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Sampling data in a stream

Sampling data in a stream

• Sampling data in a stream involves selecting a subset of data points from the continuous
flow of streaming data for analysis or further processing. Sampling is a common
technique used to reduce the volume of data while still preserving key characteristics,
patterns, or insights. There are several methods for sampling data in a stream:
1.Time-Based Sampling:
1. Fixed Time Intervals: Select data points at fixed time intervals. For example, you might sample
data every second, minute, or hour.
2. Sliding Time Windows: Use sliding time windows to capture a continuous subset of data over a
specified time period.
2.Size-Based Sampling:
1. Fixed Size: Choose a fixed number of data points for each sample. This method ensures a
consistent sample size.
2. Random Sampling: Randomly select data points with a specified probability. This helps in
avoiding bias introduced by fixed-size sampling.
Sampling data in a stream (contd..)
3. Event-Based Sampling:
• Every nth Event: Select every nth event in the stream. For example, you might choose to sample
every 100th event.
• Random Event Sampling: Randomly select events with a specified probability, regardless of their
position in the stream.
4. Systematic Sampling:
• Systematic Sampling with a Random Start: Choose a random starting point and then select every
nth item from that point onward.
5. Adaptive Sampling:
• Dynamic Adjustments: Adjust the sampling rate dynamically based on the characteristics of the
data stream. For instance, increase the sampling rate during periods of high activity.
6. Cluster-Based Sampling:
• Cluster Sampling: Group data into clusters and then sample entire clusters. This can be useful
when similar events tend to occur together.

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