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Ms. Poorani.S Name: Mr.Vignesh.

Guided by Dr. Mary Number:
Valantina. G 192213032L
Guided by Dr.MENAGA.D

Unraveling Lithium-ion Battery Ageing Patterns with Advanced Support Vector Machines (SVM) Analysis:
Assessing through MAE
In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EVs), understanding the intricate patterns of lithium-ion battery ageing is
paramount for enhancing performance and longevity.

This study addresses the pressing need for advanced methodologies to unravel complex ageing patterns, presenting Support Vector
Machines (SVM) as a potent solution. Leveraging SVM's capability for nuanced analysis, this research incorporates crucial features
including charging history, temperature variations, and usage patterns to discern subtle trends
v in battery ageing.

The study conducts a comparative analysis, pitting SVM against other machine learning algorithms commonly utilized in lithium-ion
battery ageing studies.

 Emphasizing the need for precise predictive models, the assessment focuses on the model's capacity to uncover intricate ageing
dynamics. Evaluation metrics primarily center around Mean Absolute Error (MAE), offering insights into the predictive accuracy and Lithium-ion Battery Patterns
robustness of the SVM model.


Data collection- Usage patterns Data Splitting- Training Data

Data Preprocessing – standard SVM(Support Vector Machine)
| - Temperature variations | - Testing Data
Charging cycles

Performance Evaluation – Initializing and compiling to Testing data obtained from

Battery Ageing prediction Mean Absolute Error (MAE) check fit algorithm we trained

Fig.1: Block Diagram for SVM (Support Vector Machine)


Fig.2: Data Distribution Fig.3: Model testing plot Fig.4: Model training plot
In the present work, The reported training and testing Mean Absolute Error (MAE) values of 0.05 suggest that, on average, the model's predictions deviate from the actual
values by approximately 0.05 units. This indicates a high level of accuracy in predicting lithium-ion battery ageing patterns.


 A smart battery must have smart BMS. Society will grow when infrastructure, facilities, and technology will develop.

 There are various measured and calculated features that can be used to improve the model accuracy. Some of the features are peak charge curve, peak discharge curve, min.
discharge curve, min. charge curve, the time interval of equal voltage increase, SOC, and temperature.

 As battery ages, cycle no. increases with increase in voltage drop and capacity decreases. Taking peak voltage change, minimum voltage changes in voltage graph and
change of graph from mean voltage features would add advantage to the analysis of battery health.

 M-SVM has fewer errors for all the batteries and is considered a good fit for the dynamic discharge profile of different batteries .

 As battery ages, cycle no. increases with increase in voltage drop and capacity decreases. Taking peak voltage change, minimum voltage changes in voltage graph and
change of graph from mean voltage features would add advantage to the analysis of battery health.

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