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Dead Stars is a rather short tale written
Paz Marquez Benitez in 1925
A time when infidelity was deemed to be
romantic in lieu of today’s ideologies that
being said the story revolves around the
concept of romanticism and the responsibility
that accompanies it
The plot depicts the world in the eyes of
ALFREDO SALAZAR, a thirty years old
bachelor, as a man with an astute
What intrigued me when I first read the tale
was quite specifically the way it was written
from beginning to end, the entire story was
written in the third person thus surprising me
because the books I usually read tell stories
in the eyes of certain characters.
In regards to the context of when the
book was written, I if it is incredibly
fitting that it was written in the early 199s
when the timeless tales involving lords
and ladies (the Filipino counterparts of
Don and Dona) usually come to the
Even though the story did depict a
perfect example of infidelity, which is
often frowned upon this day, I found
the story to be enticing
The characters were in my opinion,
straight out of a Romeo and Juliet themed
story where patriarchal views are heavily
laid down throughout the entire story.
Delving into specifics however
As far as Esperanza and Julia are
concerned I ‘ve deduced that they
were too dependent on the main
protagonist of the story which isn’t
surprising given the time it was written
As for the plot itself, I wouldn’t that it was as
elaborate as Shakespearian but it was
commendable because it showed a more
reasonable and logical ending, that which was
Alfred stepping up to be an honorable man

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