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Are you ready, class?

I. Multiple Choice
1. Which technique is used to support arguments in an essay with factual information or
a) Evidence c) Cause and Effect
b) Analogy d) Appeals and Emphasis
2. Which technique is used to make comparisons between two different things in order to
explain or clarify a point?
a) Evidence c) Cause and Effect
b) Analogy d) Appeals and Emphasis
3. Which technique is used to show the relationship between events or actions and their
a) Evidence c) Cause and Effect
b) Analogy d) Appeals and Emphasis
4. What is the main goal of informative writing?

a) To entertain the reader c) To educate and provide information to the reader

b) To persuade the reader d) To express personal opinions and experiences

5. Which technique is used to appeal to the emotions or values of the reader in order to persuade them?

a) Evidence b) Analogy c) Cause and Effect d) Appeals and Emphasis

6. This is your opinion or your thesis statement. What part of an argument is this?

a) Claim b) Evidence c) Reasons d) Counterclaim

7. These are the statements of support for claims.

b) Claim b) Reasons c) Evidence d) Counterclaim

8. This should be supported by facts, research, and experiences.

a) Claim b) Reasons c) Evidence d) Counterclaim

9. This is an argument that argues in opposition to the author’s claim.

a) Claim b) Reasons c) Evidence d) Counterclaim

10. Which figure of speech is used in the sentence: "The sound of the waves is music to my

a) Assonance b) Litotes c) Metaphor d) Simile

II. Matching Type
Column A Column B
___11. This is a numerical proof of an argument. A. Alliteration
___12. A logical appeal to the mind. B. Cumulation
___13. It is an appeal to emotion. C. Repetition
___14. Repeating a single word, a number of times over. D. Pathos
___15. Using many similar words in a short space. E. Logic
___16. Repetition of the first sound in words. F. Statistical Evidence
___17. These are the facts. G. Informative
___18. “Why I am right” H. Persuasive
___19. “Why you are wrong” I. Argumentative
___20. Compares one thing with another make a particular J. Analogy
III. Identification
21. What figure of speech uses words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or
actions they refer to?

22. A figure of speech consisting an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by

negating its opposite.

23. What figure of speech is an implied comparison between two dissimilar things that have
something in common?

24. A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human
qualities or abilities.

25. What figure of speech uses words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning?

26. What figure of speech directly addresses a nonexistent person or an inanimate object as
though it were a living being?
27. What figure of speech is a statement that appears to contradict itself?

28. What figure of speech is the repetition of an initial consonant sound?

29. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for another with which is closely
associated; also, the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to
things around it.

30. What figure of speech is identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in
neighboring words?

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