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Asian Time
An antecedents of something happened or existed before it and was similar to
it in some ways. We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of
this theory. An antecedent thing or event happened or existed before another
related thing or event.
An antecedents is described as a precursor to the unfolding of something, or life.
Historical backgrounds in science and technology are therefore influences which paved the way
of advanced and sophisticated advancements of science and technology that are present today.
Awareness of science and technology history is useful in todays evaluation of such inventions.
Through recognizing previous generations affected and were affected through science and
technological advances, todays generation will come up with educated decisions an the correct
application of science and technology to everyday life.

In the ancient times, people were concerned with transportation and navigation, communication and record
keeping, mass production, safety and protection, as well as hygiene, aesthetics, and architecture.
At that time, transportation was important as people wanted to go to places and explore new horizons. They
traveled to find food, and to find better places for their settlements. They even traveled in return for items they needed to
sell their surplus goods. Navigation helped them on their journeys to exotic and unknown areas of the world.

Communication was also important for their attempts to explore new places and to occupy them.
They needed a way to communicate with the inhabitants of the areas they were visiting to promote trade and
avoid future conflicts. Record-keeping was also important, as they needed to remember the places they had
been to and record each other’s trades they had made. It was also vital to keep records of their history and
culture so they could establish their identities as they tried to relate with other cultures and civilizations.

Weapons and Armors

Weapons and armors were important as well as in the discovery new places or the establishment of new
alliances with other tribes. At the time, there was always a risk of conflict when people met others with
different culture and orientations. Conflicts were common especially if different groups struggled to control
vital resources. Stronger nations tended to invade weaker ones so they could take much need resources. As
such, the development of weapons and armors for security and protection was considered a major

Sumerian’s Contributions

 First writing system
 Word pictures and triangular symbols
 Carved clay using wedge instruments and then left to dry
Uruk City
 First true city in the world
 Built using mud or clay on the river mixed with sun baked bricks
 They used bricks to make houses that protected them from the harsh
 Prevented wild animals and neighboring raiders from entering

The great Ziggurat of Ur

 Also called “ The Mountain of God” was built on the same manner that
they constructed the City of Uruk
Irrigation and Dikes
 As population increased, so did the demand for food.
 They created dikes and irrigation canals to bring water to
farmlands and at the same time control the flooding of the
 Dikes and canals were able to enjoy year-long farming and
harvesting, which increase food production.

 Wheel was not yet invented; the main mode of transportation
was through waterways such as rivers and seas.
 They needed a mode of transportation that did not require
much human resources.
 Sailboats were essential in transportation and trading as well
as in fostering.
 The first wheel were not made for transportation but for farm
work and food processes.
 With the use of the wheel and axle, mass production was
made easier. Farmers were able to mill grains with less effort
in less time.

 In order to facilitate faster and easier travel, the Sumerians
developed the first roads using sun baked bricks.
Prepared by : Rowena D. Amandra

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