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Basically the eye consists of from anteriorly backwards,
• Eyelids
• Conjunctiva,
• Eye ball and
• Extra ocular muscles
• The orbit and
• Other contents of the orbit- lacrimal gland, fat, nerves
and blood vessels
• Visual pathway
• Each of these has varying functions.
• These are movable folds which act as shutters over the
eye ball.

• They contains the orbicularis oculi muscle which closes

the eye when it contracts. It is supplied by the 7th cranial
nerve .
• The lid also has attachment of the levator muscle which
raises the upper lid when it contracts. It is supplied by
the 3rd cranial nerve.
• There are also the meibomian glands in the tarsal plate
which contribute to the tear film.
• The inner aspect of the lid is lined by conjunctiva.
of the eye lids
1. Protecting the eye from injury and
excessive light.
2. They aid the pupil in regulating the
amount of light reaching the retina. It is
only when they are shut that the visual
cortex can be at rest.
3. They also spread the tears over the
cornea to keep it moist and healthy

• It is a thin transparent membrane which lines the

inner surface of the lids and the anterior aspect
of the sclera. It consists of
1 .The tarsal
2. Bulbar and
3. Forniceal parts(superior and inferior fornices)
• Secretion of mucous content of the tear film
The eye ball

• It consists of three layers of tissue

enclosing various transparent media
through which light must pass before
reaching the sensitive retina.
• The outer protective coat.
• The middle vascular, pigmented and
muscular layer and
• The inner light sensitive layer.
Outermost layer
• . This consists of
about posterior 5/6th
called the sclera. It is
white in colour .
• And the anterior 1/6th
which is transparent,
the cornea.
The middle layer
• It is the vascular layer
called the uvea. It
consists of from
anteriorly backwards,
• the iris,
• ciliary body and
• the choroids
The innermost layer
• Is the retina. It contains the light sensitive
pigments, rods and cones which generate
electrical impulse when struck by light. It
also has the ganglion cells which axons
form the optic nerve.
• Iris-light regulation
• Ciliary body-aqueous secretion,
• Choroid-blood supply and absoption of
light by piments
The innermost layer
• is the retina. It contains the light sensitive
pigments, rods and cones which generate
electrical impulse when struck by light. It
also has the ganglion cells which axons
form the optic nerve.
Contents of the eyeball
• Aqueous
• Crystalline lens and
• Vitreous
Extra ocular muscles

• Superior, inferior, lateral, medial recti,

superior and inferior obliques.
• Levator muscle.
• Origin and insertion.
• Innervation
• Action.
The orbit and its contents
• Shape
• Walls and relations
• Contents
• Blood supply
• Lymphatic drainage
The visual pathway

• This consists of from before backwards the

• optic nerve within the orbit ,
• optic chiasma,
• optic tract,
• lateral geniculate body,
• optic radiation and the
• visual occipital cortex in the brain.
• The Westphal Edinger and the pretectal nuclei
are involved in pupil reaction.

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