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Online Application
Name: Chazze Marie L. Grana, BSN 2B Day & Time: Monday (9:00 – 12:00 nn)
Instructor: John Mark Veno Subject: Living in the IT ERA
Online application software, also
known as web applications are operated directly
through web browsers, eliminating the need for
downloads or installations. Can be accessed
through different web browsers and on any device
with an internet connection.
A web application software is a
software programme which is stored on the Server
and accessed via a web browser. A more technical
definition – ‘A software programme which is
developed using web technologies and accessed
via a web browser is called a web application’.
Any software that can be accessed via a
web browser can be called a ‘web application’.
Sometimes, the term ‘Web App’ is used to describe
a different type of web application which is
developed to run on a mobile platform.
How it works
Once you open your web browser and enter a web link,
your browser sends a request to a web server (a remote
The server is a computer that hosts and runs the software
you want to use. Once the server has received your request, it
will process it, gather the needed information from the database,
execute the needed business logic, format the data then send a
response back to your web browser.
Server Side
The server side is the engine room of a web application. It receives and processes user
requests from their browsers. This involves tasks like:
• Accessing databases
• Applying business logic
• Retrieving resources
The server generates responses, typically in formats like HTML or JSON, and sends
them back to the user’s browser. Additionally, it manages critical functions like data storage,
user authentication, and security.
The server-side processes ensure the web app runs smoothly and securely while users
interact with it through their browsers.
Client side
On the client side, web application software can be either server or client-
rendered. When you interact with a server-rendered web app, your browser
sends request to a server
• The server processes these requests and sends back data, often in the
form of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
• Your browser interprets these files, rendering the web app’s interface on
your screen.
• As you interact with the app, your browser continuously exchanges data
with the server to keep the experience dynamic.
How it works: Client Side
Client-rendered apps, on the other hand, are full-fledged JS applications (built in
React, Angular, Vue, or similar). These apps are running in a browser and get only the data
from the server (in the form of JSON or XML). The process of client-side rendered
applications is the following:
• The user opens a website.
• The server gets this request and sends the full client-side application to the browser.
• The browser then runs this application and displays it to the user.
• At that point, going forward, the client-side application only requests data from the server and
then displays that data to the user.
Social Media Management Applications
Enable businesses to connect and engage on social media via multiple contact channels.

Ecommerce applications
Make it possible for individuals to sell and purchase goods and services digitally, Shopify is
one popular platform.

Content Management Systems

Are designed to store and manage website content in a database while allowing users to edit,
create, and publish content.

Multi Page Applications

Include blog sires, forums, and online shops. They are composed of a massive amount of
data which, when updated or changed, leads to the creation of a new page.
Develop once run anywhere
The client-server architecture of the web application allows the
web application developer to develop the web application (once) and
allow any user (with access to a web browser – which is pre installed on
every computer and smartphone) to access it from anywhere.

Easy to upgrade
When compared to other types of software applications, software
developed as web applications are way easy to upgrade. This is
because, the server, where all the programming code is stored is the
only place where the upgrade needs to be applied.
Standards and Maintenance
Software developed as a web application by reputed companies
and developers follows well-defined, mature industry standards and
best practices. Also, because of a wide user base of developers and
users. This results in lower maintenance costs and allows the older
web application to be compatible with newer versions of software.

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