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• Measures to maintain normal faecal elimination

• Define enema
• Purposes of enema
• Administration skills of enema
• Action of enema
• Types of enema

• Drinking plenty of fluids at least 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking

water helps keep stool soft which makes them easy to pass out . Lots
of fluids also helps to prevent constipation by increasing the amount
of water in the colon , which makes stool more likely to move through
the digestive system smoothly

• Get plenty of fiber in the diet-this includes fruits , vegetables and

whole grains . Fiber adds bulk to stool making it to pass through the
digestive system smoothly, it also prevents constipation by absorbing
water in the colon and forming a softer more easily passed stool
• Get regular exercises-exercising stimulates the release of hormones
that promotes digestion and also relaxes the muscles of the digestive
system , all this helps to move stool out smoothly

• Relax when in the bathroom, stress can make it hard to move the
bowel movement. When you are relaxed the body is better able to
focus on digestion and elimination

• Avoiding excess use of laxatives- excessive use if laxatives can cause

the bowels to become dependent on them , making it difficult to have
normal bowel movement without their use
ENEMA- is a procedure in which solutions are transmitted into the
rectum through the anus


• To deliver medications directly into the colon
• To clear the bowel before a medical procedure (colonoscopy)

• NB : The main purpose of enema is to remove waste products from

the colon
1.Lie down on either side of the body ,the enema will be inserted in to
the rectum using a lubricated tube .The solution will be released slowly
into the rectum and the Patient is expected to hold on the inserted
solution for some time before expelling it out.
Once the solution is inside the rectum , the solution works by
stimulating the nerves in the colon to cause peristalsis , or muscle
contractions . This helps to move the solution along the colon , which
helps to clean out the bowels . The solution may also contain
medication that is absorbed through the lining of the colon and travels
to the rest of the body

• TAP WATER ENEMA(hypotonic)-made using plain warm tap water , it is used to cleanse
the colon before a medical procedure

• NORMAL SALINE ENEMA(hypertonic)-made up of a solution of sodium chloride. It is

normally used in hospital settings to cleanse the colon for the procedure called
colonoscopy . The sodium chloride is mixed with sterile water

• OIL-RETENTION ENEMA- is for people whose stool is hardened , it softens the stool , so
that it easily passes out through the anus. Vegetable oil is commonly used

• SOAP MIXTURES-soap is mixed with warm sterile water to treat serious bowel conditions.
It is used for emptying the large bowel to relieve constipation and before rectal
treatments, examinations and operations.

• CARMINATIVE ENEMA- A small volume enema given to release fluids. The enema consists
of two ounces of glycerin, one ounce of magnesium (Epsom salts) and three ounces of
water. The combination of ingredients stimulated peristalsis resulting in a bowel
movement in which faeces and flatus are expelled.
• PHYSIOLOGICAL ENEMA – is often used to treat constipation and can
be done at home using a simple saline solution. It works by
stimulating the nerves in the lower colon , which triggers the urge to

• HARRIS FLUSH ENEMA- is a type of enema aimed to evacuate painful

flatus from a patient who has undergone abdominal surgery. This is
done introducing a liquid , such as water and saline into the rectum
through a tube . The liquid helps to flush out any waste material or

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