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Bioquímica do

Exercício e

O que veremos
Benefícios do Exercício visto
pela Bioquímica

 Pré Treino e Performance

Bioquímica e Performance

 Intra treino e a Performance

Nutrição e Performance

 Pós Treino e a Performance

“Training the Gut”

Scientific meeting report: International
Biochemistry of Exercise 2022




A Bioquímica por trás da Performance

Anaerobiose e Aerobiose

• Como é feita a escolha?

Capacidade Oxidativa e Suprimento de

Glicólise Anaeróbica

Piruvato a Lactato

Ciclo de Cori

“ ” para o Lactato

Metabolismo Aeróbico


A Importância do Glicogênio
Baixo Glicogênio prejudicando liberação de cálcio!!

Recovery do Glicogênio - ISSN
• Preferably, the majority of dietary carbohydrate should come from whole grains, vegetables,

• While foods that empty quickly from the stomach such as starches and engineered sports
nutrition products should be reserved for situations in which glycogen resynthesis needs to
occur at accelerated rates.

• In these situations, the absolute delivery of carbohydrate (> 8 g of carbohydrate/ kg/day or at

least 1.2 g of carbohydrate/kg/hour for the first four hours into recovery) takes precedence
over other strategies such as those that may relate to timing or concomitant ingestion of other
macronutrients (e.g., protein) or non-nutrients (e.g., caffeine**) or carbohydrate type
(i.e.,glycemic index)

Kerksick et al.@PROF.RAFAEL.LONGHI
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2018) 15:38
**Cafeína - ISSN
• Caffeine has consistently been shown to improve exercise performance when consumed in
doses of 3–6 mg/kg body mass.

• 9 mg/kg are associated with a high incidence of side-effects and do not seem to be required
to elicit an ergogenic effect

• Timing of caffeine supplementation is 60 min pre-exercise

• Appears to improve physical performance in both trained and untrained individuals

Guest, N.S., VanDusseldorp, T.A., Nelson, M.T. et al. International society of sports nutrition position
stand: caffeine and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 18, 1 (2021).
Nutrients. 2021 Sep 23;13(10):3335. doi: 10.3390/nu13103335. PMID: 34684336;
PMCID: PMC8537367
Oxidação de Lipídios

LEHNINGER, T. M., NELSON, D. L. & COX, M. M. Princípios de Bioquímica. 8ª Edição, 2022. Ed. Artmed
Como a Nutrição pode Potencializar essas vias para a performance??



The immune response to Prevotella bacteria in chronic inflammatory disease. Immunology. 2017
Aug;151(4):363-374. doi: 10.1111/imm.12760.
Probióticos - ISSN

Probióticos - ISSN
The current body of research of probiotic supplementation for healthy athletes and
physically active individuals suggests that they are safe for use
Dosing regimens typically fall in range between 1 × 109 to 1 × 1011 CFU (colony forming units)
The IOC noted moderate support for probiotic use when administered for several weeks in
athletes with a daily dose of 1 × 1010 CFU
 Genera of commonly used probiotics include Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus
and Bacillus
Males and females may respond to probiotic supplementation differently. Future research is
needed in this area
Approximately 70% of the immune system is located in the gut and probiotic
supplementation has been shown to promote a healthy immune response.

O Pré Treino e a Performance

• Cho

• Nitrato

• Beta Alanina

• Bicarbonato

Cho - IG Pré Exercício

• 1h ou menos • Entre 1h e 3h
• Maioria dos estudos • ↓IG resulta em aumento
mostra aumento da da glicemia e aumento de
glicemia mas sem diferença AGL em comparação a ↑IG
estatística sobre a exaustão • Sugere-se menor utilização
entre ↑ ou ↓IG de glicogênio muscular
durante exercício
Maioria dos estudos sugerem que o consumo
de ↓IG antes do exercício resulta em um
perfil metabólico favorável durante o exercício
Mas não há pesquisas que mostram que
o consumo de ↑IG antes do exercício afetará o

(n = 8) consumed 1.5 g/kg available CHO from a low-GI
bar (GI = 45) or high-GI bar (GI = 101) two hours before
a 90 min simulated soccer match, and 0.38 g/kg body
mass during a 15 min half-time break

Nutrients. 2020 Apr 2;12(4):982. doi: 10.3390/nu12040982. PMID: 32252250;

PMCID: PMC7231210
Existe IG?





Na Prática
• 30min pré treino
• Estratégia: 30g de Cho + 6g de proteínas

• 1h pré treino

• Estratégia: 1 grama de Cho por Kg de peso corporal + 0,25 a

0,50g/Kg de Ptn de peso corporal

• Hidratação

• Como é feita a escolha? Ciência e “business”


 Evidence to determine whether nitrate supplementation improves explosive efforts lasting ≤ 6s.
 250 mg (>4 mmol) nitrate per 100 g fresh weight
These results suggest that nitrate potentially improves explosive exercise performance, but
further work is required to clarify the factors influencing the efficacy of nitrate in different
exercise modalities.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recently classified five supplements to have a strong
evidence base for enhancing high-intensity exercise performance, which includes caffeine, beta-
alanine, sodium bicarbonate, beetroot juice, and creatine
 Beetroot juice supplements (one to two doses of concentrated shots, each containing 70 mL ×
~6.4 mmol of NO3−)
To date, based on the available evidence, a minimum dose of at least ~6 mmol of NO3−,
ingested within 2–3 h prior to the start of exercise, is required to induce physiological effects

The Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Explosive Exercise Performance: A Systematic

Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 11;19(2):762. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19020762
Benefícios – agudo ou crônica adm?
 Improved contractile function
Improved energy cost of force production
Better homogenous blood flow distribution
and more pronounced effects in type II muscle fibers
Importantly, chronic NO3− ingestion is likely not the sole factor in determining the efficacy of
NO3− in performance during explosive sprinting exercise.
However, given that most studies that did not observe effects employed acute NO 3− dosing
regimens, these data could highlight supplementation duration as a methodological
consideration for NO3−-induced effects on explosive sprinting performance.

± 2 e 1/2

Conclusions: Ingestion of nitrate-rich beetroot juice, rocket

salad beverage, and spinach beverage effectively increases
plasma nitrate and nitrite concentrations and lowers blood
pressure to a greater extent than sodium nitrate. These
findings show that nitrate-rich vegetables can be used as
dietary nitrate supplements.

Cell 185, August 4, 2022

@PROF.RAFAEL.LONGHI J Nutr 2016;146:986–93.
Beta Alanina

Beta Alanina
 Tem seu potencial recurso ergogênico baseado em sua relação com a carnosina

 Carnosina = histidina + b-alanine

 Acredita-se que a Carnosina é um dos principais tampões do músculo


 ↓ [Carnosina] muscular pode levar a uma ↓ da capacidade do tampão muscular,

↓ a capacidade para resistir ao acúmulo de H + durante atividades anaeróbicas

Kerksick, C.M., Wilborn, C.D., Roberts, M.D. et al. ISSN exercise & sports nutrition
review update: research & recommendations. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 15, 38 (2018).
 both acute and chronic BA supplementation

 doses ranged from 1.5−6.4 g/day in periods ranging

from 1 h before physical tests (acute
supplementation) to 10 weeks with one or several
doses during the day (chronic supplementation).

 Performance after BA supplementation is due to an

increase in muscular Carnosine [ ]

Effects of Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Physical Performance in Aerobic-Anaerobic Transition Zones: A

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 19;12(9):2490. doi: 10.3390/nu12092490
Daily supplementation with
4 to 6 g of beta-alanine for at
least 2 to 4 weeks has been
shown to improve exercise

Bicarbonato de Sódio

1. Aumento da [ ] HCO3- no lúmen estomacal

2. Formação de CO2 = ↑pH

3. ↑pH = estimula entrada de HCO3-

4. HCO3- estimula transporte de H+ para fora do

músculo via MCT

5. Saída de H+ do músculo reestabelece o pH

muscular garantindo aumento da atividade das
enzimas glicolíticas e produção de ATP

Grgicet al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2021) 18:61
Combining sodium
bicarbonate with
creatine or beta-
alanine may produce
 Single-dose supplementation protocols, 0.2 g/kg of sodium bicarbonate seems to be additive effects on
the minimum doserequired to experience improvements in exercise performance. exercise performance!!

 The optimal dose = 0.3 g/kg.

 Higher doses (e.g., 0.4 or 0.5 g/kg) may not be required in single-dose supplementation
protocols, because they do not provide additional benefits (compared with 0.3 g/kg)
and are associated with a higher incidence and severity of adverse side-effects.

 For single-dose supplementation protocols, the recommended timing of sodium

bicarbonate ingestion is between 60 and 180 min before exercise or competition.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2021) 18:61
O Intra Treino e a Performance

• Cho

• Cho + Ptn

• Hidratação

O que oferecer??
Carbo em pó
Waxy Maze
Água de Coco

Cho e Transtorno Gástrico

Cho e Transtorno Gástrico

“ ” para Frutose

2h30min a 5h
Cápsulas de Sódio – Teoria e Prática
30 em 30min de Cho

0 – 30 – 60 – 90 – 120 – 150 – 180

1 sachê a cada 30min = 5 sachês

0mg de Na até 500mg de Na

Na da água mineral

Alternativas alimentares

O Pós Treino e a Performance
• Cho

• Proteínas

• W3

• Creatina


 To maximize recovery of glycogen stores and the capacity to perform
in subsequent endurance exercise, athletes should consider ingesting
at least 1.2 g carbohydrate per kilogram body mass/h - for the first
few hours of recovery

 Mixture of fructose and glucose-based carbohydrates

 However, if a goal is increased capacity for fat oxidation, athletes

should consider restricting carbohydrate intakes during recovery
from some key training sessions.

Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2021 Jul 1;24(4):364-371. doi:
10.1097/MCO.0000000000000761. PMID: 33973552.
 The present systematic review and meta-analysis quantified the effects of consuming CHO (in isolation)
and CHO+PRO on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis during short-term post-exercise recovery.

 Overall, a beneficial effect of ingesting CHO (compared to water or non-nutritive placebo treatment) was
observed on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

 However, co-ingestion of CHO with PRO conferred no additional benefit compared to CHO ingested alone.
Furthermore, the interval of CHO administration was found to be an influential factor on the rate of
muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

 Athletes should be encouraged to consume CHO at

least hourly (or more frequently) over the longest
period of short-term recovery (≤ 8 h) feasible.

The Effect of Consuming Carbohydrate With and Without Protein on the Rate of Muscle Glycogen Re-
synthesis During Short-Term Post-exercise Recovery: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Med
Open. 2021 Jan 28;7(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s40798-020-00297-0.

Whey Protein
Compostos Bioativos: β-lg e α-la*
Roef (1994) ; Bramauld, (1997) ; Kontopidis (2004) ; Pelegrine (2005); Vardhanabhuti (2009);
Potes (2013).

Beta-lactoglobulina – principal componente

do soro do leite, em temperaturas acima de
650C gera modificações irreversíveis

Alfa-lactoalbumina – desnaturação acima de

600C, alterações irreversíveis.

Tofu e feijão,
boas fontes
de leucina

Protein supplementation is sufficient at ~1.6g/kg/day in
healthy adults during RET

Protein supplementation beyond a total daily protein intake

of ~1.6 g/kg/day during RET provided no further benefit on
gains in muscle mass or strength.

Saindo um pouco do esporte...



Ômega 3

W3 e Hipertrofia

W3 e Hipertrofia

Estímulo ao tecido marrom,
tratamento à obesidade

Na Prática com W3
 Hipertrofia

2 a 4g pós treino

W3 + WP


 1 a 2g

3 a 5h pré ou pós exercício

Destaques Importantes!!!

 3g/dia

There is no compelling scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine
monohydrate (up to 30 g/day for 5 years)

 Creatine monohydrate is the most extensively studied and clinically effective form of
creatine for use in nutritional supplements in terms of muscle uptake and ability to increase
high-intensity exercise capacity

 The quickest method of increasing muscle creatine stores may be to consume ~0.3 g/kg/day
of creatine monohydrate for 5–7-days followed by 3–5 g/day thereafter to maintain elevated


Alguns cuidados

NMN – Mononucleotídeo de Nicotinamida
Precursor imediato de NAD + e está envolvida na biossíntese de NAD + em todos os seres
 Corpo usa o mononucleotídeo de nicotinamida NMN para gerar NAD +, uma molécula vital
que desempenha um papel central no metabolismo de todas as nossas células
A partir dos 30 anos, os valores de NAD + nas células do nosso corpo diminuem
Genes importantes reagem incorretamente sem NAD + e nosso corpo não pode mais
prevenir o processo de envelhecimento e doenças
NAD+ é essencial para o funcionamento adequado das sirtuínas
O NAD+ é um dos compostos essenciais que combate o encurtamento dos telômeros

Pesquisas envolvendo NMN
 DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ19-0313
 Administração oral única de NMN até 500 mg foi seguro e bem tolerado em homens
saudáveis, sem causar efeitos deletérios significativos. Desta forma, a administração oral de
NMN é viável e pode ser um estratégia terapêutica para repor os níveis de NAD+
 Resultados indicam que a suplementação com NMN foi capaz de aumentar ainda mais o
limiar ventilatório (300 a 1200mg)
Oral Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Is Safe and Efficiently Increases Blood
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Levels in Healthy Subjects
250mg/dia de NMN e pode ser uma estratégia prática para aumentar os níveis de NAD+ em

Juntos somos mais fortes!!


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