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Examples from cultural studies. These three terms should be
at the forefront of your mind while examining literature from
a cultural studies perspective: 1.power,

2. Identity, and
3. Reresentation.
Power: Netflix, a well-known, international American
streaming service, developed the television series
Stranger Things. In order to save their hometown, a
group of kids and young adults in the series must defeat
a lethal supernatural power in addition to their parents,
the police, the military, and government officials
Identity: The primary target audience for Stranger Things is
young individuals between the ages of 18 and 30, who also
make up the lowest percentage of voters in politics, giving
older voters greater clout. Young adults make up the
majority of Stranger Things' main cast.
Representation : StrangersThings represents
youth subcultures as a place of belonging and
resistance against hegemonic values, using
Dungeons & Dragons to explain supernatural
happenings in their town.
Cultural Studies: Crucial insights
•An interdisciplinary area of academic study
called "cultural studies" examines how culture is
produced, preserved, disseminated, and
reproduced as well as how power structures in
society both impact and are influenced by these
processes. • Cultural studies views
culture as a way of life that is always in process.
Cultural Studies’ approaches:
1) Transcend the confines of a particular
discipline such as literary criticism or history

2) Are politically engaged

3) Reject the distinction between “high” and
“low” art or “elite” and “popular” culture
4) Analyze not only the cultural works but also the
means of production.
The CCCS scholars utilized Antonio
Gramsci's work to understand UK political
circumstances, focusing on cultural
hegemony as a key instrument of political
and social control. This theory was pivotal
to British Cultural Studies, enabling analysis
of subaltern groups' resistance and
response to political and economic
Raymond Williams and CCCS's Marxist and
poststructuralist approach views subject
identities and relationships as textual constructs.
Cultural Studies emphasizes studying cultural
artefacts from social and material perspectives,
including the publishing industry, reviewers,
academic criticism, and publicity machinery.
Cultural artefacts like tricolors and Gandhi
Jayanti reinforce ideological values and conceal
oppressive patriarchal nationalism.
Cultural Studies is interested in
lifestyle because lifestyle:

1) Is about everyday life

2) Defines identity
3) Influences social relations 4)
Bestows meaning and value to
artefacts in a culture.
Thank you

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