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01 02
CONTENT AND Neurons Characteristics

03 04
LEARNING Basic Structure Cell membrane

Cell membrane: Composition
Fluid Mosaic Model

07 08
Neuron Nucleas Nucleolus

09 10
Function of nucleus Myelin Sheath & Nodes of Ranvier

Myelin Sheath and Nodes of Ranvier:
Neurons are nerve cells that send messages all
over your body to allow you to do everything
from breathing to talking, eating, walking, and
Neurons are located in the brain and spinal cord, which are
organs of the central nervous system (CNS) and they are also
located throughout the rest of the body in the peripheral
nervous system (PNS).

The human brain contains around 86 billion neurons

(Herculano-Houzel, 2009).

The creation of new nerve cells is called neurogenesis. It’s

much more active when you’re an embryo. However,
research suggests that some neurogenesis occurs in adult
brains throughout our lives (Spalding et al., 2013)
Basic Structure
Cell membrane
The cell membrane surrounds the cell and is a selective
barrier between the interior and the exterior.

Its primary role lies in regulating the passage of substances,

including nutrients and waste materials.

Within it, specialized proteins play a crucial role in

facilitating molecular transport and cellular communication.
Lipid Bilayers:

· Double layer of phospholipid molecules arranged tail-to-tail MEMBRANE

· They have both hydrophilic (water-loving) head. They have hydrophobic PROTEINS
(water-hating) tail. S
· This arrangement creates a barrier. It prevents water and other polar molecules
from freely crossing cell membrane.

Membrane proteins:

· Embedded in lipid bilayer

· Perform variety of functions
· It includes transport
· Signaling
· Structural support

· Attached to some lipids, proteins on cell surface
· Involved in cell recognition
· Involved in communication
Fluid Mosaic Model
· Current model of cell membrane structure
· Describes cell membrane as dynamic structure
· In this, lipid bilayer and membrane proteins are
constantly moving
· Allows cell to respond to changes in its
Allows to maintain its internal balance
The neuron nucleus is situated within the cell body, also
known as soma. It is spherical and ranges in diameter from 3
to 18 mm depending on the size of the neuron.

Nuclear envelope:
Double layered membrane enclosing nucleus.
Membranes are separated by narrow space called perinuclear

Nuclear pores:
Facilitate nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions (exchange of
genetic material)

Mixture of DNA & proteins that form chromosomes and

Present in the center of nuclei.
It is a prominent, deeply stained spherical inclusion about
1/3rd the size of the nucleus.

The primary function of the nucleolus is ribosome
It has a major role in protein synthesis and ribosome
Function of nucleus
Gene expression:
DNA contain genetic instruction necessary for neuron structure,
function & development. Nucleus control the synthesis of various
proteins & neurotransmitters.

DNA replication:
During cell division, it facilitates DNA replication ensuring
accurate transmission of genetic information. It enables growth
and repair neurons.

mRNA transport:
The mRNA molecules carry the blueprints for protein synthesis.
They influence the neurons' function and connectivity.

Ribosome assembly:
Nucleolus assemble the ribosome, responsible for protein
synthesis. It is vital for neuronal processes, including
neurotransmitter production & synaptic transmission.
Myelin Sheath Nodes of Ranvier
Myelin sheath is a fatty protective There are gaps in the myelin sheath
membrane that wraps around the neuron. coating on the neural axon. These are
It is composed of fat and protein that called Nodes of Ranvier that serves to
coat around the axon. myelin sheath facilitate the rapid conduction of nerve
Structure of Myelin Sheath:
• Myelin sheath is made up of • These nodes allow rapid conduction
specialized cells called of nerve impulse by allowing the
oligodendrocytes in Central Nervous signal to travel from one node to the
System. next rather than travelling the entire
• In the peripheral nervous system length of neuron.
Myelin Sheath is made of Schwann
cells. • Nodes of Ranvier allow the nerve
• Myelin sheath is composed of protein impulses to recharge and travel
channels called ion channels such as down the axon. Without nodes of
sodium and potassium ions that cross Ranvier the impulses would slow
the membrane and create an electrical down and eventually die out.

Myelin Sheath Nodes of Ranvier

• It is a fatty -protein coating that provides protective • The nodes of Ranvier allow the effective propagation
insulation for neurons that allows faster transmission of nerve impulse by allowing the ions to flow in and
that enables the body to react quickly to stimulus and out of the nerve cell.
coordinate movement efficiently.
• When the nerve impulse reaches the nodes of Ranvier
• It is important for proper nerve function and it triggers the opening of the ion channels that allow the
communication between different parts of the body. positively charged sodium ions to enter the cell.

• It allows electrical impulses to travel quickly and • This creates an electrical charge that travels down the
efficiently along the nerve fiber. nerve fiber to the next Node of Ranvier where the
process is repeated. The myelin sheath acts as an
• It maintains the strength of the impulse message as it insulator and prevents the charge from leaking out and
travels down the axon. ensures that the impulse travels quickly.

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