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Soft Skills

Team BrightGaze
Clear ,concise, concrete
Complete ,courteous, correct , coherent
• Team Work by Devashish Mehta:

 Cohesive Nature, constructive approach

 Employing the required skill sets to achieve the goal.

 Co Ordination and In-Sync actions

 Understanding and Trust amongst members

 Emergency Delivery, Raju’s Father

Verbal Communications by Devashish:
 Confidence makes the difference

 Presenting Truth in Precious and Subtle manner

 Understand what you are speaking, mugging without understanding is


 CAN NOT NOT COMMUNICATE : “School ke liye fees nahi Uniform


• “Shadi me khan eke liye invitation nahi Dresscode chaheye”

• The Outlook makes the person blend into Moment

Nonverbal communication
• Nonverbal communication means talking without speaking, using things like
gestures, facial expressions, and body language. It helps to show how someone
feels or what they mean, even when they don't say it out loud. Paying attention
to these signals can help us understand each other better when we talk.
• 1. Expressing Passion and Innovation: Rancho's excitement for engineering
shows in how he moves and speaks. His confidence and quick thinking inspire
• 2. Resisting Societal Expectations: Farhan's struggle to follow his dream of
wildlife photography despite pressure to become an engineer is clear in his
tense body language. When he decides to follow his passion, he looks more
relaxed and determined.
• 3. Challenging Conventional Norms : Rancho’s rebellious nature against
traditional education is evident in his confident demeanor and playful behavior.
He encourages his friends to think differently.
• 4. Demonstrating Resilience: Raju's journey from fear to strength is shown in
his posture. As he faces his challenges and leans on his friends, he stands taller
and looks more determined.
• 5. Embracing Lifelong Learning : Rancho’s eagerness to learn is seen in how
he acts and talks. He’s always curious and excited about new ideas, inspiring
others to keep learning too.
• What do we essentially mean by Teamwork
 Teamwork is when a group of people work in cohesive manner with each other to reach
at some common goal.

 Itis a journey where members have dependencies on one another and their roles are self
complimenting in nature.

 The co ordination that the team demonstrates is vital for accomplishment of the taken

 Trust amongst the team is highly significant for the successful completion of the task.
Some references from the movie
 Repairing Joy’s Quad copter and making it fly again.

 Altering Chatur’s Speech and fooling the librarian.

 Taking Raju/Raju’s Father to hospital.

 Emergency Delivery of Mona’s Child.

• Some references from the movie
Rancho’s Arguments with Prof Viru

 Farhan’s Negotiation with Abba

Raju’s Negotiation at Job interview.

Rancho’s negotiation with Priya.

Self analysis
• Self-analysis is like looking at yourself in a mirror but for your thoughts, feelings, and
actions. It's about taking a closer look at who you are, what you believe in, what you're
good at, and what you could improve on. It helps you understand yourself better, grow
as a person, and make smarter choices in life.
• 1. *Exploring Personal Passions*:

Rancho, one of the main characters, discovers his passion for

engineering and innovation through his unorthodox approach to learning and problem-

• 2. *Overcoming Expectations*: -

Farhan, pressured by his family to become an engineer, ultimately

pursues his dream of becoming a wildlife photographer, despite societal expectations.
• 3. *Embracing Your Uniqueness*:

- Rancho embraces his unique perspective on education and life, challenging

the conventional norms and inspiring his friends to do the same
• 4. *Dealing with Setbacks*: -

Raju faces numerous setbacks, including financial struggles and academic

pressure, but learns to overcome them with resilience and the support of his friends.
• 5. Continuing to Learn and Grow*:

- Rancho's thirst for knowledge and curiosity drives him to constantly

seek new experiences and challenges, demonstrating the value of lifelong learning.
• "Etiquettes" in "3 Idiots" refer to the social norms and behaviors displayed by the
characters in various situations throughout the film. This includes respecting decorum,
maintaining well-dressed attire, fostering positive relationships with professors,
managing crises effectively, and adhering to public speaking etiquette. These etiquettes
are portrayed through comedic and thought-provoking scenes, offering valuable lessons
on integrity, communication, and professionalism.

• 1. Respecting Decorum: Demonstrated during the chaotic wedding crash scene where
the protagonists disrupt the event's solemn atmosphere, highlighting the importance of
maintaining decorum in social settings.
• 2. Well-dressed Attires: Exemplified throughout the film, especially during college
scenes where the characters sport various styles, showcasing the significance of
dressing appropriately for different occasions.
• 3. Interactions with Professors**: Illustrated in multiple instances, such as the
respectful disagreements between students and faculty, emphasizing the importance of
maintaining positive relationships and communication with academic mentors.
• 4. **Crisis Management**: Seen during Farhan's emergency landing of the flight,
highlighting the repercussions of bluffing and lying in critical situations, underscoring
the value of honesty and transparency.
• 5. **Public Speaking Etiquette**: Evident during Chatur's infamous speech
competition, emphasizing the significance of preparedness, confidence, and humility in
public speaking engagements.
Dressing sense
 SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps identify an entity's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as
external opportunities and threats.

 Strengths :

• Strengths are things you're really good at or advantages that make you stand out.

• In the movie "3 Idiots," Rancho is really good at solving problems in a unique and clever way. For example, he
repurposes a motorbike engine to create a vacuum cleaner, showcasing his ingenuity and resourcefulness. This shows
how he can think creatively. Also, the strong friendship between Rancho, Farhan, and Raju is a big strength. They help
each other a lot, making it easier for them to handle tough situations in college and in their lives.
 Weaknesses:

• Weaknesses are areas where you might not be as strong or things

you can improve on.

• Farhan feels pressured by his family to pursue engineering

despite his passion for photography, showing weakness in
asserting personal desires against societal expectations.

• Professor Virus promotes rote learning over critical thinking in a

classroom scene, hindering intellectual curiosity and
independent thinking among students.

 Opportunities:

• Opportunities are external chances for you to grow or improve

• Rancho challenges Professor Virus's teaching methods,

advocating for a student-centered approach to learning,
providing an opportunity to challenge institutional norms.

• Rancho inspires his friends to follow their passions, presenting

an opportunity for individuals to break free from societal
constraints and bring about positive change in their lives and
 Threats:

• Threats are external factors that could be challenging for

you. In soft skills, this might involve things outside your
control that could affect your work, like changes in
technology or economic uncertainties.

• Societal expectations and the pressure to conform to

traditional norms pose threats to the characters' well-
being. The emphasis on academic success and the
resulting stress contribute to Raju's mental health

• The character Chatur, obsessed with topping exams,

represents the threat of unhealthy competition within the
education system.

• Threat in the movie is Professor Virus, who represents the

traditional way of teaching. He doesn't like it when
students question him or think differently. This creates a
threat for characters like Rancho, who challenge his
methods and want to learn in a different way.
Organization Structure
5 stage ordering Process
• In the movie "3 Idiots," the organization structure within the context of the educational
institution revolves around hierarchy, competition, and traditional notions of success. Here's
a breakdown based on your points:
• 1) Hierarchy and Order: The institution depicted in the film follows a traditional hierarchical
structure where authority figures such as professors and administrative staff hold power over
students. There's a clear order in terms of seniority and status, with seniors exerting influence
over juniors.
• 2) Race to the Top: The central theme of the movie revolves around the intense competition
among students to excel academically and secure top positions in the institution. This race to
the top creates a high-pressure environment where students feel compelled to prioritize
grades and achievements above all else.
• 3) Merit and Credits Decide the Place: The organization values meritocracy, where academic
performance and achievements determine one's place in the hierarchy. Students who excel in
their studies are rewarded with recognition and praise, while those who struggle or fail to
meet expectations face criticism and marginalization.
4) Seniors and Ragging: Within the hierarchical structure, seniors hold
significant power over juniors, often exerting their authority through practices
like ragging. Ragging, a form of initiation ritual or hazing, is depicted in the
movie as a way for seniors to assert dominance and control over newcomers,
often resulting in humiliation and harassment.
5) OBSERVE: “The hierarchical structure in '3 Idiots' mirrors real-world
institutions, showcasing the power dynamics between authority figures and
students, impacting their experiences and interactions."
"Through the portrayal of intense competition, meritocracy, and senior-junior
dynamics, '3 Idiots' sheds light on the pressures and flaws inherent in traditional
educational systems, prompting reflection on the pursuit of genuine learning and
personal growth."

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