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Boqonaa shan

Ergonoomiksii Kompiitaraa
Hiikaa Ergonoomiksii kompiitaraa qorannoo fi dizaayinii oomishaalee dhiphina hir’isuu fi mijataa fayyadamaa yeroo
kompiitara irratti hojjetu fooyyessuudha. Akkaataa kompiitara keessan itti dhaabbatu, kiiboordii fi hantuutni isaa itti qophaa’e,
ibsaa jala hojjettu, teessoo kee fi deeskii kee of keessatti qabata. Ergonomics human omishaa jedhamuunis beekama.
At the end of this unit, students will be able to: ­
 Describe computer ergonomics; ­
 demonstrate skills in the proper handling of portable devices; ­
 Identify the proper utilization of smartphone.
Xumura kutaa kanaa irratti barattoonni :
 ergonoomiksii kompiitaraa ni ibsu;
 meeshaalee socho’oo sirnaan qabachuu irratti dandeettii ni agarsiisa;
 itti fayyadama sirrii bilbila ismaartii adda baasuu
Haala Waliigalaa (Overview)
In this unit, you will learn about computer ergonomics, proper handling of portable devices and workstation ergonomics. The
unit also addresses the recommended principles of healthier seating style while using computer, ergonomic guidelines and the
proper utilization of smart phones.
Kutaa kana keessatti ,waa’ee ergonoomiksii kompiitaraa, sirrii ta’e ni barattu meeshaalee socho’oo fi ergonoomiksii buufata
hojii qabachuu. Kutaan kun akkasumas seera bu’uuraa teessoo fayya qabeessa ta’e qabaachuuf gorfaman ni ilaala akkata
yeroo kompiitara fayyadaman, qajeelfama ergonomic fi sirrii ta’e fayyadamu ,itti fayyadama bilbiloota ismaartii.
5.1. Seensa Ergonoomiksii Kompiitaraa (Introduction to Computer Ergonomics)
Sochii sammuu namaa walitti qabuu (Brainstorming activity)
Do you think inappropriate seating style while using a computer causes health risks?
Akkaataa taa'umsaa hin malle jettanii yaaddu yeroo kompiitara fayyadamuun balaa fayyaa fida?
Computer ergonomics deals with the interaction of the user’s, their work bodies on a computer in order to minimize risks of health associated
with improper sitting on the computer. Computer users take more hours a day to use a computer without knowing its consequence on their
bodies. There are many health risks while inappropriately sitting on the computer frequently. For example, contraction of muscle, pain,
injury, and backaches are some of the consequences of the inappropriate seating on the computer. Figure 5.1 shows the appropriate way of
sitting and handling of the mouse and keyboard of a computer.
Ergonomics kompiitaraa wal-nyaatinsa fayyadamaa, isaanii ilaala balaa fayyaa xiqqeessuuf jecha qaamolee kompiitara irratti hojjetan
kompiitara irra taa’uu sirrii hin taane waliin kan walqabatudha. Fayyadamtoonni kompiitaraa fudhatu guyyaatti sa’aatii dabalataa osoo
bu’aa isaa hin beekin kompiitara fayyadamuu qaama isaanii irratti. Osoo hin malle balaan fayyaa hedduutu jira yeroo baay’ee kompiitara
irra taa’uu. Fakkeenyaaf, dhiita’uu (contraction of maashaa, dhukkubbiin, miidhamuu fi dhukkubbiin dugdaa bu’aa kana keessaa muraasa
kan teessuma kompitara irratti hin malle. Fakkiin 5.1 kan agarsiisu akkaataa taa’uu fi qabachuu hantuutee fi kiiboordii sirrii ta’een kan
kompiitara tokkoo
Activity 5.1
­Do you think that the way we are sitting on computer affects our physical body structure and health? Discuss with your classmate.
Gocha 5.1
Akkaataan nuti computer irra taa'aa jirru akkas jettanii yaaddu er caasaa qaama foonii fi fayyaa keenya irratti dhiibbaa qaba? Hiriyaa
kutaa keessanii wajjin mariʼadhaa.
5.2. Workstation Ergonomics
Computer has a consequence on physical body of users. Many users take more time to sit and use a computer. The use of computer for long
hours can cause muscle diseases and injuries which lead to disorders. The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries and muscle
disorder. Therefore, the workstation of users and the way users are sitting should be appropriate.

5.2. Ergonoomiksii Buufata Hojii
Kompiitarri qaama fayyadamtootaa fiizikaalaa irratti bu’aa qaba. Fayyadamtoota hedduu yeroo dabalataa fudhachuun taa’anii
kompiitara fayyadamuu. Fayyadama kompiitaraa yeroo dheeraaf sa’aatiin dhukkuba maashaalee fi miidhaan qaamaa fiduu
danda’a kunis jeequmsa fiduu danda’a.
Galmi ergonomics miidhaan tishuu lallaafaa fi maashaa ittisuudha jeequmsa. Kanaafuu, buufanni hojii fayyadamtootaa fi akkaataa
fayyadamtoonni jiran taa’uun sirrii ta’uu qaba.
Ergonomic workstation set-up:
 The following are principles recommended for the healthier use of a computer.
 ­Elbows: above the desk, at 90-110 degrees. ­
 Shoulders: relaxed as opposed to hunched. ­
 Wrists: in line with forearms. ­
 Hips, knees, and ankles: at 90 degrees whilst seated.
 ­Feet: flat on the ground or footrest and for prolonged standing. ­
 Head: upright with ears aligned with shoulders.
 ­Eyes: looking at the top third of the screen. ­
 Seat length: should be enough to provide support be neath thighs. ­
 Backrest: angled at 90-110 degrees with adequate lumbar Support in line with lower back. ­Keyboard and mouse:
 Keyboard aligned with your nose, mouse gripped loosely. ­
 Laptop: used with a riser, external keyboard and external mouse
Saagiinsa buufata hojii ergonoomii:
 Kanneen armaan gadii seera bu’uuraa fayya qabeessa ta’een itti fayyadamuuf gorfamanidha
 Koompiitara
 ciqile: deeskii gubbaa, digrii 90-110 irratti.
 irree: boqonnaa kan qabu faallaa hunched.
 Harka harkaa: harka fuulduraa wajjin kan walsimu.
 Hips, jilba, fi jilba: yeroo taa’anii digrii 90 irratti.
 Miila: lafa ykn miila irra diriiraa fi yeroo dheeraaf dhaabbachuuf
 Mataa: qajeelaa kan ta’ee fi gurra garba waliin kan walsimu.
 Ija: sadaffaa gubbaa iskiriinii ilaaluu.
 Dheerinni teessoo: deeggarsa kennuudhaaf gahaa ta'uu qaba be neath
 qoma.
 Dugda: digrii 90-110 irratti kofa kan qabuu fi lafee cinaachaa gahaa kan qabuu dha
 Deeggarsa dugdaa gadii wajjin walsimu.
 Kiiboodii fi hantuutee: kiiboordii hidhii kee wajjin walsimsiifame, .
 hantuutni laaftuu qabate.
 Laaptooppii: riser, keyboard alaa fi alaa wajjin fayyadama
 Hantuuta
 General Ergonomic Guidelines
The following tips are designed to reduce the risk of stress, physical injury, and eyestrain while using the computer. ­
 Keep your head and neck in upright position. ­
 Face your computer screen directly. ­
 Keep your elbows comfortably close to your body. ­
 Use a chair that provides support for your lower back. ­
 Keep your mouse close to your keyboard. ­
 Adjust the position of your display to prevent reflections of overhead and outdoor lighting appearing on your screen.
 ­put your monitor close enough to your eyes. ­
 Use a hands-free headset when talking on the phone.
Qajeelfama Ergonomic Waliigalaa
Gorsi armaan gadii balaa dhiphina, qaamaa hir'isuuf kan qophaa'edha
 kompiitara fayyadamaa osoo jiranii miidhamuu fi ija namaa dhiphisuu.
 Mataa fi qoonqoo kee bakka qajeelaa ta’etti kaa’i.
 Kallattiin iskiriinii kompiitara keessanii fuula.
 Kophee kee qaama keetti mijataa ta'ee dhihoo taasisi.
 Teessoo dugda kee isa gadiitif deeggarsa kennu fayyadami.
Hantuutee kee kiiboordii keetti dhihoo taasisi.
Calaqqisiisni akka hin uumamneef bakka agarsiisa keetii sirreessi
kan ibsaa gubbaa fi alaa kan keessan irratti mul’atu
Monitor kee ija keessanitti gahaa ta'ee dhihoo kaa'aa.
Yeroo bilbilaan haasoftu headset harka irraa bilisa ta'e fayyadamuu.
5.3 Careful Handling of Portable Devices
Portable devices are useful part of our daily lives. In fact, smartphones cause inconvenience in our daily lives. It could also cause serious
health issues due to long-term use of handheld devices.
5.3. Meeshaalee Socho'oo Of eeggannoodhaan Qabuu
Meeshaaleen socho’oo qaama jireenya keenya guyyaa guyyaa keessatti faayidaa qabanidha. Dhugaa dubbachuudhaaf, bilbiloonni ismaartii
jireenya keenya guyyaa guyyaa keessatti rakkina fidu. Akkasumas ni danda'a ture yeroo dheeraaf meeshaa harkaa fayyadamuu irraa kan
ka’e dhimma fayyaa hamaa fida meeshaalee.
1. Avoiding Long Conversation
Long hour’s use of smartphones and mobile devices without proper headphones causes heating effect on brain cells. Long conversation
could harm our muscle, skin and ear.
2. Using Headsets or Speakerphone Option
The use of good wired or wireless headsets reduces the risk of harming brain cells. Make use of speakerphone options whenever possible.
1. Haasaa Dheeraa Irraa Fageessuu
Sa’aatii dheeraaf bilbiloota ismaartii fi meeshaalee moobaayilaa sirnaan malee fayyadamuu headphones seelii sammuu irratti dhiibbaa
ho'isuu fida. Haasaa dheeraa maashaa, gogaa fi gurra keenya miidhuu danda’a.
2. Filannoo Headset ykn Speakerphone Fayyadamaa
Headset gaarii wayaa ykn wayaa malee fayyadamuun balaa miidhaa geessisuu hir’isa seelii sammuu. Yeroo danda'ametti filannoowwan
ispiikeeraafooniitti fayyadamaa.
3. Keeping Mobile Devices away from your Body

All transmitting devices should be kept away from your body. Avoid any direct contact with body and keep it inside a bag. While sleeping, keep your mobile devices

away from your bed and switch off mobile data and wireless options.

4. Turning off Cellular Data and Wireless Devices

Turn off the phone’s cellular data, wireless option, and Bluetooth when not in use. Before sleeping, it is recommended to turn off all wireless transmitting devices.

The mobile device is always connected to wireless data at home and in the office. Applications on mobile devices are continuously running in the background, so

turn off the data and wireless option to stop communicating.

3. Meeshaalee Mobaayilaa Qaama keessan irraa fageessuu

Meeshaaleen dabarsan hundi qaama keessan irraa fagaachuu qabu. Dhiisi qaama waliin kallattiin wal qunnamuu kamiyyuu fi boorsaa keessa kaa’uu. Osoo rafaa

jiruu, meeshaalee moobaayilaa keessan siree keessan irraa fageessuun moobaayila cufuu filannoo daataa fi wayaa malee.

4. Daataa Seelii fi Meeshaalee Wayilaalasii dhaamsuu

Daataa seelotaa bilbilaa, filannoo wayaa malee fi Biltuutii yeroo itti fayyadama keessa hin jiru. Rafuu dura, wayaa malee hunda cufuun ni gorfama meeshaalee

dabarsuu. Meeshaan moobaayilaa yeroo hunda wayaa malee waliin walqabatee jira daataa manaa fi waajjira keessatti. Appilikeeshiniiwwan meeshaalee

moobaayilaa irratti argaman walitti fufiinsaan duubatti hojjechaa waan jiruuf, deetaa fi filannoo wayaa malee walqunnamtii dhaabuuf.

5. Avoiding Calls at Places with Low Signal Reception

In order to keep connected with mobile tower, mobile devices increase transmission power if the signal reception is poor. Avoid places where signal reception from

mobile tower is very poor. Avoid phone calls while travelling on a vehicle. Cell phones continuously send signals to maintain contact with cell towers and that could

cause the mobile device to transmit high power radiation than in idle condition.
5. Bakka Simannaa Mallattoo Gadi aanaa Qabutti Bilbila Bilbilaa irraa fagaachuu
Masaraa moobaayilaa waliin walitti dhufeenya qabaachuuf meeshaaleen sochootuu ni dabalu
humna dabarsuu yoo fudhannaan mallattoo gaarii hin taane ta’e. Bakkeewwan itti...
simannaan mallattoo masaraa moobaayilaa irraa baayyee gadheedha. Bilbila bilbiluu irraa of qusadhaa
konkolaataan osoo imalaa jiruu. Mobaayiloonni mallattoo itti fufiinsaan ergu
masaraawwan seelii waliin wal qunnamtii akka qabaniifi sun moobaayila kana fiduu danda’a
meeshaa haala hojii malee jiru caalaa raadiyaashiniin humna guddaa dabarsu.
6. Fewer calls More Texts
Sending text messages is safe as compared to long calls. Texting allows keeping the cell phone away from the body
and shorter duration of transmission which is much safer compared to longer calls.
6. Bilbila xiqqaa Barreeffamoota baay'ee
Ergaa barreeffamaa erguun bilbila dheeraa wajjin wal bira qabamee yoo ilaalamu nageenya qaba.Ergaa
barreeffamaa erguun man'ee eeguu ni hayyama bilbila qaama irraa fagaatee fi gabaabduu turtii daddarbiinsa kan
yeroo dheeraa wajjin wal bira qabamee yoo ilaalamu baay’ee nageenya qaba bilbila.
7. Using Landline Telephones
Calls using landline telephones are the safest way to reduce the use of mobile phones and cordless phones. Make
use of landline phones at the office and at home for long conversations.
7. Bilbila Lafa Lafaa Fayyadamaa
Bilbila lafa irraa fayyadamuun bilbilli bilbila harkaa fi bilbila funyoo hin qabne hir’isuuf karaa nageenya qabuudha.
Bilbiloota sarara lafaa irratti fayyadamaa waajjira fi mana haasawa dheeraadhaaf.
5.4. Proper Utilization of Smartphone (Itti Fayyadama Smartphone Sirritti )
Now smart phone users have many more options in terms of how to engage with technologies, making the focus on health and comfort. Smartphone
has become a common place device and a challenge as well. Here are some tips that can considerably help reduce health risks: ­
 Do not play games all the time. ­
 Avoid browsing unnecessary links. ­
 Do not capture photo and share it. ­
 Do not text insulting messages. ­
 Take a break from your phone. ­
 Further away the phone from your body. ­
 Use a land phone for calling purpose. ­
 Do not use a mobile phone when crossing the road.
 Do not use your mobile phone in places where there is a lot of electrical equipment. ­
 Keep your phone on silent mode when you are in public places.
Amma fayyadamtoonni bilbila ismaartii akkaataa itti hojjetan irratti filannoo dabalataa hedduu qabu teeknooloojiiwwan waliin bobba’uu,
xiyyeeffannoo fayyaa fi mijataa ta’uu. Smartphone meeshaa bakka barame ta'ee fi qormaata akka gaarii. Gorsa fayyaa hir’isuuf baay’ee gargaaruu
danda’u tokko tokko kunooti balaawwan:
 Yeroo hunda tapha hin taphatinaa.
 Hidhamtoota hin barbaachifne daawwachuu irraa fagaadhaa.
 Suuraa qabattanii share hin godhinaa.
 Ergaa arrabsoo ergaa barreeffamaa hin barreessinaa.
 Bilbila keessan irraa boqonnaa fudhadhaa.
 Bilbila qaama keessan irraa daran fageessuu.
 Kaayyoo bilbiluuf bilbila lafaa fayyadamuu.
 Yeroo karaa qaxxaamurtan bilbila harkaa hin fayyadaminaa.
 Mobaayila keessan bakka a...
 meeshaalee elektirikii baay’ee.
 Yeroo namoonni baay'inaan jirtan bilbila keessan haala callisaa (silent mode) irra kaa'aa
 bakkeewwan.
In this unit, you have learnt about computer ergonomics, skills for proper handling of portable devices, and proper utilization of
smartphone. The following are summary of this unit. ­
 Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between us ers, their work and their physical work environment. ­
 Ergonomics is optimization of physical hardware to ben efit the health of the user. ­
 The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries and muscle skeletal disorders. ­
 A portable device is a small form of a computing device designed to be held and used in the hands. ­Portable devices are becoming an
increasingly important part of personal computing as the capabilities of devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets and notebook
continue to improve. ­
 Proper utilization of portable devices includes avoiding long conversation, using headsets and speakerphone option, keeping mobile
devices away from your body, turning off cellular data and wireless devices while sleep ing, avoiding calls at places with low signal
reception, fewer calls more texts, using landline telephones and keeping cell phone away from children
Kutaa kana keessatti waa’ee ergonoomiksii kompiitaraa, dandeettii baratteetta
meeshaalee socho’oo sirnaan qabachuuf, fi sirnaan itti fayyadamuuf
bilbila ismaartii. Kanneen armaan gadii gabaabduu kutaa kanaati.
 Ergonomics jechuun qorannoo hariiroo nu gidduu jiruudha ers, hojii isaanii fi naannoo hojii qaamaa isaanii.
 Ergonomics jechuun optimization haardwaara fiizikaalaa gara benefit fayyaa fayyadamaa.
 Galmi ergonomics miidhaan tishuu lallaafaa ittisuudha fi jeequmsa lafee maashaalee.
 Meeshaan socho’aa jechuun bifa xiqqaa meeshaa kompiitaraa ti harka keessatti qabamee akka itti fayyadamuuf kan qophaa’e.
 Meeshaaleen socho’oo ta’an barbaachisummaa isaanii dabalaa dhufeera kutaa shallaggii dhuunfaa akka dandeettii
meeshaalee akka bilbila ismaartii, laptop, taableetii fi dabtara itti fufaniiru fooyyessuuf.
 Meeshaalee socho’oo sirnaan fayyadamuun irraa fagaachuu dabalata haasawa dheeraa, headset fi speakerphone
fayyadamuun filannoo, meeshaalee sochootuu qaama keessan irraa fageessuu, .
 yeroo rafan daataa seelotaa fi meeshaalee wayaa malee dhaamsuu ing, bakka fudhatama mallattoo xiqqaa ta’etti
bilbila bilbiluu irraa fagaachuu, .
 bilbila xiqqaa barreeffama baay'ee, bilbila lafaa fayyadamuu fi bilbila harkaa ijoollee irraa fageessuu
Review Questions
Part I: Say “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if it is incorrect
1. Cognitive ergonomics is the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.
2. The goal of ergonomics is to prevent soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.
3. The term ergonomics is rooted from organizational and physical ergonomics.
4. The over use of computer has associated with humans health problems.
5. Children are more sensitive to radio frequency radiation due to their smaller head circumference and brain size.
Part II: From the following figures, which is the correct ergonomic seating? Explain it to your teacher.
1. List the recommended principles for healthier computer ergonomics at computer laboratory.
2. Write at least four proper usage of smartphones.
Gaaffiiwwan Irra Deebiin Irra Deebi’an
Kutaa I: Yoo dubbiin sun sirrii ta’e “Dhugaa” yoo ta’e immoo “Soba” jedhi
• sirrii miti
1. Ergonoomiksii hubannoo (cognitive ergonomics) eegumsa sirna kompiitaraa ti
fi odeeffannoo miidhaa, hanna, fi itti fayyadama hayyama malee irraa argamu.
2. Galmi ergonomics miidhaan tishuu lallaafaa fi
rakkoo maashaalee fi lafee.
3. Jechi ergonoomiksii jedhu hundee isaa ergonoomiksii jaarmiyaa fi fiizikaalaa irraati.
4. Kompiitaraa garmalee fayyadamuun fayyaa namaa wajjin walqabatee jira
rakkoolee mudatu.
5. Ijoolleen sababa
naannoon mataa isaanii fi guddina sammuu isaanii xiqqaa ta’e.
Kutaa II: Fakkiiwwan armaan gadii irraa, kunis ergonomic sirrii dha
taa'umsaa? Barsiisaa keetiif ibsi.
1. Laaboraatoorii kompiitaraa keessatti ergo nomics kompiitaraa fayya qabeessa ta’eef
seera bu’uuraa gorfaman tarreessi.
2. Yoo xiqqaate itti fayyadama sirrii bilbiloota ismaartii afur barreessi.

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