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Pointers :
HPGD1103 –
Submission : 12 MARCH 2024
Part 1 : Task A (Review Articles) – 20 %

This task involves a comprehensive review of 2-3 journal articles or book chapters that

address contemporary innovations in curriculum development. Based on your review of

the articles, write a summary to address the following questions:

a) Identify and describe 2-3 recent advances or trends in curriculum development that are

relevant to 21st century learning, such as digital literacy, collaborative learning, or problem-

solving skills.

Jens Martensson
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STEM Education

Online Learning

Digital Learning

Global Education Initiatives

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b) Analyse how these developments impact teaching methods and learning

outcomes, particularly in promoting skills such as critical thinking,

creativity, and adaptability in students.

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• Impact on Teaching: STEM education often involves project-based and
collaborative learning, requiring teachers to facilitate hands-on
experiences. It also requires staying updated on technological
• Impact on Learning Outcomes: STEM education cultivates critical
thinking and problem-solving skills through real-world applications. It
encourages creativity as students engage in designing and building

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c) Evaluate the practicality and feasibility of implementing these modern

curriculum changes in educational institutions, considering factors such as

technology integration, teacher training, and availability of resources.

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Availability of Resources

• Practicality: Implementing modern curriculum changes often requires

updated learning materials, textbooks, and tools. The availability of these
resources can vary based on the financial capacity of the educational
• Feasibility: Financial constraints may limit the ability of institutions to
invest in new resources. This can affect the practicality of adopting
modern curriculum changes, especially in less affluent areas.

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Part 1 : Task B (Course Development) - 30%
(i) Title of the Course
(ii) Course Description:
• What is the course about?
• What will students achieve if they were to attend this course?
(iii) Rationale:
• Why is the course important?
• Why does the learner need this course?
• Does the course meet the needs of society?

Jens Martensson
(iv) Duration of the course (6-10 weeks or more)
(v) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) statements:
• Statements of the content knowledge, attitudes, and skills students will be
expected to achieve. Provide only 3 CLOs only
(vi) Course Pre-Requisite
(vii) Content:
• 5- 10 TOPICS that will be incorporated in the course
(viii) Materials:
• Printed materials, websites, E-books, etc.

Jens Martensson
(ix) Methodology/ Teaching Strategies:
• Approaches (constructivist approach, problem-based approach, inquiry approach, etc.)
• Pedagogical strategies (lecture method, small group sessions, etc.)
• Students’ activities and assignments
(x) Assessment /Grading procedures:
• How will you measure students’ progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the
• Explain how you would evaluate the course?
• Propose assessment methods (tests, assignments, projects, etc.) to achieve the
3 CLOs
(xi) Main references for the course
• Write five references in APA 7th edition format
• Give references dating back at least 5 years
(xii) Other additional information
• Write additional pieces of information
Jens Martensson
Part 2: Online Class Participation (10 marks)

(a) What impact do you think new technologies are having on the way curricula are
developed and delivered? Discuss the potential benefits and challenges.

(b) How do you think curriculum developers can strike a balance between
standardising content to ensure uniformity of education and adapting to
different learning needs and local circumstances?

(c) How important is student feedback in curriculum development? Discuss how

student input can be effectively integrated into the curriculum development

(d) How do you envision the future of curriculum design? Consider factors such as
globalisation, technological advances and changing societal needs.

(e) Cultural sensitivity in curricula: How can curriculum developers ensure that
content is culturally sensitive and inclusive? Give examples of good practise or
potential pitfalls.

Jens Martensson
• 1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the
forum discussion set up by your tutor.
• 2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as
images in your assignment.
• 3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in
JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen
Grab below
• 4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the
discussion, Day, Date and Time.

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