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to Chemistry
What is Chemistry?

The study of all substances (matter) and the

changes they undergo.
EX: Burning Paper (chemical
Melting Ice (physical change)
Chemistry is the central science because it
overlaps many other sciences, like biology
and Earth science.
Scientific Method
It is a systematic way to answer question about the
natural world.
• 1. A scientist makes an observation.
• 2. The observation leads to a question.
• 3. Experiment - a test of the hypothesis
• 4. Conclusion – a possible explanation of the results
• 5. Natural Law – describes how nature behaves. It
can be duplicated many times.
Scientific Theory
It explains why nature behaves in a certain
way. It is based on empirical evidence.
It is a major part of science.
• 1. Every measurement needs a number.
• 2. All measurements need to include units.
All sciences use the metric system
• 1. They’re called the International System
of Units
• 2. All scientists use it as a common unit.
International System of Units
1. Built upon the base 10 method of counting
- Length is measured in meters (m)
EX: 1m = 3.3 ft
- Mass is measured in grams (g)
- Time is measured in seconds (s)
• 2. Some units are derived units
- Area = l x w
- Volume = l x w x h
Exceptions to Base Units

Volume and temperature units are not based on log base 10

- Liter – based on cubed meters
- Celsius – unit of temperature
Metric Prefixes
Used to make units larger or smaller than
the base unit
EX: 1kg = 1000g

Ex) If you have 10 kg, how many grams

do you have?
Common Metric Prefixes
mega = M 1000000
kilo =k 1000
base unit =meters, grams, liters 1
deci = d 0.1
centi = c 0.01
milli = m 0.001
micro = u 0.0001
nano = n 0.000000001
pico = p 0.000000000001
Accuracy in Measurements

Precision is achieved when you obtain the

same answer over and over
Accuracy is achieved when you obtain a
value close to the accepted value
Reasons for uncertain measurements
1. Instruments can have flaws or are not calibrated
2. Human error when estimating
True Value
1. Achieved when you take estimated value
to the farthest guess
2. Actual value is plus (+) or minus (-) 0.1
units depending on guess measurement
EX: 31.7 ± 0.1 is 31 and 7
tenths plus or minus 0.1
4. Accepted Value - the correct value
( measurement)
Significant Figures
These are the certain digits and estimated
digits of a measurement.
EX: 31.7 , the 3 and 1 are certain
digits and 7 is the estimated digit


“Rules” of Significant Figures
Zero - As a “place keeper” it tells where the
decimal point goes and is NOT significant. If it is
after the decimal than it is significant.

EX: If a balance measures to the nearest 10 grams

and measures 1060 grams then the number has 3
significant figures, 1, 0, 6. The last 0 only shows
where the decimal goes.
Try this: 7,006,500
Atlantic Pacific Rule
a. measurements with a decimal point uses the
Pacific rule, count from the left using the first
non zero number and going to the end.

b. Measurements without a decimal point uses

the Atlantic rule, count form the right using the
first non zero number and going to the end.

c. Start all counting with first non zero number

then count all the way to the end.
An exact number does NOT affect number of significant figures in
EX: 1000m = 1km ALWAYS

In multiplication and division the measurement with the least significant

figures tells the number of significant figures allowed in reported answer

In addition or subtraction the significant figures depends on the number

with the least significant figures (least accurate)

ONLY THE FINAL ANSWER is put into significant figures

Rounding – 5 or greater round up, 4 or below rounds down

Scientific Notation
Makes numbers easier to work with, especially really
large numbers and decimals.
Step 1: Move the decimal to the right or the left form a whole number between 1
and 10. Leave the other digits after the decimal.

Step 2: Set up the scientific notation using the number from step 1. You will not
have an exponent yet.

Step3: Count the number of spaces the decimal has moved.

Step 4: Determine if the decimal moved to the right or the left. Movement to the
right creates a negative exponent. Movement to the left creates a positive exponent.
Step 5: Place the exponent in the scientific notation.
Try It!

Complete practice problems.

Percent Error
When calculating percent error, we compare
the measured value to the accepted value.

Formula from Table T:

Measured Value – Accepted Value X 100
Accepted Value
Try it!

You measured 0.26 g of product produced

from your experiment. The accepted value
is 0.28g . What is the percent error in your
Ratios are found by comparing two
An example of ratios is speed (m/s).
The more common example is density.
(Table C) Density is calculated by
Density = mass
Density is expressed in units of gram(g) per mL
or cubic centimeter.
Problem Solving
Step 1: Determine what the question is
asking and what needs to be solved.
Step 2: Make a plan to solve the problem.
Step 3: Solve it!
Step 4: Check to see if the answer makes
sense. If not, make another plan.
Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional – Using dimensions with units
Analysis – Analyzing information

Dimensional Analysis:
Conversions between different units.
Steps to Dimensional Analysis
1. Write what you need to convert with the units
you want on bottom
2. Choose a unit equality and write the
conversion factor(s) for the corresponding unit
3. Set up problem to get desired units and so
other units will cancel
4. Multiply and cancel units (remember
significant figures!)
5. Check answer to see if it makes sense.
Step 1
The units to convert are given in the
Ex: If there is 756 L in the
container, how many
gallons are there?
Write: 756L
Step 2
Unit Equalities show how different units
are related.
Unit equality: 3.785 L = 1 gal
Write: 1 gal
Step 3
Set up problem to cancel units:

Write: 756 L x 1 gal =

X 3.785L
Step 4
Multiply and cancel units:

756 L x 1 gal = 199.73579gal

X 3.785L

With Significant Figures ~ 2.00 x 102 gal

Step 5
Check that the answer is reasonable.

Since we had more than 3.785L in our

sample then we should have more than
1gal in our answer. Therefore, our answer
is reasonable.
Things to Watch Out For
• Make sure conversion factors are set up to
give the desired units for your answer.
• If the undesired units do not cancel, check
to see if the problem is set up correctly.
• Always make sure to include units with the
final answer.
• Impossible conversions like seconds to
kilograms and liters to degrees.

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