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Scenes for recording and Shot Lists

Key: Shot lists Colour Description Scene 1: Lara lying fully clothed in black in a bath full of water (crying)- side camera and birds eye view as she goes under water. Scene 2: Lara dancing calmly and happily in white clothing.- medium shot (Flashbacks in between: in black and white of them happy together)- medium shot Scene 3: taking pictures with each other (black and white)- medium close up Scene 4: Cuddling each other (black and white)- close up Scene 5: Lara dancing calmly and happily in white clothing. (black and white) medium shot Scene 6: him picking her up and her laughing (black and white) medium close up Scene 7: holding hands and walking dog (black and white) long shot Scene 8: Lara dancing fiercely and with power showing anger in black clothing.medium shot (Flashbacks in between: in colour of them arguing and fighting)- medium close up Scene 9: shouting at each other (black and white)- close up Scene 10: her pushing him off her trying to cuddle her (black and white)-close up of her arms and his arms Scene 11: Lara dancing fiercely and with power showing anger in black clothing.- medium shot Scene 12: Driving in the car in silence, Lara looking out the window. In colour medium close up (Flashbacks in between: in black and white of them happy together) Scene 13: Lara starts shouting at George (black and white) close up Scene 14: Lara dancing fiercely and with power showing anger in black clothing.

Scene 15: Liam pulls over angrily and gets out the car - long shot Scene 16: Lara sees George in a caf with Demi as she walks past- long shot Scene 17: Lara walks a bit further out of his sight, then texts George asking if he wants to meet round hers for dinner. Because she misses him (Camera shows the phone with the message) - medium shot and then into a close up of the phone Scene 18: Liam receives the text whilst in the caf and replies saying yes. Scene 19: George and Demi walk out the caf laughing and joking around, George puts his arm round demi. Scene 20: Cuts to Lara picking up a photo frame, looks at it for a few seconds and then smashes it on the floor. - medium shot then close up of the photo smashes on floor Scene 21: Lara sitting in front of the mirror crying. - Camera recording through the mirror Scene 22: Lara receives another text from George saying he will be round in 30mins (message says- love you at the end). Scene 23: Lara covers her tears with makeup and gets ready. Scene 24: Cuts to Lara opening the door to George with flowers. George pulls laras arm to hug her.- medium shot Scene 25: Over the shoulder close up of laras face looking smug. over the shoulder close up. Scene 26: Medium shot of George sitting down on the sofa and in the background Lara walking into the kitchen.- medium shot Scene 27: Close up of a tablet dissolving in a cup of water. close up Scene 28: Lara walking into the front room from the kitchen with the glass in her hand. medium shot Scene 29: A medium shot of Lara giving the glass over to George and him reaching out his hand to grab it.- medium shot Scene 30: Close up of arm dropped off the sofa. close up of arm Scene 31: Lara at graveyard over the shoulder shot and a close up of the graveyard

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