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Moms are everyday heroines

Nº 44
• Realizar as atividades no Classroom para
marcar sua presença.
• Caso tenha dúvidas, entre em contato com
seu professor pelo mural.
• Entre em contato com a sua escola e
verifique a possibilidade para
retirar os materiais disponíveis.
Na aula anterior: Corn Flakes
✔ Ampliamos o nosso vocabulário
através de textos informativos;
✔ Falamos sobre o passado simples.
Objetivos da aula de hoje:
Moms are everyday heroines
✔ Ampliação do vocabulário através dos
textos tirinhas, HQ;
✔ Falaremos sobre o passado simples e
passado contínuo.
❑ Mom, my daily heroine.

a) What was the mother doing with her

daughter? She was selling souvenirs.
b) Is it normal for children work with their
mothers nowadays? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
1. According to the chart check the correct
I. The tourist was:
a) describing her children;
b) describing her vacation;
c) describing her job.
⮚ Past Continuous x Past Simple

O Passado Simples é usado para expressar hábitos

passados ou ações iniciadas e finalizadas no passado,
com um tempo determinado.

We went to London last holidays.

O Passado Contínuo é um tempo verbal utilizado para
indicar ações que estavam ocorrendo em um momento
determinado do passado de uma forma progressiva, por
isso também é muito utilizado quando estão sendo
executadas duas ou mais ações no passado.

What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night?

I was watching television.
Frequentemente, utilizamos o past continuous e o past
simple juntos. Quando isso acontece, o passado contínuo
tem a função de descrever uma situação ou ação de fundo e
o passado simples descreve a ação ou o evento em si.

•When I woke up this morning it was raining and my mother

was singing in the kitchen.
2. Put the sentences in the Past Continuous.

a) Elly ___________
was walking (walk) on the beach in
Barbados when she saw a vendor selling
beaches wraps.
b) While Elly_____________
was trying on (try on)
a beach wrap, she told the woman
about her two kids.

wasn’t expecting
c) Elly___________________ (not
expected) to miss her children in
3. Complete the sentences correctly.

forgot – sent – went – was leaving

forgot – sent – went – was leaving

a) went
I ________ to the grocery store
today. sent
b) My mom________ me with a list of
things to buy.
forgot – sent – went – was leaving

c) As I was
leaving the groceries the
cashier ran up to me.
d) “You _______
forgot your receipt,” she said.
✔ Check the correct alternative:
1. Observe the picture:
a) The crocodile was driving.
b) The crocodile was dancing.
c) The crocodile was singing

2. Circle the sentence in the Past Continuous:

a) I listened a good song today.
b) They were waiting the bus when it rained.
c) My mother is a superhero.
Nessa aula:
✔ Ampliamos do vocabulário através de HQ e
comic strips;
✔ Falamos sobre o passado simples e passado

Thanks a lot!

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