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What the Male Reproductive
System do?

To produce sperm cell

To deliver sperm cells to female

reproductive system.
Male Puberty

Starts at around age 12-13

sexual changes occur within the body, and you become able to
Male Puberty
Growth spurts, which are rapid changes in body
characteristics, notably height and weight. Your body grows
faster during puberty than any other time, with the exception of
when you were a baby.

 Because boys begin their final growth spurt later than girls,
they have a longer period of steady growth and usually attain a
greater adult height.
Changes that occur
Growth spurt occurs:

Acne may appear Some breast enlargement Larynx enlarges,

voice deepens Muscles develop
Facial hair appears Pubic hair appears
Shoulders broaden External genitals enlarge
Underarm hair appears Sperm production begins
Perspiration increases First ejaculation occurs
Long bone growth stops
Structure of a sperm

Mid piece

Sex cells that are produced in the testes and are used to
fertilize the egg

Sperm swim at the rate of 1-4mm per minute or 60-240mm

per hour • 50,000 sperm are produced each MINUTE in
mature men
Seminiferous Tubules
Tightly coiled tubes inside the testes where
sperm are made

The male sex hormone that influences sperm production
.During puberty, testosterone causes facial and body hair to
grow, shoulders to broaden and voice to deepen

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