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A German student, in the late 1800s was successful in his

attempt to send images through wires with the aid of a
rotating disk.

2. Two inventors that created a new system of

television by using cathode ray tube in addition to the
mechanical scanner system. (Give one)
3. Give the name of the first television.

4. He is the senior engineer at Motorola,

made the world’s first mobile phone call.

5. An English Mathematics professor, who designed the

Analytical Engine which was used as the basic framework of
the computers even until the present time.
6. The first true portable computer was released in April 1981
and it was called __________.

7. The first mobile phone was capable of a _____ minute talk


8. However, it took _____ hours to charge.

9. Which country is the fastest-growing application market in
Southeast Asia?
10. Give 1 role played by television in our daily lives.
11. Give 1 role played by mobile phone in our daily lives.
12. Give 1 role played by computer in our daily lives.
13. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s
“Service Robotics Innovation Lead Initiative,” sponsored a
collaborative project all about robotics that is called ______.
14-15. Give two dilemmas faced by technological
Enumerate at least 3 instances where technology and humanity cross.
1.Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really a

2. How do you reconcile the “need” for technology and the dilemma/s it

3. Should there be an ethics of technology? Why

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