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Symptoms of Aspiration

Symptoms of Aspiration pneumonitis are given below:

Coughing: Aspiration irritates the airways, leading to persistent coughing as the body attempts to clear
the foreign material from the lungs.
Shortness of Breath : Inhalation of gastric contents can cause inflammation and compromise lung
function, resulting in difficulty breathing.
Chest Pain : Irritation and inflammation in the airways can cause chest pain or discomfort.
Increased Heart Rate: The body’s response to inflammation and decreased oxygen levels
can lead to an elevated heart rate as the heart works harder to circulate oxygen
Fever : In some cases, aspiration pneumonitis may lead to infection, causing fever as the
body’s immune response is triggered.
Wheezing: Constriction of the airways due to inflammation can lead to wheezing sounds
during breathing .
Difficulty Speaking: Irritation of the vocal cords or airways can cause hoarseness or difficulty in
speaking clearly.

Cyanosis: Insufficient oxygenation of the blood can cause bluish discoloration of the skin,
especially in the lips and fingertips.

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