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Statistika ( Regina )


1. This study is an inferential study.

 Because from the passage the researcher wants to know whether people
are more attractive with tattoos or not. so that the researcher uses
inferential statistics where a large university in southern Taiwan is the
population, and 40 students are the samples.
2. Population: where a large university in southern Taiwan.
Samples: 40 students.
 The researcher choose the large university in southern Taiwan as a
population parameter and researcher choose 40 students as sample and
divide to 2 groups with a total of 20 peoples per group as a sample statistic.
3. A researcher is interested in whether people with a visible tattoo are considered
to be more or less attractive than are people without a visible tattoo (independent
variable). Forty college students were drawn from a large university in southern
Taiwan, 20 of them were shown a color photograph of a 24-year-old woman with a
visible tattoo of dragon on her arm, and the other 20 were shown the same
photograph but with the tattoo removed. Each participant was asked to rate the
attractiveness of the woman in the photograph using an “attractive scale” (score
ranges from 10-50) (Dependent variable). The average attractiveness of each group
was computed and used to answer the research question.
4. A researcher is interested in whether people with a visible tattoo are considered to be more or less
attractive than are people without a visible tattoo. Forty college students were drawn from a large
university in southern Taiwan, 20 of them were shown a color photograph of a 24-year-old woman with a
visible tattoo of dragon on her arm, and the other 20 were shown the same photograph but with the tattoo
removed. Each participant was asked to rate the attractiveness of the woman in the photograph using an
“attractive scale” (score ranges from 10-50). The average attractiveness of each group was computed and
used to answer the research question.
A researcher is interested in whether people with a visible tattoo are considered to be more or less
attractive than are people without a visible tattoo.
: nominal variable
Forty college students were drawn from a large university in southern Taiwan, 20 of them were shown a
color photograph of a 24-year-old woman with a visible tattoo of dragon on her arm, and the other 20
were shown the same photograph but with the tattoo removed.
: Interval variable
. Each participant was asked to rate the attractiveness of the woman in the photograph using an “attractive
scale” (score ranges from 10-50).
: Interval variable

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