressful environment can make you more likely to
develop a mental illness. Things like living in poverty or having
an abusive family put a lot of stress on your brain and often
trigger mental illness.
_______3. Even if you’re no longer in a stressful environment,
things that happened to you as a child can have an impact
later in life.
_______4. Constantly putting yourself down or expecting the
worst can get you stuck in a cycle of depression or anxiety.
• _______5. Abusing drugs and alcohol can trigger a mental illness. It can
also make it harder to recover from mental illness.
• _______6. Mental illness involves a balance of natural chemicals in your
brain and your body.
• _______7. Mental disorders are not serious conditions which can’t affect
your thinking, mood, and behavior.
• _______8. Abusing drugs and alcohol can’t trigger a mental illness.
• _______9. Living in a stressful environment can’t make you more likely
to develop a mental illness.
• _______10. Things like living in poverty or having an abusive family
cannot affect your mental health
Discusses The Types, Sign,
Symptoms, And Prevention,
Treatment And Professional
Care In Managing Common
Mental Health Disorders.
Mental illnesses are diseases or conditions that affect how you
think, feel, act, or relate to other people or to your
surroundings. They are very common. Many people have had
one or know someone who has.

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