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Cours d’anglais

Les classes Master

21 Décembre 2020
Adjectives ending in -ED and -ING:
Grammar notes
• An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. It gives a specific
description and quality of what is named. Examples: He is an intelligent
man. Dogs are faithful animals. Life is unfair. Food is tasty.
• Adjectives that end in –ING describe the characteristic of a person, a
thing or situation. Examples: The latest news about Covid 19 mutation
is frightening. The economic situation around the world is worrying.
This book is interesting.
• Adjectives that end in –ED describe a feeling, an emotion, basically it
describes how we feel about something. Examples: She is bored. It
means that this is how she feels right now; it is a temporary feeling. I
am annoyed because the neighbours make a lot of noise.
• Everyone watches Piero at parties because he is just an astonishing
dancer. (astonish)
• We were quite puzzled by the attitude of the other employees.
• It is very motivating to learn how to skii. You feel free! (motivate)
• Anna looked really worried when she left the hospital. (worry)
• This video is not as amusing as you said it was. (amuse)
• We were pretty exhausted as we reached the top of the mountain.

• I find English grammar a bit confusing. (confuse)

• In this area people are too frightened to go out at night. (frighten)
• They hate waking up early. They think it is so tiring. (tired)
• I’m watching the World Cup final. I’m so excited! (excite)
• Going for a run daily can become quite exhausting ! (exhaust)
• The news on television is too depressing, I can’t watch it. (depress)
• My parents find it relaxing to travel to the countryside. (relax)
• They felt humiliated when they lost the game. (humiliate)
Adjective + noun collocation
• A collocation is a pair or group of words that habitually appear
• Adjectives and nouns can have a particular collocation to convey a
specific meaning.
• Form: We form adjective and noun collocation by putting adjectives
before nouns. Examples:
• A preconceived idea is an opinion formed beforehand without
adequate evidence.
• It made a refreshing change to see him in a suit rather than in jeans.
• The government has announced plans to make significant changes to
the tax system next year.
• This mode of teaching has allowed a more positive interaction
between lecturers and students.
• The money she earned brought about a considerable change in her
harsh circumstances.
• His betrayal has caused irreparable damage to their relationship.
• She could never walk because of her internal injury.
• The pace of political change has been rapid and satisfactory.

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