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The Strengths and

Weaknesses of
Filipino Values
Filipino Values
- Filipino values refer to the collective
principles, virtues, and ideals that guide the
thoughts, actions, and interactions of Filipinos
in various aspects of life.
Strengths of Filipino
• Hospitality

• Strong Family Ties

• Resilience

• Bayanihan Spirit

Hospitality refers to the generous and

welcoming treatment of guests, visitors,
or strangers, typically characterized by
warmth, kindness, and accommodation.
It involves providing a comfortable and
inviting environment, extending
courtesy and consideration towards
others, and ensuring their needs are
met to the best of one's ability.

Strong family ties refers to the

close and supportive relationships
among family members,
characterized by mutual love,
respect, and commitment. It
involves strong emotional bonds,
frequent communication, and
active involvement in each other's

Resilience refers to the ability of

individuals and communities to
bounce back and adapt in the
face of adversity, challenges, or
setbacks. It embodies strength,
perseverance, and
resourcefulness in overcoming
difficulties and obstacles.

Bayanihan spirit, deeply

ingrained in Filipino culture,
refers to the collective spirit of
communal unity, cooperation,
and solidarity. It originated from
the traditional Filipino custom of
neighbors coming together to
help a family move their house to
a new location.
Weaknesses of
Filipino Values

• Patronage Politics

• Crab Mentality

• Fatalism

• Excessive Conformity

Patronage politics refers to a

system of governance
characterized by the exchange of
political favors, resources, and
benefits in return for loyalty,
support, or votes. It often leads
to corruption, favoritism, and the
perpetuation of inequalities, as
decisions are based on personal
connections rather than merit or
public interest.

Crab mentality refers to a

negative mindset or behavior
characterized by envy,
resentment, and sabotaging the
success or progress of others.
Individuals exhibiting crab
mentality seek to undermine or
obstruct the achievements of
others out of jealousy or
insecurity, hindering cooperation
and collective progress.

Fatalism is a philosophical belief

or attitude characterized by the
acceptance of events and
outcomes as predetermined or
inevitable. It can lead to a
passive acceptance of
circumstances and a lack of
initiative or agency in pursuing
goals, limiting personal growth
and societal development.

Excessive conformity refers to an

Fatalism is a philosophical belief or attitude characterized by the acceptance of on adhering to
societal norms, expectations, or
events and outcomes as predetermined or inevitable. It can lead to a passive
acceptance of circumstances and a lack of initiative or agency in pursuing goals,

standards to the extent that it

limiting personal growth and societal development.

suppresses individuality,
creativity, and critical thinking. It
can stifle diversity, innovation,
and personal growth, limiting
opportunities for self-expression
and authentic living.

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