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plants, and weeds and lying contimially in water

makes it foft and cafy to be cut thrff vAth a florp
peat.fpade. The colour is of blackilla brown
and if it be chewed between ti3C toall a O foft, and
has no gritty marter in it, which the dob has. It O
indeed of a different confillence in different places,
those being loiter, and Mane firmer and harder
which may perhaps athe nom the different forts of
trees it is compofed of.
To get at the peat, they firff dig up the furface of
the ground rill they come to the clob, throwing the
earth into the nnpty pits, from which they have
already cut out the peat : they then dig up the club,
and either kll it to the poor for firing, or lay It in hops,
to burn to allies, to be fold on the farmers: Then they
on out the true peat, with peculiar kind of fpade,
in king pieces, vulgarly called long (quarts, about
three inches and a half bread every way, end four
Met long, if the thicknefs of the peat wall alluw that
length: snd as they cut it Oa in long pieces, they
lay them in a regular order carefully, in rows upon
the ground, to he dried by the fun and wind. If
dm peat be thick, when they have cur one length of
the thade for foam diftance, they return again, and
COS down another length of it (or four feet), and fo
on, till they reach the gravelly bottom, if they can
finfaciently drain it of the water, which continually
comes in, tho' proper perfons are employed to pump
out as much of the water as they can all the time.
As thc pcat dries, and n turned by perfons appointed
for that partook, to dry it the better, n breaks into
(mann lengths, and then it ferns not only the poor a
but mahy other perfons, for firing, and givcs a yood

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