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Continuous and
Present Continuous - Actions and Activities
I have some questions...
• What are you doing right now?

• Are you wearing anything special today?

• What are your friends or family members doing at this time?

• Are you currently reading any books or watching any TV shows?

• Are you planning any exciting activities for the coming week?

• Are you listening to any music or podcasts at the moment?

What are they doing?
Present Continuous
Used to describe actions happening
right now.

Subject + to be + verb + -ing

She is eating lunch.

Subject + to be + not+ verb + -ing

She is not eating lunch.

To be+ subject+ verb + -ing

Is she eating lunch?
Practice reading
I am currently typing on my keyboard, creating a text for
pronunciation practice. The rain is falling outside, and I am
listening to its soothing sound. My dog is playing in the
yard, chasing after a ball. The birds are singing in the trees,
creating a beautiful melody. The chef is cooking delicious
meals in the kitchen, filling the air with delightful aromas.
The students are studying hard for their exams, hoping to
achieve good grades. The construction workers are building
a new skyscraper downtown, shaping the city's skyline. The
dancers are rehearsing for their upcoming performance,
perfecting their movements on stage. The scientist is
conducting experiments in the lab, searching for new
discoveries. The children are laughing and playing together
in the park, enjoying their time in the sunshine.
Picture description
Let’s draw
Think of a sentence using the
present continuous, draw it,
and show it.
The other person has to guess
the sentence.
Do NOT say YES
or NO.

Click here to play

Any questions?
Click here

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