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Discourse Analysis


• In this lesson, learners will learn what discourse analysis refers to and
the importance of a text related to particular instances.
• Even a small detail is crucial to understand the meaning of a text.
• We can find the meanings through discourse.
• What is a discourse?
• “Actual instances of communicative action in the medium of
eg: at home
with friends
at a supermarket
Discourse analysis process

Text Hearer

• Everything that is written or spoken by the speaker is “text”.

• Discourse analysis is the process of understanding a text by paying attention to

everything that gives meaning to the “text”.
• Discourse is anything which gives meaning to the text.
( time, context etc )

Eg: “Do you like it?”

• Do you like it? it?

• So everything that gives meaning to a particular text is a discourse.

• This is discourse analysis
The main use of discourse
• We can find the right meaning as the intention of the speaker
• Text is important.
• Text is the object of discourse analysis
• It is classified into 2 parts

1. Spoken 2. Written
Find the correct answer using the discourses given
• Situation 01
Person A: Do you want me to buy this?
Person B : Yes mama I love chocolates

* Who is ‘Person A’ most likely to be?

i. a postman
ii. a cashier
iii. a mother
iv. a girl
• Situation 02)
Person A: how much are these beautiful flowers?
Person B: one bunch costs 10 dollars.

* Where does this conversation probably take place?

i. in a garden
ii. at a grocery store
iii. at a school
iv. at a florist shop
More exercises
1) Find the discourses and analyze


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