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Peran Ajaran Islam Dalam Pembentukan

Kepribadian Seorang Muslim

Dosen Pengampu: DRS. MURNI DJAMAL

Disusun Oleh:
Muhammad Fatih Anshorullah
Human philosophy is a study of human nature with a variety of existing characteristics, so
that it affects everyday life. Basically, human philosophy is included in the study of
ontology and metaphysics. Thus, humans are objects of creatures that deal with themselves,
including in the formation of personality.

Islamic teachings are one of the sub-materials in

human philosophy. Therefore, here I will discuss
about the role of Islamic teachings in the formation
of personality a Muslim.
In everyday terms, personality refers to how individuals appear and give an
impression to other individuals.
Personality is a dynamic organization of individual psychophysical systems that
can determine a person's thoughts and behavior specifically. (Gordon Allport).
When it comes to Islam, the Muslim personality is a synergy between a person's
mindset and an attitude model based on Islamic beliefs and values.
In other words, the Muslim personality is a personality whose opinions,
attitudes, choices, decisions and actions are in accordance with Islamic values.
The formulation of the problem in scientific writing is:
1. What is meant by Islamic teachings?
2. What is meant by personality formation?
3. How do Islamic teachings shape the personality of a Muslim?
4. What are the impacts of Islamic teachings in the formation of Muslim personalities?

The aims of writing this paper are:
1. Knowing the Explanation of Islamic Teachings!
2. Knowing the explanation of personality formation!
3. Knowing how Islamic teachings shape the personality of a Muslim!
4. Knowing the impact of Islamic teachings in the formation of a Muslim's personality!
Islam is a word that comes from the Arabic language, namely salama which means safe, peaceful and
The origin of the word is formed from the word aslama, islaman, anthropologically the word Islam has
described human nature as being obedient and submissive to God.
According to Fuad Amsyari, Islamic teachings are a system, a package of values, a package that is
interrelated with one another, forming standard Islamic theories.
Islamic teachings are basically a collection of different principles of life, teachings about how humans
can live in this mortal world, principles that are interdependent in such a way that they form a unity and
cannot be separated.
According to Rohmad Mulyana, Islamic teachings are seen from two aspects, namely: normative values ​
and operative values.
The basis of Islamic teachings is very clear, therefore Islam is a teaching that
regulates all aspects of life. Islamic teachings consist of: Al-Quran. As-Sunnah, and
Factors in the formation of personality consists of: Family, Nature, School and
Sigmund Freud (1923) explained that the personality structure consists of three
aspects: Id (biological aspect), Ego (psychological aspect) and Super Ego
(sociological aspect). These three aspects are interconnected.
Islamic teachings as a regulator of life and life in society by
itself is a standard of truth that must be adhered to by its adherents
1. Islamic teachings are basically a collection of different principles of life, teachings about how
humans can live in this mortal world, principles that are interdependent in such a way that they form a
single entity and cannot be separated.
2. A person's personality is generally influenced by external factors or the environment and internal factors
consist of physical factors and mental factors.
3. Because of this fact, Islamic teachings are basic education that is very important in shaping the
personality of a Muslim.
4. If someone gets the teachings of Islam properly and correctly and applied to
5. In everyday life, the personality of a Muslim will reflect Islamic values..

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