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Marriage Institution

• Institution:
• Social institutions are structured patterns of behavior that fulfill essential
societal functions
• They provide stability, order, and a framework for individuals to navigate their
• Marriage:
• A social institution, is a culturally and socially sanctioned union between
individuals that establishes rights and obligations between them, their
families, and the larger society
• It serves various functions, such as regulating sexual behavior, reproducing
and socializing children, and providing economic cooperation and stability
Definitions of Marriage
1.Emile Durkheim: "Marriage is a social institution that regulates sexual
relationships, particularly in terms of the legitimate bearing and raising of
2.Bronisław Malinowski: "Marriage is a cultural universal, serving the needs of
human societies by establishing social, economic, and political stability through
the regulation of sexual access and the legitimation of children."
3.Talcott Parsons: "Marriage is an institution that performs vital functions in
society, including the socialisation of children, the stabilisation of adult
personalities, and the regulation of sexual behaviour."
4.Claude Lévi-Strauss: "Marriage is a social institution that structures and
organises the fundamental kinship relations in a society, providing a framework
for the exchange of women between kinship groups."
Classification of Marriages: 1. Cultural

• Arranged Marriage:
• A union where families or intermediaries play a significant role in selecting
• This is prevalent in many cultures, including India and some Middle Eastern
• Love Marriage:
• A marriage based on the individuals' choice and romantic feelings
• The decision to marry is made by the individuals involved, often without
significant family involvement
2. Religious Classification
• Monogamy:
• The practice of having only one spouse at a time
• Many Western cultures, as well as several religious traditions, endorse monogamous
• Polygamy:
• The practice of having more than one spouse simultaneously. This can be further
classified into:
• Polygyny: One man having multiple wives
• When two or more sisters share one husband, the practice is known as sororal polygyny
• Polyandry: One woman having multiple husbands
• When one woman marries several brothers at the same time, the practice is known as fraternal
polyandry i.e., Toda Community in India
• When a woman has several husbands, none of whom are necessarily brothers, the practice is known
as non-fraternal polyandry
3. Legal Classification
• Civil Marriage: A legal marriage recognized by the state, typically
performed by a government official such as a justice of the peace
• Religious Marriage: A marriage ceremony performed within the
context of a religious tradition, often having legal implications
depending on the jurisdiction
4. Duration of Marriage
• Temporary or Contractual Marriage:
• A marriage with a specified duration agreed upon by the parties involved
• This is recognized in some cultures or legal systems
• Permanent Marriage: The more common form of marriage where the
commitment is intended to be lifelong
5. Social Structure

• Endogamous Marriage: A marriage where spouses come from the

same social, cultural, or religious group
• Exogamous Marriage: A marriage where spouses come from
different social, cultural, or religious backgrounds

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