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चक्र क्या हैं ?

साधना में इनका महत्व - 2 ??

बाबा के मुख्य निर्देश
• सोलह विधि का पालन
• पंचदश शील
• शपथ
• जगत सेवा
• सत्पथ पर चलना
• दूसरों को सत्पथ का निर्देशन
• यम नियम का पालन
• पांचजन्य
• दोनों समय साधना
• धर्म चक्र
• Most Important Instruction by BABA ?

• Why Knowledge of Cakras so important ?

• Firing / Shooting without AIM.. NO Success..

• पशु , पक्षियों की के वल उन्नति ही होगी लेकिन मनुष्य शरीर एक ऐसा जंक्शन है
जहां से कं ही भी जा सकते हैं – परमात्मा , पशु , मनुष्य ॥

• साधना करनी ही है– बाकी काम करने हैं ।

• कई बार लगता है कि साधना ठीक नहीं हो रही – लेकिन चिंता नहीं करनी –
आप sincere हैं तभी तो पता लग रहा है कि नहीं हो रही॥
( 5 लेसन /गुरु पूजा/ कीर्तन/ आवर्त कीर्तन)

चक्रों की ऊर्जा हमें भौतिक , मानसिक , भावनात्मक और

आध्यात्मिक स्तर पर
बहुत प्रभावित करती है ।

इसीलिए इनकी ( चक्रों और ग्रंथियों ) जानकारी एक

आध्यात्मिक साधक के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है ।।
नाड़ी और नस (nerve) ??
संस्कृ त में नाड़ी का अर्थ है 'चैनल' या 'ट्यूब जिससे हमारे शरीर में ऊर्जा प्रवाहित होती है। मानव शरीर के
भीतर, 72000 नाड़ियों का एक नेटवर्क है जो प्राण को पूरे शरीर में प्रभावी ढंग से वितरित करता है।
नाड़ियाँ वे मार्ग हैं जिनसे होकर प्राण प्रवाहित होता है। प्राण इन नाड़ियों के माध्यम से तभी प्रवाहित हो
सकता है जब वे स्पष्ट और प्राण को धारण करने के लिए पर्याप्त मजबूत हों। इसलिए, नाड़ियों को खुला रखना
बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो जाता है ताकि प्राण उनमें आसानी से प्रवाहित हो सके ।
The Shiva Purana clearly states that Nerves and Nadis are not same
that’s why Sanskrit term for nerve, snayu स्नायु , is not used for
Nadis .
ARTERIES/VEINS(BLOOD) Nerves(Neurons/Signals/Info) Nadiis(Pranah/Energy/Signals)
• जब हम चक्रों को साधना द्वारा activate करते हैं तो नाड़ियों में भी
एनर्जी / प्राण flow regulate हो जाता है और उससे कनेक्टेड
जो भी भौतिक शरीर का अंग है ठीक होने लगता है क्यूंकी कोई भी
बीमारी शारीरिक स्तर से पहले astral बॉडी या नाड़ी के स्तर पर
आती है।

• जैसे कई pipes या नालियों के junction की blockage को

ठीक कर दें तो नालियों में फ़्लो ठीक हो जाएगा ।
Why Meditation at dawn and Dusk ??

• The Sushumna generally remains dormant सुषुप्त when the

other Nadis flow strongly and is activated when the flow
through the other Nadis is restrained.
• The oscillating force of prana is responsible for breathing,
causing most breaths taken in any given hour to be drawn
in through only one nostril, thus activating either the Ida
or the Pingala Nadis, and through them, the other Nadis.
The Sushumna Nadi is activated only when the
breath comes through both nostrils simultaneously,
which typically happens only ten breaths per hour,
• In addition to its brief operation each hour at
each change of the nasal cycle, the Sushumna
automatically operates at dawn and dusk. It
has the effect of calming down the system,
thus making meditation easy. That is one of
the main reasons that meditation at dawn and
dusk has been incorporated in the religious
practices of many traditions.
• The Sushumna is the only Nadi that is not
time-bound. A yogi who has established
himself or herself in meditation at the Ajna
Chakra, in whom the spiritual energy of
Kundalini has risen into the Brahma Randhra
region, becomes a knower of the past,
present, and future, trikaladarshi (tri - three,
kala - time, darshi - seer).
• Aspirants of Yoga are advised to meditate when the
Sushumna Nadi is working(i.e breathing thru both nostrils)
. If the Sushumna is not working, they are advised to
meditate (Even Asanas/ Pranayam) when Ida is operating,
that is, when breath is flowing through the left nostril. In
Yoga, practitioners observe the custom of keeping the left
nostril open during the day so that its sattvik lunar energy
will balance the rajasik solar energy that is received during
the daylight hours. By creating a balance in oneself, one
becomes more relaxed and more alert mentally. The Ida
Nadi is responsible for restoring energy to the brain.
Nadi Name Begins At Ends At Function

Alambusha Nadi Anus Mouth Provides energy to organs that eliminate waste

Gandhari Nadi IDA Corner of left eye Left big toe Runs alongside and supports Ida
Hastijihva Nadi IDA Right eye Left big toe Carries energy to and from the lower body

Ida Nadi Left side of Kanda Left nostril Governs feelings, emotions, love, attachment

Kuhu Nadi Throat Genitals Sexuality

Right side between pusha
Payaswini Nadi Right ear Complementary to Pingala
and saraswati
Pingala Nadi Right side of Kanda Right nostril Governs perception, reason, discrimination
Pusha Nadi PINGALA Left big toe Right ear Supports Pingala
Saraswati Nadi Tongue Right ear Provides energy to tongue, mouth, throat
Flows between Saraswati and Gandhari along
Shankhini Nadi Throat Anus
the left side of Sushumna

Sushumna Nadi Kanda Sahasrara chakra Central channel for prana

Provides energy to whole body and the nervous

Varuna Nadi Muladhara chakra Anahata chakra

Vishvodhara Nadi Muladhara chakra Manipura chakra Provides energy to digestive system

Yashaswini Nadi
Right big toe Right ear Provides energy to right limbs
(Ida,Pingla,Sushumna,Kuhu,Vishudhra,Hastjiva,Yashasvini,Varuna etc.)
Let’s have a psychic view of our Cakras
• Back / Spine Straight ..
• Flute_Music.mp3
Lets View our Cakras
• जब individual चक्रों का discussion होगा तो चक्रों की एनर्जी
और उनके समकक्ष ग्लैंड्स / ग्रन्थि से रस क्षरण को संतुलित करने के
लिए जरूरी आसन और मुद्राओं के बारे में भी काफी विस्तार से चर्चा की
जाएगी ।।
कुं डलिनी शक्ति
• After fecundation ( गर्भदान) spinal chord grows from the
highest cakra (Crown /Sahasrar /Thousand petalled
lotus) to the lowest ( Muladhar).(शिव और जीव समीप )

• The kulakun'd'alinii ( जीव शक्ति ) lies dormant सुप्त अवस्था

in the mu'la'dha'ra cakra.

• The word kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word

kundal, which means a “spiral” or “coil.” In Yoga,
Kundalini Shakti means the “coiled power.” It is
compared to a serpent that lies coiled while resting or
कुं डलिनी के साढे तीन चक्कर या वलय क्या हैं ?

ये लपेटे या वलय जीवभाव के लिए प्रतीकात्मक होते हैं ।

• 1. जन्म का दुख या लपेटा ।
• 2. जीवन के दुख ।
• 3. मृत्यु का भय ।
• 3½ पुनर्जन्म का कष्ट ।

कुं डलिनी जागरण का मतलब है शक्ति जागरण (विद्या शक्ति )

संघर्ष करने की शक्ति का जागरण ।

• आनन्द मार्ग साधना को आत्मसात करके चलने वाले आगे चलकर सदविप्र ( intellectuo
spiritualist ) बनते हैं
Science of Chakra Meditation
• By meditating on the center point of each
Cakra we can send positive vibrations/Signals
through the Nadiis and the nerves to various
organs and regions of the body and thus make
the whole body spiritual.
• Balance of Panchbhutas.
• Regulation of Hormone Secretion from Glands.
• Physical ,Mental ,Emotional ,Spiritual balance.
चक्रों में या उनसे होता क्या है ??
• यथा ब्रह्मांडए तथा पिंडए ।
• पाँच तत्वों के कन्ट्रोलिंग पॉइंट ( Nucleus ) नीचे के पांचों चक्र हैं ।
• Balancing के लिए तत्व धारणा।
• जब मन इन तत्वों को control करेगा तो physicality /
भौतिकता से आध्यात्मिकता की तरफ आसानी से जाया जा सके गा ।






3rd Lesson Helps 1st Lesson ?
The whole physical body is made out of five
fundamental factors: solid, liquid, luminous, air
(gaseous) and ether.
By doing third lesson humans develop control and
keep balance in these factors.
Tatv Dharaná is dynamic in character, with changing
objects, and is based on the five factors mentioned
above. Dharaná does help the mind to withdraw itself
from the five fundamental factors; hence
concentration or lishvara Pranidhana (1st lesson) is
helped a great deal.
Tattva Dharańá gives a lot of mental
The third lesson also enables one to go beyond
attachment. This is because by controlling the five
fundamental factors one transcends all objects to
which one gets attached, since they're nothing but
combinations of the five fundamental factors.
Tattva Dharańá thereby gives a lot of mental
force to bear the pains and suffering created in
the everyday world by the five fundamental

There is a special posture known as Virasana

(brave pose) which is given. This brave
posture is very scientifically prescribed
because in no other posture is one able to
focus the mind with the strength and power
one is able to generate in this posture.
Nadi Name Begins At Ends At Function

Alambusha Nadi Anus Mouth Provides energy to organs that eliminate waste

Gandhari Nadi IDA Corner of left eye Left big toe Runs alongside and supports Ida

Hastijihva Nadi IDA Right eye Left big toe Carries energy to and from the lower body

Ida Nadi Left side of Kanda Left nostril Governs feelings, emotions, love, attachment

Kuhu Nadi Throat Genitals Sexuality

Right side between pusha

Payaswini Nadi Right ear Complementary to Pingala
and saraswati

Pingala Nadi Right side of Kanda Right nostril Governs perception, reason, discrimination

Pusha Nadi PINGALA Left big toe Right ear Supports Pingala

Saraswati Nadi Tongue Right ear Provides energy to tongue, mouth, throat

Flows between Saraswati and Gandhari along

Shankhini Nadi Throat Anus
the left side of Sushumna

Sushumna Nadi Kanda Sahasrara chakra Central channel for prana

Provides energy to whole body and the nervous

Varuna Nadi Muladhara chakra Anahata chakra

Vishvodhara Nadi Muladhara chakra Manipura chakra Provides energy to digestive system

Yashaswini Nadi
Right big toe Right ear Provides energy to right limbs
There are some people who feel some pain in
the head when first beginning to do this
lesson. This is for two reasons: firstly, the
body is not able to tolerate the force
generated and secondly, the body is in an
impure state.

By following the instructions of the Acharya

dada/didi from the beginning and continually
doing the lesson one is able to conquer the
• Power Comes ?

• One thing which the Sadguru does is that,

even if power comes, He will not let the
spiritual aspirant become conscious of it,
and by doing so He helps in saving the
disciple from downfall and degeneration.
Why 1 Lesson ? ( DIKSHA) दीक्षा

• इस जन्म के जो भी संस्कार बन रहे हैं वो इष्ट चक्र से

प्रवेश करते हैं इसीलिए First lesson।
• लेकिन पूर्व जन्मो के संस्कारों के लिए चक्रशोधन जरूरी । संस्कारों से
पवित्र करना है सभी चक्रों को।
• हमें कोशिश करनी है , भवसागर पार तो सद्गुरु ही करवा सकते हैं ।।
First Lesson सहज योग
External & Internal Purifications

• External Physical & External Psychic – Bhut

Shuddhi(In bhuta shuddhi (purification of the elements),
earth dissolves in water, water evaporates in fire, fire merges
into air, and air disperses into akasha (the void).
• Internal physical - Aasan shuddhi.
• Internal psychic – Chit shuddhi.( चित में ही संस्कार और
वृतियां )
• Meditation acts like detergent for the mind.
• Bhut + Aasan Shuddhi= Pratyahaar
• शरीर के प्रवाह को 3rd Lesson adjust करता है।
• प्राण के प्रवाह को 4th Lesson adjust करता है।
• मन के प्रवाह को इष्ट मन्त्र adjust करता है।

Propensities / वृतियां
• Human mind expresses itself in different ways
and in different directions. These expressions
are for the fulfilment of desires of human
minds. They are termed Vrittiis /propensities.

• Cakras are centres in the spine from where

Vritties are expressed. Since vrittiies are
expressions of mind so the spine is also called
second mind from where it is getting
• Cakras are Sub stations of the mind.
• Each controls and expresses specific number and
type of propensities.
• Within the human being is a subtler
layer of being wherein important
mental functions first express before
reaching the physical level. These
feelings are conveyed from the mind
and expressed through the body
through the medium of the “cakras”.
• Propensities (वृतियाँ) : The inherent tendencies of the mind
that justify its existence. They are the driving force of the
• There are 50 main propensities in various cakras and
humans are goaded ( जबर्दस्ती चलना) by propensities…

• हमारी वृतियाँ भी सिर्फ और सिर्फ हमारे संस्कारों के कारण ही हैं॥

• Samskaras determine our chakra symphony
• According to Yogic science, the human
mind can express up to 50 major
• These are expressed through the
cakras. That is why through the control
of the cakras we can control thoughts
and feelings even before they express
in the physical level.
• Expression of Vrittiis in outer/eternal
world is our behavior.
MIND and Behavior Patterns
• There are fifty main propensities in the human mind. The
seed of all of them is in the mind but their expression and
control occur through the substations called Cakras. That
is to say that waves of the mind find expression by
creating waves in Cakras, which are the controlling points
of regional glands. Therefore their waves cause secretions
of hormones. Natural or unnatural expression of the
propensities depend on the degree of normal or abnormal
secretions of these hormones. Hormones create their
vibrations in the nerves and the blood that modulate our
actions and behavior patterns.

Behavior is an external expression of our propensities

Difference Between Exocrine Glands and Endocrine
Endocrine Glands Exocrine Glands
Endocrine glands don’t have ducts Exocrine glands have ducts
Secretory Products
Hormones Sweat, enzymes, mucus
Route of Secretion
Secretory products released Secretory products are released to
directly into the bloodstream, an internal organ or the external
eventually reaching the target surface through a duct.
Thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, Salivary glands, Sweat Glands
pituitary glands, adrenal glands.
Endocrine GLANDS
अंत: स्त्रावी ग्रंथियाँ
• Meditation / Chakra
Concentration affects energy of
chakra directly while Asanas do
the same indirectly through
hormonal secretions from
various glands.
• Asanas also affect the cakras indirectly.
As asanas are primarily massaging the
endocrine glands, they have an
indirect effect on the cakras. The
endocrine glands can be said to be the
physical counterpart of the subtler
cakra system.
• Generally the higher cakras express
subtler mental propensities (love,
tolerance, wisdom, service, etc.), while
the lower cakras express cruder mental
propensities (anger, fear, hatred, etc.)

• Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that

analyzes how the brain , neurotransmitters
and other aspects of our biology influence our
thoughts , behaviours and feelings…
The Subtle Human Body
Propensities The Glands The Cakras The Mind

Pineal Sahasrara Beyond the Mind

2 Pituitary Ajina Seat of the Mind

16 Thyroid Vishuddha Causal

12 Thymus Anahata Subliminal

Adrenal Manipura
10 Supra-mental
Testes /
6 Subconscious
Prostrate Muladhara
sahasrara – macro-pineal plexus
ajña – lunar plexus

vishuddha – solar plexus

anahata – sidereal plexus

manipura – igneous plexus
svadhisthana – fluidual plexus

muladhara – terranean plexus

sahasrara – pineal

ajña – pituitary
vishuddha – thyroid

anahata – thymus

manipura – pancreas,

svadhisthana – gonads
Any Query / Question Please…

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