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NRC: 24866

Tinta Vega Nancy Elizabeth
This phenomenon called globalization has transformed the
forms of negotiation and interrelation around the world,
causing it to now look closer between its pieces and move at a
different speed, because the borders commercial, cultural and
social began to disappear, and the development of
technologies and communications, primary agents of change in
contact behaviors throughout the world, have accelerated
business, interactions and even wars.
This case deserves attention if we keep in mind that the global
adhesion generated by globalization, far from influencing only
In commercial and economic issues, it harms all aspects of
the impact of globalization on international trade, on freedom of
movement and the quality of life of the population varies depending on
the level of development of the nations.
On the one hand, the black face of globalization brings with it drawbacks
such as the devaluation of the national culture of countries, the
exploitation of some resources such as cheap labor and raw materials
from poorer countries,in addition to the concentration of wealth.
Most of the money stays in developed countries and only 25% of
international investments go to the developing nations, causing the
number of people living in extreme poverty to increase. Some Economists
maintain that in recent decades, globalization, the scientific and
technological revolution are the main causes of the increase in
On the other hand, globalization has been important in the fight against
inflation and the entry of imported products,
something that helps the economy a lot and allows the consumer to
access the best quality imported products and cheaper. Globalization also
attracts investments from other countries, brings technological
development, improves relations with other countries, enhances
international trade and opens the doors to different cultures.

From my point of view, the problem is not reduced to the issue of

distributive justice.
The objective of society should be the reduction of poverty and the
improvement of the population's standard of living, rather than the
elimination of inequality.
Create opportunities for people to start with an educational level that
allows them to develop based on their own merits. This does not
happen with subsidies and handouts but with tools such as quality
education and physical health.” Education is undoubtedly the best tool
to achieve the desired social mobility, but we must consider supporting
people without opportunities but who have talent and dedication. The
government and the private sector can and must act together in this
regard. Continuing with Sandel's metaphor, we as a society must help
“so that the people who get on the elevator are also on the floors

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