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Research observation is a critical technique in gathering data and insights.

by Shlok Jain
Purpose of Research
Research observation serves the purpose of capturing real-time information and
behavior to study and analyze specific phenomena.

It enables researchers to gain firsthand understanding, leading to comprehensive

and reliable results.
Types of Research Observation Methods
Direct Indirect Participant Non-participant
Observation Observation Observation Observation

Direct observation Indirect observation Participant Non-participant

involves watching and involves analyzing the observation entails the observation involves
recording behaviors artifacts or traces of active involvement of observing subjects
and events as they behavior left behind. the researcher in the without directly
unfold. observed situation or participating in their
environment. activities.
Legal Considerations in
Research Observation
When conducting research observation, legal frameworks must be adhered to.
This includes obtaining necessary permits and respecting privacy laws.

Researchers should also be mindful of copyright regulations when documenting

their observations.
Ethical Considerations in Research

1 Privacy and Consent 2 Confidentiality 3 Minimization of

Information gathered
Ethical research through observation should Researchers must strive to
observation ensures respect be handled with minimize any potential
for the privacy and consent confidentiality and harm to the subjects under
of individuals being discretion. observation.
Research observation is a versatile and powerful method for acquiring valuable
insights and understanding human behavior, interactions, and phenomena.

By adhering to legal and ethical considerations, researchers can conduct

observation-based studies with integrity and credibility.

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